Paul McFedries - Windows 10 Portable Genius

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Windows 10 Portable Genius: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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no-fluff, fast-paced guide to everything Windows 10
This handy, jargon-free guide is designed to help you quickly learn whatever you need to know about Windows 10. Perfect for novices and experienced users alike, you’ll get tips, tricks, and savvy advice on how to install programs, set up user accounts, play music and other media files, download photos from your digital camera, go online, set up and secure an email account, and much, much more. 
Shows how to perform more than 150 Windows tasks, including working with files, digital images, and media; customizing Windows; optimizing performance; and sharing a computer with multiple users Covers installing and repairing applications, system maintenance, setting up password-protected accounts, downloading photos to your computer, and staying safe online With concise, easy-to-follow instructions, and its small, portable size, this is the ideal, on-the-go guide for Windows 10 users everywhere.

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Copyright 2021 by John Wiley Sons Inc Indianapolis Indiana Published - фото 1

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ISBN: 978-1-119-76357-4

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About the Author

Paul McFedries is a technical writer who has been authoring computer books since 1991 and has nearly 100 books to his credit. Paul’s books have sold more than four million copies worldwide. These books include the Wiley titles Teach Yourself VISUALLY Windows 10, Third Edition, G Suite For Dummies, iPhone Portable Genius, Sixth Edition, and iPad Portable Genius, Fourth Edition. You can visit Paul on the web at or on Twitter at .


The only thing more fun than using Windows is writing a book about it! That’s particularly true for an interesting project such as this book, which was made all the more pleasant by the great people I got to work with. They include Associate Publisher Jim Minatel, who was kind enough to ask me to write the book; Project Editor Kezia Endsley, whose just-so suggestions and penetrating questions made this a better book; Copy Editor Kim Cofer, whose eagle-eye for all things ungrammatical made me look like a better writer than I am; and Technical Editor Vince Averello, whose knowledge of the Windows world is nothing short of amazing. Many thanks to all of you for outstanding work on this project.

Windows® 10 Portable Genius

Table of Contents

1 Cover

2 Title Page

3 Copyright

4 About the Author

5 Acknowledgments

6 Introduction

7 Chapter 1: How Do I Customize Windows? Working with Settings Customizing the Start Menu Customizing the Taskbar Customizing the Lock Screen Extending Your Desktop with Multiple Monitors Setting Up Multiple Desktops

8 Chapter 2: How Can I Make the Most of Surfing the Web? Taking Advantage of Tabs Saving Your Favorite Pages Customizing Edge

9 Chapter 3: How Do I Maximize Sending and Receiving Email? Managing Mail Accounts Setting Options for Incoming Messages Setting Send Options

10 Chapter 4: Can I Use Windows to Manage Contacts and Appointments? Managing Your Contacts Tracking Your Events

11 Chapter 5: What Other Day-to-Day Tasks Can I Perform? Finding Stuff on Your PC Configuring the Cortana Voice Assistant Making Video Calls Working with Maps Checking the Weather

12 Chapter 6: How Do I Max Out the Windows Image Tools? Getting Images into Your PC Viewing Your Images Enhancing Your Images Repairing Your Images

13 Chapter 7: Can I Share My Computer? Sharing Your PC via User Accounts Sharing Your PC with a Child Sharing PC Resources

14 Chapter 8: How Can I Get More from a Tablet PC? Working in Tablet Mode Controlling Windows with Gestures Inputting Text with the Touch Keyboard Setting Power and Battery Options

15 Chapter 9: How Do I Work with Documents? Editing Documents Taking Notes with OneNote Working with Files

16 Chapter 10: What Are Some Ways to Enhance PC Security? Enhancing Sign-In Security Locking Your PC to Prevent Others from Using It Enhancing Your Privacy

17 Chapter 11: How Do I Increase Internet Privacy and Security? Making the Web More Secure Making the Web More Private Enhancing Email Security and Privacy

18 Chapter 12: How Do I Maintain Windows? Performing a Few Maintenance Chores Safeguarding Your Files Using the Windows Recovery Environment Working with a Recovery Drive Working with Restore Points

19 Index

20 End User License Agreement

List of Illustrations

1 Chapter 1 1.1 The Home screen of the Settings app. 1.2 When you open a category, click a subcategory on the left to see its settings on... 1.3 For many Windows apps, click Settings (the gear icon) to access the app’s ... 1.4 You can create groups to organize your Start menu apps. 1.5 Use the Start screen settings to personalize your Start menu. 1.6 Use the Taskbar screen to customize your taskbar. 1.7 The taskbar’s notification area. 1.8 Use the Select Which Icons Appear on the Taskbar screen to configure your notifi... 1.9 Use the Turn System Icons On or Off screen to toggle the display of system icons... 1.10 Use the Lock Screen settings to change the background image you see when you loc... 1.11 Use the Multiple Displays list to choose Extend These Displays. 1.12 In the Task View screen, your desktops appear at the top, named Desktop 1, Deskt... 1.13 In the Task View screen, hover the mouse pointer over a desktop to see thumbnail...

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