Almaz Braev - Autocracy vs. fake

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Autocracy vs. fake: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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The author is not against democracy. Just-auto believes that the traditional people it is contraindicated, all at once. All at once, it will just lead to irreversible tragic consequences. And in portions, dosed together with the change of generations, everything is possible. Moreover, they want it so much, but who?

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Autocracy vs. fake

Almaz Braev

© Almaz Braev, 2022

ISBN 978-5-0051-8362-0

Created with Ridero smart publishing system



There is a direct dependence of population multiplication on the essence of the ruler. Traditional peoples grow in number under a strong ruler. Traditional people wait for a hard, strict hand, as children wait for an authoritative father. Just as if the family had a strict father. The steppe bore fruit under dictators, and under Democrats, it would collapse into internecine strife and cease to multiply.

We are a traditional people. We need guarantees of order. We need an authoritative leader.

If your people are not ready for democracy, then maintain the existing order.

The Republic of Kazakhstan should have strict Executive power.

Today, even the corrupt authorities fulfill this task. Here the question is, what is not corruption in the East? And what is good for the East, and what is bad for the West? Replacing corrupt Eastern officials with other Eastern “non-corrupt” ones will do nothing. Revolutionaries and new officials will also turn into corrupt officials after a while because they have relatives. And Eastern culture reproduces hierarchy all the time. This is why all the CIS republics have received traditionalists in power since 1991, even if these traditionalists always talk about their commitment to democratic values and open society in the future. All these people were born in the East anyway. For traditionalists who are born in the East, first, their personal status and… of course, wealth are important. If the people are 90% traditionalists, even to some extent literate and educated, every next traditionalist in power will inevitably think about their status and wealth. Thus, replacing the humble corrupt officials with the noisy patriots will also do nothing. The Republic of Kazakhstan should have a strong Executive power. Even the so-called dishonest Executive power is better than the Maidan. Although in an exceptional case, it is better to be honest, of course. But this must be earned. “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”.

Chapter I

East without sun

“East is East and West is West and they can’t come together”

R. Kipling

Steppe Eurasia will never be liberal because the main occupation of nomads is nomadism and the struggle (war) for new nomads earth. But not trade. This has been the case for centuries, at any rate. This is culture. The European model that attracts our young bourgeoisie through the soft power and influence of Europe was formed at least two centuries ago, very far from the steppe expanses. After at least eight generations of social and cultural evolution, Europeans have become today’s Europeans.

Is this why our bourgeoisie is evil, greedy, insatiable, self-satisfied, vain, wild, and ostentatious? Because it’s first—generation? This applies to everyone, from top to bottom, from oligarchs to hawkers. Almost totally. Even the rules of decency were instilled not by Europeans but by Soviet institutions of culture and education. That is why it is unclear who is trading, what is trading, and why. It’s clear why. The rest is ostentation and imitation, imitation and ostentation, other monkey antics about democracy on the highest and lowest branches of the system it shows our complexes more than self-respect. What’s the first thing needs us, if not self-respect? (Don’t tell me that self-respect can be achieved only by dressing up in tailcoats or, conversely, in folk dressing gowns on holidays, or even by changing from a Russian Lada to a German Mercedes).

Liberalism passed quickly, but only as an economic scheme when it was necessary to register the inheritance and property of the USSR. All infrastructure and resources should be privatized and taken into their hands. Here, the market certainly helped to do this. There is nothing further to imitate. The government put everything in the hands of tame oligarchs and got rich. Only the demagoguery and groups of human rights defenders played in democracy. As soon as there were not enough distribution resources, conflicts immediately arose at the very top (or will inevitably arise – A. B.) At the top got rid of the disgraced oligarchs. All the opposition members are former high-ranking officials. Now the funds of distribution and liberalism (and therefore freedom) have shrunk even more. There was nothing more to divide and sell generally. That is why everywhere in the former Soviet Union, there were shouts and resistance from small opposition groups, shouts of small-scale oppositionists. Overturned oligarchs hired unemployed people, among whom there were outright psychos. The overturned oligarchs showed the whole world how the police persecuted and even beat these unfortunate people. Democracy is being beaten! In fact, they were deeply indifferent to the fate of these people. The main thing was to portray their former colleague as a radical autocrat.

Therefore, the next station is a selection from “corrupt officials” the money and transfer to their “oppositionists”, and in another way, it means Maidan?

Here again, the East will take its course, and other clans of no less, and perhaps more greedy parasites will appear. No Eastern person in the liberal trend will be a citizen, except for the status of the very first parasite. This must be remembered. In any case, this is what these “oppositionists” will say about him. This is not just our upbringing, but our culture, and who did not have time, then immediately – the oppositionist, just an Allergy to freedom for all Eastern people – manifests itself in this way. The more they talk about freedom in the steppe, the wider and thicker the noose around the neck of all other unfree people. Because we are incapable of democracy right away, Revcon suggests that we prepare for at least a limited treaty model. Revcon will prepare people for the Treaty-based on Eastern interests. Revcon will train a leader who everyone will imitate, including people infected with easy money from the first stream (the bourgeoisie). If there is no long-term urbanization in terms of trade, then the population will only imitate the idol. There is no real leader yet. Let’s draw together this desired leader.

Chapter II

What is our strength

Is our strength in our cultural squalor?

Part 1. External signs of conservatism

Why there is no democracy in a post-traditional society. Why can't build a democracy.

Because traditional people live in a traditional society. There is:

1. Fight for a place. In the traditional world, you need to fight for a place of grace.

Because in a traditional society, the main task is to get out in the people, take the place of honor and hold on to the place of honor as long as possible.

Indirect signs of this behavior.

No boss or VIP person wants to free up space in the chief’s chair in any way. From the outside, this can be seen well to the point of surprise. As in such a society, the entire nation ages along with a certain group of elites. If this is a chief, then the time is determined by the era of this leader. Together with the leader, the same politicians (whom the leader has designated as “politicians”) age long and persistently and do not want to resign. The same public figures loom playing and do not disconnect from the public. The same writers write books about the leader and his politicians. The same announcers report what politicians did today, what politicians did yesterday, and what they will do again – usually in bright colors. Or what the court poets write, what court composers play marches, what part of the unearthly origin was found on the leader’s body by the same philosophers.

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