Primera edición: febrero, 2022
© Curtis Bauer, 2019
Título original: American Selfie
© de la traducción: Natalia Carbajosa, 2022
Última lectura: Inés Sáenz
© Vaso Roto Ediciones, 2021
C/ Alcalá 85, 7º izda.
28009 Madrid
Grabado de cubierta: Víctor Ramírez
Queda rigurosamente prohibida, sin la autorización de los titulares del copyright , bajo las sanciones establecidas por las leyes, la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra por cualquier medio o procedimiento.
Impreso y gestionado por Bibliomanager
ISBN: 978-84-124844-3-4
eISBN: 978-84-124882-6-5
Depósito Legal: M-2556-2022
Curtis Bauer
for my family
of friends—you
know who you are
Para mi familia
de amigos: vosotros
sabéis quiénes sois
I I “The greatest hazard of all, losing one’s self, can occur very quietly in the world, as if it were nothing at all.” SØREN KIERKEGAARD
I I «El mayor de todos los peligros, perderse a sí mismo, puede ocurrir inadvertidamente en el mundo, como si no fuera nada.» SØREN KIERKEGAARD
Returning To A Moment
Regreso a un instante
Selfie With Wind
Selfi en el viento
Himno de Vísperas
Selfie With Dust
Selfi en el polvo
Cloud Study—A Grammar of Grackles
Estudio de nubes: gramática de zanates
One Reason For Your Silence
Uno de los motivos de tu silencio
What Beauty Is, Is
Lo que la belleza es, es
In Praise of Maybe
En alabanza del quizá
Loving This Woman—Three Movements
Amar a esta mujer: tres movimientos
Portrait of a Dog, Dancing
Retrato de una perra bailando
Border Fragments
Fragmentos fronterizos
American Selfie
Selfi americano
Justicia: variantes
Border Selfie
Selfi fronterizo
A Poem For One Of The Men Who Raised Me
Poema para uno de los hombres que me crio
To Whoever Stole My Bike Seat
A quien me robó el sillín de la bici
Coffee in the Dark
Café en la oscuridad
Río Manzanares
Río Manzanares
Mujer Cisne
Mujer Cisne
The Kind Of Man I Used To Be
La clase de hombre que fui
Falling for the Woman Walking by the Deadwood
Cautivado por la mujer que camina por Deadwood
Happy, TX
Happy, TX
Selfie In Dark Interior
Selfi en interior oscuro
Selfie With Goathead
Selfi con garras del diablo
First Dust Storm
Primera tormenta de arena
On Finding Myself In Wrong Places
Al encontrarme en lugares equivocados
Ode to Not Writing the Perfect Poem
Oda sobre no escribir el poema perfecto
Fuck Spring
Pasión primaveral
Sometimes In The Dark
A veces en la oscuridad
Longing Deconstructed
Deconstrucción del anhelo
Family Night Out, Buenos Aires circa 2015
Salida nocturna familiar, Buenos Aires en torno a 2015
A Sound Like A River
Suena como un río
Stupid Job
Estúpido trabajo
If Brueghel Had Painted An Iowa Landscape
Si Brueghel hubiera pintado un paisaje de Iowa
Three Sketches of Anxiety
Tres bocetos de la ansiedad
Lines Regarding the Black Feathers on Canton
Versos sobre las plumas negras en Canton
Career Change
Cambio de profesión
Three Abstractions of Light
Tres abstracciones de luz
Another Woman I Loved
Otra mujer a la que amé
Vermilion Flycatcher
Atrapamoscas bermellón
“The greatest hazard of all, losing one’s self, can occur very
quietly in the world, as if it were nothing at all.”
«El mayor de todos los peligros, perderse a sí mismo, puede ocurrir
inadvertidamente en el mundo, como si no fuera nada.»
Maybe I should praise the mapped green
vast where the road I follow disappears
and the GPS triangle that is me begins
to twirl as if I’m not the only one confused
but then follows me into the expanse
in front of the car, in front of the declining sun
that in four hours more or less will glint the humping pump jacks
some oil shade of rusted, and I hope to be gone by then,
to have found some paved road I have never reached
down to touch but will to thank it and whisper thank you
like some hostage newly freed and returned to her country
kissed the tarmac in front of cameras before the neck
of her wife or cheek of her father or saluted
some officer obliged to welcome her home,
or I would better show my gratitude today by pulling
down the six coyote carcasses lining the property fence
I shouldn’t have entered thinking it was a new way home,
past the gravel pit where kids from Ralls must come to drink
and fuck maybe their older cousins to escape their marriages
or to shoot cans or the sky and someone got so piss-drunk
he took off that pair of green denim jeans perfect
on the rack at Sears and less so each minute, out here
on a road without a name, a path really, and left them crumpled
on the crumpled dirt, the only green in this sea, this sea of red
earth a few still think what they do is farm
and therefore spend their money and hours
disking back and forth across the fields
like boats trawling the Salton Sea or
an astronaut on Mars who lost a special tool
in what wouldn’t be called a field but something else
interstellar and spatial like terra vasta and this
is Texas so that might work
because the ground is vast and about
to blow around your face and
I haven’t killed anything
with four legs and fur in years
though last night I misstepped again
and my friend the salamander
who clung to the wall near the kitchen
and watched me pass every day since July
jumped beneath a shoe and stayed
kissing the floor, as if euphoric,
having finally been released from the wall,
and I buried him in the trash heap I call compost
and I should drive back east to find those carcasses
now bristling in the evening wind and help them back
to that euphoric ground which adored them
and kissed each of their trotting feet.
Tal vez debería apreciar el vacío verde
en el mapa donde se pierde la carretera por la que avanzo
y donde el triángulo del GPS que soy yo comienza
a girar como si no fuera yo el único confundido
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