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Robert Service: The Penguin History of Modern Russia

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Robert Service The Penguin History of Modern Russia
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Russia’s recent past has encompassed revolution, civil war, mass terror and two world wars, and the country is still undergoing huge change. In his acclaimed history, now updated to 2009, Robert Service provides a superb panoramic viewpoint on Russia, exploring the complex, changing interaction between rulers and ruled from Nicholas II, Lenin and Stalin through to Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Putin and beyond. This new edition also discusses Russia’s unresolved economic and social difficulties and its determination to regain its leading role on the world stage and explains how, despite the recent years of de-communization, the seven decades of communist rule which penetrated every aspect of life still continue to influence Russia today.

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Stalingrad ( formerly Tsaritsyn): in civil war, 198; in World War II, 265–6, 269

Stamenov, Ivan, 268

standard of living see living standards

standardization (of products), 192

Stankevich, Sergei, 520

‘Star Wars’ see Strategic Defence Initiative

Starkov, Vladislav, 479, 449

Starodubtsev, Vasili, 497, 499, 515

Starovoitova, Galina, 521

state, the: defined, 88; withering away theory, 239–40, 321; power of,

243–5; Stalin’s organization of, 322–4, 329–30; overcentralized, 330; popular suspicion of, 416

State Agro-Industrial Committee, 437

State Committee for the Agro-Industrial Complex ( Gosagroprom ), 440

State Committee of Defence (World War II), 262, 264

State Committee of the Emergency Situation (1991), 499–503, 515, 520

State Committee of Religious Affairs, 369

State Council: formed (1991), 502

State Duma (Russian Federation), see Duma

state economic ownership (nationalization), 79, 92, 94

State Enterprise, Law on the, 451–2, 460, 468, 470

State Planning Commission (Gosplan): Trotski supports, 151; and modification of NEP, 159; 1925 control figures, 160; Stalin intimidates, 175; and First Five-Year Plan, 179; and Khrushchëv’s reforms, 373; and Kosygin’s reforms, 379

statistical misinformation, 467

Stavropol Region, 435–7

Sten, Jan, 197

Stepashin, Sergei: becomes Prime Minister, 530, 545

Stolypin, Pëtr, 16–17, 21, 111

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT I and SALT II), 388, 399–400

Strategic Defence Initiative (‘Star Wars’), 432, 443–4, 446

strikes: pre-World War I, 9, 21; in World War I, 32, 38; Party proposes banning, 121; crushed by Politburo, 127; under NEP, 143; under Gorbachëv, 472, 494; and capitalism, 514, 542

Strugatski, Arkadi and Boris, 415

Strumilin, S.G., 171–2, 322

Sudakov, Guri, 544

Sudetenland, 231, 255

Suez crisis (1956), 343

suicide, 417

Sultan-Galiev, Mirza Said, 131

Sumgait, 457

Supreme Soviet: elections to, 240, 298, 475; convened after Stalin’s death, 331; supervisory and veto rights, 479; criticisms of Gorbachëv, 480; and economic crisis, 492

Suslov, Mikhail: career, 236; on Khrushchëv, 346; opposes Pasternak, 365; Khrushchëv encourages, 373; and ousting of Khrushchëv, 376–8; lacks ambition for leadership, 384; and succession to Brezhnev, 404, 426; censors scholars, 416; promotes ideology, 418–19; death, 426

Sverdlov University, Moscow, 141

Sverdlov, Yakov M.: supports Bolsheviks in power, 61, 74, 85; and 1917/18 peace agreement, 77–8; Jewishness, 85; administrative agreement with colleagues, 110–11; and central authority, 111

Sverdlovsk ( now Yekaterinburg), 107, 418, 504, 521

Sweden, 294

Syrtsov, Sergei, 170, 187

Szklarska Pore¸ba (Poland), 308

Tajikestan ( formerly Tajikistan), 131, 370, 422, 481–2, 506, 520, 535

Talyzin, Nikolai, 439

Tambov (Volga), 119, 124, 127

Tannenberg, Battle of (1914), 26

Tarkovski, Andrei, 415

Tarle, E.V., 200, 206

Tashkent: riots (1969), 390

Tatar Republic, 114

Tatars, 84, 114

Tatarstan: demands recognition of independence, 490, 521; welcomes putsch against Gorbachëv, 503; after communism, 539

taxation: in kind, 121, 124–5; on super-profits, 163; post-World War II, 304; and centralization under Yeltsin, 521

Tbilisi: 1989 demonstration and massacre, 473, 479

Tchaikovsky, Peter see Chaikovski, Pëtr

teachers, 191, 541

Tehran meeting (1943), 263, 269

television, 420

Tereshchenko, M.I., 57

terror, 107–8, 112, 116, 145, 185, 210, 216, 221–9, 231–2, 235, 244, 250, 275, 340, 342, 348, 381–3, 533, 567; see also purges

