1 Cover
2 IEEE Press IEEE Press 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854 IEEE Press Editorial Board Ekram Hossain, Editor in Chief Jón Atli BenediktssonXiaoou LiSaeid NahavandiSarah Spurgeon David Alan GrierPeter LianJeffrey ReedAhmet Murat Tekalp Elya B. JoffeAndreas MolischDiomidis Spinellis
3 Title Page Electromagnetic Metasurfaces Theory and Applications Karim Achouri École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Lausanne, Switzerland Christophe Caloz KU Leuven Leuven, Belgium
4 Copyright
5 Preface
6 1 Introduction 1.1 Metamaterials 1.2 Emergence of Metasurfaces Note
7 2 Electromagnetic Properties of Materials 2.1 Bianisotropic Constitutive Relations 2.2 Temporal Dispersion 2.3 Spatial Dispersion 2.4 Lorentz Reciprocity Theorem 2.5 Poynting Theorem 2.6 Energy Conservation in Lossless–Gainless Systems 2.7 Classification of Bianisotropic Media Notes
8 3 Metasurface Modeling 3.1 Effective Homogeneity 3.2 Effective Zero Thickness 3.3 Sheet Boundary Conditions Notes
9 4 Susceptibility Synthesis 4.1 Linear Time-Invariant Metasurfaces 4.2 Time-Varying Metasurfaces 4.3 Nonlinear Metasurfaces Notes
10 5 Scattered Field Computation 5.1 Fourier-Based Propagation Method 5.2 Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain Method 5.3 Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method 5.4 Spectral-Domain Integral Equation Method Notes
11 6 Practical Implementation 6.1 General Implementation Procedure 6.2 Basic Strategies for Full-Phase Coverage 6.3 Full-Phase Coverage with Perfect Matching 6.4 Effects of Symmetry Breaking Notes
12 7 Applications 7.1 Angle-Independent Transformation 7.2 Perfect Matching 7.3 Generalized Refraction Notes
13 8 Conclusions
14 9 Appendix 9.1 Approximation of Average Fields at an Interface 9.2 Fields Radiated by a Sheet of Dipole Moments 9.3 Relations Between Susceptibilities and Polarizabilities
15 ReferencesReferences
16 Index
17 End User License Agreement
1 Chapter 2 Table 2.1 Plasma frequency
(corresponding wavelength) and damping
for thre... Table 2.2 Conditions for a medium to be gainless and lossless in addition to ... Table 2.3 Classification of bianisotropic media [148].
2 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Dispersion relations of birefringent metasurfaces.Table 4.2 Dispersion relations for omega-type metasurfaces.
3 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Geometrical dimensions (in mm) of a three-layer unit cell like the ...Table 6.2 Symmetry relationships between angular scattering and unit cell str...
4 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Geometrical dimensions (in mm) of the optimized two-layer dog-bone ...
1 Chapter 1 Figure 1.1 Examples of two-dimensional waves manipulating structures [2]. (a...
2 Chapter 2 Figure 2.1 Classification of (bianisotropic) metamaterials in terms of their... Figure 2.2 Dispersive response of the electric susceptibility of a resonant ... Figure 2.3 Experimental dispersion curves of the permittivity of silver, gol... Figure 2.4 Normal scattering by a bianisotropic slab sandwiched between two ...
3 Chapter 3 Figure 3.1 1D periodic array of period
. Figure 3.2 Scattering by a subwavelengthly thick grating of period
. The me... Figure 3.3 Three level of metasurface modeling. (a) Generic metasurface made...Figure 3.4 Comparison between the surface and volume models of a metasurface...Figure 3.5 Electric and magnetic current densities,
, on a surface
...Figure 3.6 Curved metasurface with integration pillbox and corresponding sys...
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Illustrations of the application of the Huygens principle and its...Figure 4.2 Illustration of the Kerker effect. An electric dipole,
, and a m...Figure 4.3 Surface wave propagating on a metasurface sandwiched between two ...Figure 4.4 Simulated real part of
for surface waves, with (a) symmetric an...Figure 4.5 Dispersion of a 60 nm thick silver slab [3].Figure 4.6 The polarization of a normally incident plane wave, linearly pola...Figure 4.7 Illustration of the two specified transformations. (a) The normal...Figure 4.8 COMSOL simulated absolute value of the total electric field (V/m)...Figure 4.9 COMSOL simulated absolute value of the total electric field (V/m)...Figure 4.10 Multiple scattering from a uniform reflectionless bianisotropic ...Figure 4.11 Reflection (dashed line) and transmission (solid line) amplitude...Figure 4.12 Transmission amplitude (a) and phase (b) as functions of the inc...
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 2D metasurface focalizing a normally incident plane wave at a poi...Figure 5.2 Approximate fields scattered by the metasurface when illuminated ...Figure 5.3 FDFD computational domain.Figure 5.4 FDFD 2D computational domain with a metasurface lying in-between ...Figure 5.5 FDFD simulations of the fields scattered by a metasurface illumin...Figure 5.6 2D FDTD grid.Figure 5.7 FDTD simulated
of a time-varying absorbing metasurface [166].Figure 5.8 FDTD simulated
s of a dispersive metasurface with the susc...Figure 5.9 Electric and magnetic susceptibilities of the polychromatic focus...Figure 5.10 Amplitude of the reflected and transmitted fields scattered by t...Figure 5.11 Amplitude of the reflected and transmitted fields scattered by t...
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Full-wave simulation setup showing a metasurface unit cell with a...Figure 6.2 Simple metasurface scattering particle consisting of a thin metal...Figure 6.3 Reflection and transmission coefficients for the structure in Fig...Figure 6.4 Real and imaginary parts of
for the structure in Figure 6...Figure 6.5 Simple metasurface scattering particle consisting of a thin metal...Figure 6.6 Reflection coefficients for the structure in Figure 6.5 with para...Figure 6.7 Real and imaginary parts of
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