Roman Maslennikov - Explosive PR. Full Practice Guide in Capture of the World with Invention of the News, Ideas, and Senses

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Explosive PR Book Helps Businesses To Attain Clients Using Mass Media. Shocking Secrets of Outrageous PR Stunts to Get Clients Roman Maslennikov, Russian PR guru, entrepreneur and philosopher, has 15 years’ work experience and is offering you the freshest, newest, most outrageous PR stunts. Igor Szucs, Business trend analyst, Semantic field producer. An internationally respected expert on future trends, long-range planning and creating the preferred future.

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Explosive PR

Full Practice Guide in Capture of the World with Invention of the News, Ideas, and Senses

Igor Szucs

Roman Maslennikov

© Igor Szucs, 2017

© Roman Maslennikov, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4490-1255-5

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

lternativefacts #posttruth #EarsWagsByTheDonkey #ImpossibleNothing #goodnews #positive #Pelevin #mediavirus #BrokeofCliche #breakinginofmatrix #hooliganPR #happening #fuckPR #TailWagsByTheDog #WagTheDog #fire #va-bank#always #yes! #GrowHack #game #spindoctor#driftoftheroof #DriftOfTheHead #AndCouldItBeSo? #managementofthenews #creative#ideas #publicity #scandal #show #CrazyPR#shock #duck #puttingto#fake #ExplosionOfTheBrain#SpinDoctor #HereTheySmoke #BecomeFamousQuickly #SoftPower #promotion #reptile #star # FinallyFamous #awoke_marketing #WeDoTheNews #InTheApple #impudently #ShockPR #AbsolutePower #anonymous #fire #dint_in_the_universe #PR #bigGames # WhatdoIdothere #ciberjunta #noise #breakdowntheCliche #something_unusual #AnonymousInternationality #paradox #createRealityAndGiveSensesToTheWords #fantasy #FakeIdea #blitzkrieg #show #start #OrganicTraffic #triz #theme #madmen #TruePR #RealMarketing #flashmob#Vujma #LarryBanchart #eureka#IndirectLobbying #cats#paradox #CrazyPrinter #Putin #tits#99lawsOfExplosivePR#intrigue #flash#letshavesomenoise #ppc #triz #CristopherBuckley#GrassRootsLobbying #GR #allornothing #ABigHairyAudaciousGoal #paradox #ExplosivePR #RomanMaslennikov #OurPhantasyIsYourReality

Explosive PR Full Practice Guide in Capture of the World with Invention of the News Ideas and Senses - фото 1 Explosive PR Full Practice Guide in Capture of the World with Invention of the News Ideas and Senses - фото 2 Explosive PR Full Practice Guide in Capture of the World with Invention of the News Ideas and Senses - фото 3 Explosive PR Full Practice Guide in Capture of the World with Invention of the News Ideas and Senses - фото 4 Explosive PR Full Practice Guide in Capture of the World with Invention of the News Ideas and Senses - фото 5 Explosive PR Full Practice Guide in Capture of the World with Invention of the News Ideas and Senses - фото 6 Explosive PR Full Practice Guide in Capture of the World with Invention of the News Ideas and Senses - фото 7 Explosive PR Full Practice Guide in Capture of the World with Invention of the News Ideas and Senses - фото 8 Explosive PR Full Practice Guide in Capture of the World with Invention of the News Ideas and Senses - фото 9 Explosive PR Full Practice Guide in Capture of the World with Invention of the News Ideas and Senses - фото 10 Explosive PR Full Practice Guide in Capture of the World with Invention of the News Ideas and Senses - фото 11 Explosive PR Full Practice Guide in Capture of the World with Invention of the News Ideas and Senses - фото 12 Explosive PR Full Practice Guide in Capture of the World with Invention of the News Ideas and Senses - фото 13 Explosive PR Full Practice Guide in Capture of the World with Invention of the News Ideas and Senses - фото 14 Explosive PR Full Practice Guide in Capture of the World with Invention of the News Ideas and Senses - фото 15 Content Preface to the second part of the b - фото 16 Content Preface to the second part of the book The news is really terrible - фото 17 Content Preface to the second part of the book The news is really terrible - фото 18


Preface to the second part of the book

The news is really terrible nowadays. You can’t watch it without rising of your hair. EM, RTA,

Some unnecessary points of view, which will be disproved then. You want to “see” it as they say. I can’t do it, so I have to change the picture on the screen so as I like.

It may go from the childish hobby of computer games. They say that the best PR specialists are those who played “Prince” in the childhood, played GTA, shot, built strategies, generally speaking, spent much time behind the computer. Since that time, they have had a habit to change themselves a picture on the screen. From the side, it looks the same: the man puts pressure on keys and, as a result, something happens on the screen. Only nowadays, we play with the brain, creating something in the creative group and then we watch the news – whether Mass Media uses our fantasy. “Our fantasy becomes our reality”, – said they in the report about PR specialists on the “Fifth channel”, which I demonstrate like my promotional trailer.

In this book, I will teach you how to put influence on the news. I may end the theme with it. And I may open it again in the mass format.

We have a point of view that when the juggler explains his tricks, his show becomes uninteresting.

But we have another point of view as well. When you say your ways, you set a new level for you and have a strong desire to be better all the time. Let they defeat you, but you will have to create something new and more effective. As a result, it is progress for both.

As Oleg Matveichev says, in order the idea takes hold of the world, you must refuse its authorship.

And saying all this, I only follow my first profession – journalist. If you know, tell! In such a way during students’ time I wrote a lot of reports: about correspondence with the help of teen’s magazines, about the work of music producer, and working a PR specialist in the team of the translation company about building of the firm from the beginning, and being a leader of the PR agency of the classical PR I also wrote a small brochure. Now I am writing a book about explosive PR, about the way I have earned since 2012. The very this year we made our brand event “RTA of 5 limousines on Kutuzovsky Prospect”.

Without exaggeration, I consider it is the best and super useful book of all my more than 100 works. That’s why what is going later – PR or something else – you will know the first.

Who is this part of the book for? Welcome, adventurers!

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