Thatcher, Margaret, 439, 444

Third World, 389, 398–9

Thorez, Maurice, 306

Tikhon, Patriarch, 54, 93–4, 135, 282

Tikhonov, Nikolai, 403–4, 422, 428, 434–5, 437, 439

Timashuk, Lidya, 324

timber, 4, 159

Tito, Josip Broz, 309–10, 332, 337, 340

Tizyakov, Alexander, 497, 499

Tobolsk, 54

Togliatti, Palmiro, 306, 339

Tojo, Hideki, 293

Tolmachev, V.N., 188

Tolstikov, V.S., 392

Tolstoy, Aleksei, 248–9

Tolstoy, Lev, 11, 17, 324

Tomski, Mikhail, 172, 176, 221

Torgsin organization, 193

torture: sanctioned in interrogation, 221

totalitarian theory, 235, 252

Toynbee, A., 536

tractors, 181

trade unions: set up in empire, 13; Party controversy over, 121–2; membership, 140; and labour movement, 144; Khrushchëv and, 361; holiday centres, 409–10, 421; under Yeltsin, 514; see also Free Trade Union Association

trading: private, 517, 525–6

Trans-Siberian railway, 4, 38, 103

Transcaucasian Commissariat, 83

Transcaucasian Federation, 133, 207

Transcaucasus: Soviet republics in, 114, 133; independence movements, 482; see also Caucasus

travel (abroad), 357–8, 410

Treaty on the Economic Commonwealth (1991), 506

Trotski, Lev: arrested (1905), 14; works with Bolsheviks (1917), 49; imprisoned (1917), 50, 105; and Lenin’s call for seizure of power, 59, 61; leads Red Guards, 65; forms government with Lenin, 66–7; cleverness, 72; supports Lenin, 74; negotiates peace at Brest-Litovsk, 76–7; revolutionary aims, 82; Jewishness, 85, 201; and civil war, 101, 106; and Czechoslovak Legion, 103; background and character, 104–6; denounces Lenin for split with Mensheviks, 104; organizes Red Army, 104–6, 112; in Petrograd soviet, 104–5; demands immediate socialism, 105; advocates terror, 107, 112; administrative agreement with colleagues, 110; antipathy to Stalin, 112; in Politburo, 112; proposes labour armies, 120; imposes tax-in-kind, 121; proposals on unions, 121–2; supports NEP, 125; and Church, 135; on writers, 138; opposes NEP, 150–52; Lenin seeks support from, 151; planning principles, 151, 154–7; Lenin criticizes in political testament, 152; disagreements with Lenin, 153; and succession to Lenin, 154–5; Party hostility to, 156–5; and stabilization of capital, 159; in United Opposition, 160–61, 164; suppressed, 161; attacks Politburo foreign policy, 162; expelled from Party and exiled, 162, 164; calls for higher industrial prices, 164; deported, 176; accused of spying (1935), 216; supporters purged and sentenced, 216, 223; contact with clandestine groups in Russia, 218; assassinated, 231; denounced, 238; Khrushchëv declines to rehabilitate, 341; The New Course , 156; Terrorism and Communism , 112

Trubetskoi, Nikolai, 128

Truman, Harry S., 272–3, 308, 312

Tsaritsyn see Stalingrad

Tsereteli, Irakli, 35–7, 49, 51

Tsushima, Battle of (1905), 14

Tsvetaeva, Marina, 248

Tukhachevski, Marshal Mikhail, 125, 127, 220, 240

Turgenev, Ivan, 11, 17

Turkestani Region, 115

Turkey: 1877–8 war with Russia, 1, 10; and Russian civil war, 102; wins provinces, 128; and Soviet Muslims, 133; in World War II, 258 ; US missile bases in, 374

Turkmenistan (and Turkmenia), 228, 490, 503, 506

Tuva, 521

Tvardovski, Alexander, 366

Tverdokhlebov, Andrei, 382

Typhoon, Operation (1941), 261

U-2 spy plane (US), 353

Uglanov, Nikolai, 172, 176

Ukraine: Russians in, 23, 520; Tsereteli proposed autonomy for, 37; Central Rada, 40–41, 49, 60, 75; Bolsheviks repress, 75; lost in 1918 peace agreement, 77–8, 84; 1917 grain production, 79; Lenin’s 1917 manifesto to, 83; land ownership in, 86; civil war in, 101; Soviet republic established, 107, 113, 114; collectivization, 109; Piłsudski invades, 120; status, 129; nationalism, 132, 367–8, 457–8; famine (1932–3), 184, 202, 207; education in, 190, 203; and collectivization, 202; repression in, 202–3; in World War II, 261, 264, 266–7, 269, 277, 283, 287, 339; post- World War II guerrillas in, 299; post-World War II deportations, 300; post-World War II famine, 304; post-World War II settlement, 306; Khrushchëv’s policy on, 367–8; dissenters tried (1965), 390; and Chernobyl disaster, 445; Gorbachëv visits, 456; independence movement, 481–2; non-cooperation with State Committee for the Emergency Situation, 503; referendum votes for independence (1991), 506–7; after communism, 535, 555, 570

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