Idea 1. We make a rumor that the leading editor of the journal is Steven Seagal. The video virus is shot in your editorial office on the background of the logotype. The accent is removed not to the Steven Ivanovich, but on something secondary. For example, your cat has stolen Steven’s hat. Thanks for this idea Valeri Bogatov!
4) Тоp 5 PR-ideas for the studio of creating and promoting of the business sites
Idea 5. We make PR of the appointment of the cat like the Vice-president of your studio. It is official and direct: we have an order, a working book. Thanks for this idea Ruslan Tatunashvily and the English military fleet.
Idea 4. The courses of self-defense for the programmer-women. Everything is clear with it. After courses of self-defense with help of the selfie-sticks and gadgets for vapers, the news will exactly be successful because both things were successful.
Idea 3. For joke and for PR you promote any site with a strange inquiry. So, to say, a local funeral business with an inquiry “resurrection” or a bar with an inquiry “society of the teetotalers”, “HLS in Perm” (or take any necessary city).
Idea 2. In the street, the well-built men with the bundles of keys (keys symbolize the key inquiries) and the posters “the best key-makers” or “the keyers”. And the women stand with posters “I like the high-quality inquiries”. In short, with the help of visualization and association with professional terms the positive neuron links have to be fixed with your company. It was seen by a grandmother and a public active worker, and they protested. Thanks, Jurey Boglachev from Tver, he led me to a thought with the project “The best holes in the city”.
Idea number 1. An unusual vacancy. “The sofa hamster” is in need, like a sofa army and Internet-hamster at once. This is what we need for the promotion of the Internet auditorium.
5) Тоp-5 PR-ideas for making extraction of the bone of the foot famous
Idea 5. The bone of the foot is fashionable (we give the corresponding photos). But without it, it is more fashionable (we publish photos for comparison). The conclusion is that it is better without the bone. With the bone millionaire may fall in love with you and he will be a “foot” freak, and without the bone it will be a billionaire and a “foot” epicure. It is much better it is a billionaire. In general, attention to the bone like to the problem will be attracted. And to your company too.
Idea 4. We make a rumor that the boys without the bone have more girls and the girls get married more quickly. At first, we can take some self-criticism, and then we can fight against the fictitious “enemies”. Or we can make positive rumors at once.
Idea 3. We publish the list of the stars and the politicians who successfully made a complete recovery from the problem with the bone, let them to justify.
Idea 2. The new investigation of the “the British scientists” says that people with the bones are the selected, shamans of the new time. But! They had better disguise, otherwise, they will be blown up. That’s why, if the bone will be taken away, the super-abilities do not disappear, and you attract less attention. Profit.
Idea 1. We put a monument devoted to the bone and publish the photos. And then, we break off this bone (imitation of the act of vandalism). Then the masters polish this monument and it turns out that the foot without the bone is more beautiful. People say so in the comments and if they do not, we will do it instead of them! Thanks to restaurant PR specialist Oleg Vasilyevich Nazarov for the idea with the monument.
6) Тоp-5 PR-ideas for promotion of the largest business-conferences in “Olympiyskey” and “Crocus”
Idea 5. We make a rumor or make real super-VIP-zones for one day. One of them is for unmarried girls, the other is for unmarried men (we can make them close by). The third sector is for LGBT-society, the fourth is for the clever animals. We can make a lodge also for the clever children. Your, to be more exact, your and our task is not to sell the places in the lodges, but to make so that it will be written about it. If it will be sold, it is good.
Idea 4. We announce that those, who come in swim suits, will get a present. The topless will get a mega-present, the naked (girls, of course) will get an amazing present from the partners of the conference and the places in the first row.
Idea 3. The fight is at the entrance. The classics. The banner of the conference must be glimpsed fleetingly somewhere in the cadre or on the T-shirts.
Idea 2. We can make a line to the metro and shoot it with the drone. We can make a rumor that they “bring somebody’s relics” and with the help of line, we can hinder the traffic. It takes so many time, as it will be enough in order to take photos and to shoot video, but it can be longer.
Idea 1. An unusual traffic accident of two participants of the conference and speakers. The action takes place in the background of the banner or the brand cars. The traffic accident works in any city: as in Moscow, so as in Sochi. The details need to be confirmed.
7) Тоp-7 PR-ideas for promotion of the taxi “Angel” by name
Idea 5. Taxi suggest trips to the cities of world championship in football 2018 with fixed price: from the city to the city, from the stadium to the stadium. It can be also the following route: airport – hotel – stadium – bar – detoxification center. It is got with the idea of the fix-taxi with the delivery of the passengers to the beer establishments on Fridays.
Idea 4. Everyone may guess already. The idea is on the surface: “ANGEL” is the first orthodox taxi. Every trip is consecrated. The Christian drivers only.
Idea 3. In the taxi, a case with money and stock was forgotten. You look for the owner with the help of “Avito”, “VK” and hashtag #facebookhelp.
Idea 2. A naked taxi-driver woman or a topless. She got hot. You fire her, people are against it: return her!
Idea 1. The traffic accident with a baby-carriage. It sounds awful, doesn’t it? But there are oranges in the baby-carriage. It is not seen in the news, we release this info later. I have been suggesting this idea for a long time! I am sick and tired of the news about the tragic traffic accidents, it influences the traffic situation badly. We need re-frame the traffic accident in order they write about it only cheerful news or do not write entirely.
And one more couple of the bonus ideas.
The first. I the taxi there are 20 people – the models go from the party, we take beautiful photos.
The second. The uniforms for the taxi-drivers and the taxi-driver women. Debated photos, what do they look like? They are too sexy! They look like Nazi uniform!
8) Тоp-5 PR-ideas for promotion of the transport company (delivering of the goods from China and not only)
Idea 5. The route of the tracker on the map looks like the word “Russia” (or “fuck”). It may be “fake” or you may really drive so.
Idea 4. A beautiful clever blonde drives a truck. They look for (the photos “In need!” are hung) at the refueling and at the parking of the long-range drivers. It turns out this girl is your company’s one. Her husband lets her drive during the trip, but he is glad because of his wife’s popularity!
Idea 3. The camera of the video-register on the head of the shipping agent (or the shooting group) fixed the route. A variant – online-broadcast during the route, the video is spread on “YouTube”. It is a new trend, you know, called normcore-marketing or slow-marketing. It is like usual, slow. But it is effective and fashionable.
Idea 2. The company makes all the drivers of the trucks wear the costumes with a tie. Somebody is against it and writes all mass media a letter. And everyone knows about it. To sum up, you have publications and cool status photos with a driver in a costume, which makes you special in comparison with the others.
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