GENERAL DESCRIPTIONA tall, graceful evergreen tree up to 20 metres high, with a tapering trunk and numerous branches giving the tree an overall shape of a perfect cone. It forms blisters of oleoresin (the so-called ‘balsam’) on the trunk and branches, produced from special vesicles beneath the bark. The tree does not produce a ‘true’ balsam, since it does not contain benzoic or cinnamic acid in its esters; it is really an oleoresin, being a mixture of resin and essential oil.
DISTRIBUTIONNative to North America, particularly Quebec, Nova Scotia and Maine.
OTHER SPECIESThe hemlock spruce ( Tsuga canadensis ) also yields an exudation sold under the name of ‘Canada balsam’. There are also many other species of fir which produce oils from their needles – see entry on silver firand Botanical Classificationsection. NB: Not to be confused with the genuine balsam of Gilead ( Commiphora opabalsamum ), of ancient repute.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITIONThe oleoresin is used extensively by the American Indians for ritual purposes and as an external treatment for burns, sores, cuts and to relieve heart and chest pains. It is also used internally for coughs.
ACTIONSAntiseptic (genito-urinary, pulmonary), antitussive, astringent, cicatrisant, diuretic, expectorant, purgative, regulatory, sedative (nerve), tonic, vulnerary.
EXTRACTION1. The oleoresin is collected by punturing vesicles in the bark. 2. An essential oil is produced by steam distillation from the oleoresin, known as Canada balsam or Canada turpentine. (An essential oil is also produced by steam distillation from the leaf or needles, known as fir needle oil.)
CHARACTERISTICS1. The oleoresin is a thick pale yellow or green honeylike mass which dries to crystal clear varnish, with a fresh sweet balsamic, almost fruity odour. 2. A colourless mobile liquid with a sweet, soft-balsamic, pinelike scent. It blends well with pine, cedarwood, cypress, sandalwood, juniper, benzoin and other balsams.
PRINCIPAL CONSTITUENTSConsists almost entirely of monoterpenes, pinene, phellandrene, esters and alcohols.
SAFETY DATAGenerally non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing. ‘In large doses it is purgative and may cause nausea.’ 4
Skin Care : Burns, cuts, haemorrhoids, wounds.
Respiratory System : Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, chronic coughs, sore throat.
Genito-Urinary System : Cystitis, genito-urinary infections.
Nervous System : Depression, nervous tension, stress-related conditions – described as ‘appeasing, sedative, elevating, grounding, opening’. 5
OTHER USESThe oil from the oleoresin is used in certain ointments and creams as an antiseptic and treatment for haemorrhoids. Used in dentistry as an ingredient in root canal sealers. Also used as a fixative or fragrance component in soaps, detergents, cosmetics and perfurmes. There is some low-level use in food products, alcoholic and soft drinks. The oleoresin is used as a medium in microscopy and as a cement in glassware.
Copaifera officinalis
FAMILYFabaceae (Leguminosae)
SYNONYMSCopahu balsam, copaiba, copaiva, Jesuit’s balsam, Maracaibo balsam, para balsam.
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONWild-growing tropical tree up to 18 metres high, with thick foliage and many branches. The natural oleoresin occurs as a physiological product from various Copaifera species. Not a ‘true’ balsam.
DISTRIBUTIONNative to north east and central South America. Mainly produced in Brazil; also Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam and Colombia.
OTHER SPECIESSeveral Copaifera speices yield an oleoresin: the Venezuelan type ‘Maracaibo balsam’ has a low oil content, the Brazilian type ‘para balsam’ has a high oil content. See also Botanical Classificationsection.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITIONUsed for centuries in Europe in the treatment of chronic cystitis and bronchitis; also for treating piles, chronic diarrhoea and intestinal problems.
ACTIONSBatericidal, balsamic, disinfectant, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant.
EXTRACTION1. The crude balsam is collected by drilling holes into the tree trunks; it is one of the most plentiful naturally occurring perfume materials. 2. An essential oil is obtained by dry distillation from the crude balsam. It is mainly the ‘para balsams’ with a high oil content (60–80 per cent), which are used for distillation.
CHARACTERISTICS1. The crude balsam is a viscous, yellowy-brown or greenish-grey liquid which hardens upon exposure to air with a mild, woody, slightly spicy odour. It blends well with styrax, amyris, lavandin, cedarwood, lavender, oakmoss, woods and spices. 2. The oil is a pale yellow or greenish mobile liquid with a mild, sweet, balsamic-peppery odour. It blends well with cananga, ylang ylang, vanilla, jasmine, violet and other florals.
SAFETY DATARelatively non-toxic, non-irritant, possible sensitization. Large doses cause vomiting and diarrhoea.
Respiratory System : Bronchitis, chills, colds, coughs, etc.
Genito-Rinary System : Cystitis.
Nervous System : Stress-related conditons.
OTHER USESThe oleoresin is used in pharmaceutical products especially cough medicines and iuretics. The oil and crude balsam are extensively used as a fixative and fragrance component in all types of perfumes, soaps, cosmetics and detergents. The crude is also used in porcelain painting.
Myroxylon balsamum var. pereirae
FAMILYFabaceae (Leguminosae)
SYNONYMS Toluifera pereira, Myrosperum pereira, Myroxylon pereirae , Peruvian balsam, Indian balsam, black balsam.
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONA large tropical tree up to 25 metres high, with a straight smooth trunk, beautiful foliage and very fragrant flowers. Every part of the tree contains a reinous juice, including the fibrous fruit. The balsam is a pathological product, obtained from the exposed lacerated wood, after strips of the bark have been removed. It is a ‘true’ balsam, which is collected in the form of a dark brown or amber semi-solid mass.
DISTRIBUTIONNative to Central America; production mainly takes place in San Salvador.
OTHER SPECIES Myroxylon frutescens and guina-guina are close relations, as well as Tolu balsam.
HERBAL/FOLK TRADITIONIt stimulates the heart, increases blood pressure, and lessens mucous secretions; useful for respiratory disorders such as asthma, chronic coughs and bronchitis. Traditionally employed for rheumatic pain and skin problems including scabies, nappy rash, bedsores, prurigo, eczema, sore nipples and wounds; it also destroys the itch acarus and its eggs.
ACTIONSAnti-inflammatory, antiseptic, balsamic, expectorant, parasiticide, stimulant; promotes the growth of epithelial cells.
EXTRACTIONA resin-free essential oil is produced from the crude balsam by high vacuum dry distillation. (A wood oil is also produced by steam distillation from the wood chippings, which is considered of inferior quality. A white balsam called ‘myroxocarpin’ is made from the fruit, and an extract called ‘balsamito’ from the young fruit.)
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