Robot Modeling and Control
Second Edition
Mark W. Spong
Seth Hutchinson
M. Vidyasagar
This edition first published 2020
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
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John Wiley & Sons, Ltd (1e, 2006)
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Spong, Mark W, author. I Hutchinson, Seth, author. I Vidyasagar, M. (Mathukumalli), 1947- author.
Title: Robot modeling and control / Mark W Spong, Seth Hutchinson, and M. Vidyasagar.
Description: Second edition. I Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2020. I Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2019055413 (print) I LCCN 2019055414 (ebook) I ISBN 9781119523994 (hardback) I
ISBN 9781119524076 (adobe pdf) I ISBN 9781119524045 (epub)
Subjects: LCSH: Robots-Control systems. I Robots-Dynamics. I Robotics.
Classification: LCC TJ211.35 .S75 2020 (print) I LCC TJ211.35 (ebook) I DDC 629.8/92-dc23
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1 Cover
2 Preface:
3 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Mathematical Modeling of Robots 1.2 Robots as Mechanical Devices 1.3 Common Kinematic Arrangements 1.4 Outline of the Text Problems Notes and References Notes
4 Part I The Geometry of Robots Chapter 2 Rigid Motions 2.1 Representing Positions 2.2 Representing Rotations 2.3 Rotational Transformations 2.4 Composition of Rotations 2.5 Parameterizations of Rotations 2.6 Rigid Motions 2.7 Chapter Summary Problems Notes and References Notes Chapter 3 Forward Kinematics 3.1 Kinematic Chains 3.2 The Denavit–Hartenberg Convention 3.3 Examples 3.4 Chapter Summary Problems Notes and References Chapter 4 Velocity Kinematics 4.1 Angular Velocity: The Fixed Axis Case 4.2 Skew-Symmetric Matrices 4.3 Angular Velocity: The General Case 4.4 Addition of Angular Velocities 4.5 Linear Velocity of a Point Attached to a Moving Frame 4.6 Derivation of the Jacobian 4.7 The Tool Velocity 4.8 The Analytical Jacobian 4.9 Singularities 4.10 Static Force/Torque Relationships 4.11 Inverse Velocity and Acceleration 4.12 Manipulability 4.13 Chapter Summary Problems Notes and References Notes Chapter 5 Inverse Kinematics 5.1 The General Inverse Kinematics Problem 5.2 Kinematic Decoupling 5.3 Inverse Position: A Geometric Approach 5.4 Inverse Orientation 5.5 Numerical Inverse Kinematics 5.6 Chapter Summary Problems Notes and References
5 Part II Dynamics and Motion Planning Chapter 6 Dynamics 6.1 The Euler–Lagrange Equations 6.2 Kinetic and Potential Energy 6.3 Equations of Motion 6.4 Some Common Configurations 6.5 Properties of Robot Dynamic Equations 6.6 Newton–Euler Formulation 6.7 Chapter Summary Problems Notes and References Chapter 7 Path and Trajectory Planning 7.1 The Configuration Space 7.2 Path Planning for
7.3 Artificial Potential Fields 7.4 Sampling-Based Methods 7.5 Trajectory Planning 7.6 Chapter Summary Problems Notes and References Notes
6 Part III Control of Manipulators Chapter 8 Independent Joint Control 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Actuator Dynamics 8.3 Load Dynamics 8.4 Independent Joint Model 8.5 PID Control 8.6 Feedforward Control 8.7 Drive-Train Dynamics 8.8 State Space Design 8.9 Chapter Summary Problems Notes and References Notes Chapter 9 Nonlinear and Multivariable Control 9.1 Introduction 9.2 PD Control Revisited 9.3 Inverse Dynamics 9.4 Passivity-Based Control 9.5 Torque Optimization 9.6 Chapter Summary Problems Notes and References Notes Chapter 10 Force Control 10.1 Coordinate Frames and Constraints 10.2 Network Models and Impedance 10.3 Task Space Dynamics and Control 10.4 Chapter Summary Problems Notes and References Notes Chapter 11 Vision-Based Control 11.1 Design Considerations 11.2 Computer Vision for Vision-Based Control 11.3 Camera Motion and the Interaction Matrix 11.4 The Interaction Matrix for Point Features 11.5 Image-Based Control Laws 11.6 End Effector and Camera Motions 11.7 Partitioned Approaches 11.8 Motion Perceptibility 11.9 Summary Problems Notes and References Notes Chapter 12 Feedback Linearization 12.1 Background 12.2 Feedback Linearization 12.3 Single-Input Systems 12.4 Multi-Input Systems 12.5 Chapter Summary Problems Notes and References Notes
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