Dirk Eckart - Encourager

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Encourager: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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Private as well as business assets invested in serving the company, Christmas cards in summer and desired wages for the employees! Since 2001, a lot of crazy ideas have come from the two entrepreneurs Walter Stuber and Dirk Eckart which were often greeted with disbelief. However, their success has proven their merit!
In this book, the two «crazy managing directors» of Gemeinhardt Geruestbau Service GmbH in Rosswein/Saxony will explain why thinking outside of the box is so important, why failure can sometimes take you further than constant success, and how to become happy by being your own boss!
The title says it all: Encouraging people on their way to self-employment, independent of their age! BEWARE: This bit of literature could change how your thinking and put you on the path to success!

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Walter Stuber & Dirk Eckart


A practical guide by two

crazy entrepreneurs

German Library catalogs this publication in the German National Bibliography; detailed bibliographic information can be found on the Internet website www.d-nb.de.

Cover design and layout:

spoon design, Olaf Johannson and Daniel Eschner

Photos: Shutterstock.com, private

Publisher: Edition Wortschatz

© 2017 Dirk Eckart and Walter Stuber

Edition Wortschatz im Neufeld Verlag Cuxhaven

ISBN 978-3-943362-57-2

Reprints and reproduction, including excerpts are permitted only with the express permission of the authors.


It is by challenging ourselves that we grow Independent entrepreneurs wanted - фото 1 It is by challenging ourselves that we grow Independent entrepreneurs wanted - фото 2

It is by challenging ourselves that we grow!

Independent entrepreneurs wanted!

A preface by Dirk Eckart

The time is right for a motivational book for entrepreneurs and those who want to become one! Why? Because I have been noticing for quite some time that within secondary schools, universities and colleges, the focus has been toward future employees instead of future bosses.

Students are learning to write applications, but little to nothing about how to work out a business plan. You can also rarely find anything within the curriculum about to taking on responsibility for yourself as well as for the community!

Role models wanted!

Unfortunately, this dilemma can already be witnessed within ones own family! Children are always looking up to their parents and are mimicking them in many ways. How do we expect the younger generation to develop if they do not have any positive role models at home and can therefore not experience the drive or courage to tackle matters?

These young individuals will quite often follow a similar path which they are presented daily, and will have „no desire for anything“. What a shame! After all, there are surely many individuals among them who are bursting with talent!

A brave new adventure!

With this book, I would like to encourage you to become an independent entrepreneur. I want to show you how worth while it’s to challenge yourself and to try new things! It is by challenging ourselves that we grow! Failure is part of the process, but failure should never discourage!

Being independent does not just mean to lead a company, but also to be aware of your obligations, to be courageous, to make decisions and to stand by those decisions, and to live with their results!

In that sense I wish you all the courage you may need for your future!

I have gained so much experience and I want to pass it on Experience and - фото 3

I have gained so much experience and I want to pass it on.

Experience and expertise

A preface by Walter Stuber

“Up to the age of 50, we create so much crap which we can use as fertilizer for the company we found when we are 50 and then grow to be successful!” No more valid words have been spoken by economic journalist and seminar instructor Karl Pilsl. It’s like he took the words right out of my mouth!

I am not looking forward to retirement like others in their 50s, but instead I am burning to see what I can undertake in the upcoming years.

Just a few years back, I was certain that I would continue to work in the company that I founded. Today, I can easily see myself starting a whole new business, when my son, Ingolf, takes over my current position as the managing director. The possibilities are endless! I do not need to repeat some of the mistakes that I made in the past! I have gained so much experience, and I want to pass it on.

For young entrepreneurs and generation 50+

This book should encourage you to be your own boss without keeping the highs and lows a secret, give you tips on how to successfully bring about a great business idea with little capital, and clarify what it takes if you want to lead a company.

Therefore, we focus on young individuals as well as those of you who are 50 and older and would also like to try something new vocationally. Unfortunately, how much potential and expertise is waiting. Unknown, especially when “edlery peole” want to open new businesses and become independent.

Take responsibility

„What does humanity get out of it that I exist ?“, is a question Karl Pilsl always poses during his seminars. Especially businesses, regardless of age, have to ask themselves this question repeatedly and find the answer! Our society will need people in the future who take responsibility! Entrepreneurs do this day in and day out! What about you?

Dirk Eckart says THANKS

Thank you, Walter Stuber. You always believed in me; you gave me the armor I needed for my career and for kicking me in the keister often enough! I am thankful that I was able to realize my vocational life’s work together with you! I would also like to thank my family: my wife Ulrike, my daughter Suse, and my son Hannes. Without them, I would not be where I am today!

I especially want to thank you, Ulrike. You have supported me ever since I first decided to start at Gemeinhardt Geruestbau. You are manly responsible for raising our children to be good, honest, and valuable people. You have a talent for bringing me back down to earth when my head gets stuck in the clouds and for building me up again when I have failed or have been set back. I am so grateful that I have known you for 44 years now and that our relationship has been going strong for 33 years! You have the lion’s share in all of this! THANKS!


I owe a debt of gratitude to all of our faithful companions, employees and friends who have always cheered us on to keep moving forward!

Representing all of those who deserve our gratitude, we would like to say THANK YOU to Guido Uerschels, Reingard Poehnitzsch, Uwe Krahl, Thomas Gogolla, Jürgen Frey, Ruth Langer, René Brix and Sabine Langenbach.

Sadly, we cannot name everyone who has stood by our side over the years and provided us with advice and support. Still, be that as it may, please take this heartfelt thanks personally!

Walter Stuber says THANKS

Thank you so much my loving wife, Burgunda. You always had my back so that I could chase my vocation and as my hobby of being an “entrepreneur and networker”.

Thanks to my sons, Ingolfand Andy,as well as to my daughter Sindy.

Thank you, Dirk Eckart,that you not only believed in our joint success on good days but also on those bad ones! Special thanks go out to my sister Heidiand my brother-in-law Oswald Woehrwho are always praying for my family and my business.

My deepest gratitude goes to God, the father of Jesus Christ, my savior. He is the one who gives me the strength I need for my daily business life. I know that I will never fall deeper than in his arms!


Independent entrepreneurs wanted Experience and expertise Acknowledgments - фото 4

Independent entrepreneurs wanted!

Experience and expertise



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