5. John Fouls “The Magi”
6. Umberto Eco “Baudolino”
7. Sergey Fayer “The methods of strategies and tactics of the pre-election struggle”
8. Tonino Benaquista “The saga”
9. Larry Banchart “The American Character”
10. Evgeniy Gilbo “The post-industrial conversion and the world war”
11. Douglas Rushkoff “Media virus”
12. Cristopher Buckley “The green men”
13. Roman Maslennikov “The promotion of the super firm”
14. “99 laws of explosive PR”
15. “99 short reviews of the books about PR”
Look through more at the site kremlin-pr.ru
Hello to those of you who love free things! Roman Maslennikov has a unique present for those who want to work with PR; now you can sit quietly, do nothing, and still make tons of money. You do not need to think about or create PR-actions, or worry about how to make these actions reality. You can take Maslennikov’s book, find your section, choose the appropriate action, and do it. Maslennikov kills the market for PR specialists.
The book is best for those who have a small business and cannot afford to hire a PR specialist. It’s also great for those who have no money for the advertisement company but who need new clients. Either way, you can promote your business all the same.
Another example is when you have millions of projects. You had better not risk hiring experienced PR specialists. Journalists are predatory crocodiles, and they can eat you before you understand something is wrong.
You can realize the same action differently. If the project is small, the journalists will be loyal towards you in case of mistakes, but if it is large, they will provide you with a bad image, which will be difficult to reform. In this way, Maslennikov’s book puts you in another reality – the reality of explosive PR, which changes your brain. Your life will no longer be the same.
Anton Vujma, a famous PR specialist, and author of the book Lobbying: How to get necessary decisions from the power
You have created a new genre on the old theme “How to become healthy, wealthy, and happy”. For this genre, I would create a new genre of reviews/previews. I am not ready! As my conservative ideas about how to attract creative action with a low budget in 2017, the First Channel gives an answer: In no way! I will not disappoint you. Good luck!
Alexander N. Chumikov, Author of 35 books about PR and advertisement
Explosive PR is like the best Russian foul language… You need it, when the other traditional ways of assurance are exhausted!
Hillary did not understand, or find a way to send Trump to the hell, but she could do it if she had Roman Maslennikov on the top of her presidential PR company. Now she is resting, and Trump and Maslennikov are working, and both of them are quite successful. Their influence on the mass auditorium is as effective as the explosion of the meteorite in the sky over Chelyabinsk: such things are not forgotten! To put all the techniques of explosive PR in one book is like putting the inter-continental complex “Satan” on battle duty. This book could have power over all!
Igor Pylaev,
author of the bestsellers “The manager of the Mafia, or PR without lying” and “The manager of the Mafia, or the Art of the corporative wars”
Roman, good afternoon! I have looked through some pages of your book. You are a very talented author. After just a few minutes, I noticed some hooks, good text, and deep dive to the senses. While turning pages, my desire to read the book grew. I wish you good luck and I do not doubt you have it beside you.
vice-president of the International public association of the professional teachers, designers and users of the theory of the solution of the inventive tasks (TSIT) about the questions of education,
founder and science leader of the International laboratory for education technologies “Education for New Era”, a director of the project Creatime
The provocation, hooligan, interesting book. To think that PR leads to the provocation actionism is stupid. But to ignore it is more stupid.
chairman of the trustee council of the national prize “The Silver Archer”
Of course, I agreed when Roman asked me to write the review on his new book. I thought it would be enough to look through the book, but it involved me in attentive reading at once. Roman combined things that are difficult to combine: this book is not only methodology with a lot of useful repetitions and detailed analysis, but also a large, interesting story.
Work with his book without fail, even if you have no interest in PR.
Here are my arguments:
1. No secrets! The author teaches us to share our ideas honestly: very frank with opening of the inner kitchen and details in which, as we know, the devil is. The naked truth that you can take and use.
2. It is good that the author put unsolved tasks and made the aims more difficult. He demanded it from his disciples. You have to put only unsolved tasks in order to get good solutions and to grow. I have been doing so for 30 years.
3. The nice, ideal solutions appear, when we use something that we have already had – so to say, a resource method. The author teaches us to see such unexpected resources every step of the action creating.
4. The book is written easy, with humor, with clever witticisms because everything coincides: not only the character of the author, but also the method of explosive PR.
This book will never bore you. Take the chance and read it.
With respect, Sergey Fayer,
Master of TSIT, a troubleshooter, the president of the Academy of troubleshooting, an author of the books, methodologies and coaching about the solution of the unsolved tasks, an author of the book “The methods, strategies and tactics of the pre-election struggle”
Roman Maslennikov is a man and a steamer, guru of PR, whose work list of successful projects don’t need mentioning, wrote the book for those, who starts the uneasy way of studying of the strategies of the manipulation of the public opinion. He wrote bright, involving, with foul language. He did not even write, but said. Some parts are extremely funny, some parts are a bit pretentious but with the knowledge of business, objective opinion and extremely fascinating.
Whether you can create “explosive PR” with your hands, PR in all mass media of your region take feigned created news, quoting the “Yandex” top-5. “But then we have different roads,” said Roman. “Good bye. You have not to read any more”. Explosive PR is only for the real romantics, impudent dreamers who can do a brave act deep in the negative news of the media space.
Believe in yourself, break free of clichés, and desire to work. These are a simple set of ingredients for preparing the really loud event. Do not forget to consult a “right” lawyer, who looks at the world not only through the law restrictions, but through the ability to realize the thing you have dreamt about. Let it be the contract about clip’s shooting that can justify anything, even the public theft of the celebrity opposite the eyes of the shocked public.
“Feel like a PR genius and you will be,” said the PR law №8 of Roman Maslennikov. The universal rule, which motivates to go out the frames of standard thought. Explosive PR is not for those who follows the rules and accepted standards.
Who says you have to bring your colleagues a small magnet for the bridge from your vacation? The pack of “foreign” condoms, which is presented with humor, can make the presenter a man of the evening. And we haven’t even spoken about the financial economy and moral satisfaction.
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