State Dept. agreements used in questioning guards
and Total Force concept
“Inspecting Sex Slavery through… Moral Relativism” paper (Schmitz)
Inspectors General for Iraq, U.S.
Instinctive Shooting International (ISI)
Insurance for risk of terrorism
Intelligence officers, U.S.
International contractors, operatives. See Foreign mercenaries
International Peace Operations Association (IPOA)
International recruitment of mercenaries. See Foreign mercenaries
International security contractors, operatives. See Foreign mercenaries
IPOA. See International Peace Operations Association (IPOA)
and Caspian oil project
under Bremer
civil war
elections in
government investigates Blackwater shootings
government investigates Nisour Square shooting
government’s lack of sovereignty
human trafficking allegations
military disbanded
monetary (privatized) costs of war
occupation of ( see Occupation of Iraq by U.S.)
Sadr’s ascent
schoolteachers, doctors, nurses fired
Iraq National Museum
Iraqi Civil Defense Corps
Iraqi Governing Council
Iraqi military
disbanded by Bremer
joins anti-U.S. resistance
in Operation Vigilant Resolve
training of new army
Iraqi militias
and civil war
of Sadr
and Salvador option
Iraqi police
Irish Rangers
Islam, Muslims
Islamic Army in Iraq
Israeli mercenaries
Issa, Darrell
Issawi, Taher al-
Izurieta, Ricardo
Izzi, Saad al-
Jackson, Gary
on aviation services
on Blackwater’s clandestine operations
on Blackwater’s expansion
on Cofer Black
on foreign commandos
on helicopter shoot-down
on New Orleans operations
on U.S. border agents
Jacobson, Jim
Jadacki, Matt
Jamail, Dahr
Jamaili, Khaled
Janjaweed militia (Darfur, Sudan)
Jennings, Peter
Johnson, T. V.
Johnson Controls
Johnston County, NC
Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM), smart bomb
Jones, Karen
Jones, Walter, Jr.
Al Jazeera
embedded, unembedded
Justice Department, U.S.
K Street Project
Kabul Station
Kaifesh, Larry
Kamal, Hussein
Karim, Ahmed
Karimov, Islam
Karzai, Hamid
See also Caspian Sea region, Caspian Guard project
KBR (Kellogg, Brown, and Root)
and Blackwater subcontract
and Fallujah ambush
and human trafficking allegations
New Orleans hurricane contract
See also Brown and Root (later KBR)
Keating, Karl
Kelly, Kathy
Kennedy, Edward
Kennedy, Patrick
Kenya, U.S. embassy bombing
Kerry, John
Khalaf, Ali Salman
Khalif, Raheem
Khartoum, Sudan
Kidnappings, disappearances
of foreign contractors
Kimmitt, Mark
and Al Jazeera
and Fallujah
on Najaf battle
King, Martin Luther Jr.
King, Robert
King Abdullah Special Operations Training Center (Jordan)
“Kingdoms in Conflict” essay (Colson)
Kinzer, Stephen
Kirby, David
Kissinger, Henry
Klebold, Dylan
Klein, Naomi
Knapp, Eric
Knocke, Russ
Koopman, Doug
Koppel, Ted
Kornbluh, Peter
Korrey, Edward
Kosciuszko, Thaddeus
Kosovo war (1999)
Kostov, Lyubomir
Kristol, William
Kroll Inc.
Kromm, Chris
Krongard, Alvin B. “Buzzy,”
Krongard, Howard “Cookie,”
Krueger, Alan
Krugman, Paul
Kucinich, Dennis
on impunity for private contractors
Kufa, Iraq
Kurdish Peshmerga fighters
Lacquement, David B.
Lafayette, Gilbert de Motier
Lafayette Park, Washington .C.
LaHaye, Tim
Laitin, David
Lapin, Daniel
Larry King Live TV program
Lasseter, Tom
Latin America
Law enforcement
domestic operations conducted by mercenaries
Blackwater 61 plane crash
Fallujah ambush
for Nisour Square shooting victims
for Watahba Square killing of Iraqi civilians
See also Immunity from prosecution and litigation
“Lawyers for Terror” (Waller) in New York Post
Le Mas
Leahy, Patrick
Leary, William M.
Left Behind novels (LaHaye)
Lekota, Mosiuoa
Lepaterique, Honduras, secret training camp
Letelier, Orlando
Lethin, Clarke
LeTourneau, Mary Kay
Levens, William
Levin, Carl
LeVine, Mark
Libby. Lewis “Scooter,”
Libi, Ibn al-Shaykh al-
Licensed to Kill (Pelton)
Lincoln, Abraham
Linker, Damon
Lobbying scandal. See Abramoff lobbying scandal
Lockheed Martin
LOGCAP contract
Lumir Corporation
Lynch, Stephen
Maass, Peter
Madfai, Muslih al-
Madrick, Jeff
Mafraji, Sami Farhood al-
Magazine Publishers of America
Mahajan, Rahul
Mahdi Army
Mahmood, Jamal Shaqir
Maliki, Nouri Kamel al-
Maloney, Carolyn
Man vs. Beast TV program
Mann, Simon
Manríquez, Roberto
Mansoor, Peter
Mansour, Ahmed
Margelov, Mikhail
Marine Corps, U.S.
and Fallujah
at Najaf battle
Marsh & McLennan
Martinez, Waldo
Masciangelo, Bill
Massoud, Ahmed Shah
Mathews, Bill
Mattis, James
Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw
Mayer, Jane
McBride, Kevin
McCain, John
McCarthy, Joseph
McClellan, Dale
McClellan, Scott
McCormack, Brian
McHenry, Patrick
McLennand, Francis
McMahon, Michael
See also Blackwater sixty61 plane crash
McQuown, Justin
McVeigh, Timothy
coverage of Fallujah
coverage of New Orleans
and Nisour Square shooting
and PKK weapon exchange
Meese, Edwin
Meet the Press TV program
Mehamdy, Abdelaziz Faisal Hamid
Méndez, Angel
Menische, John
Mercenaries, mercenary industry
expanding roles
massive deployment into Iraq
militia ( see Private army)
motivated by religious zealotry
oversight of, by IPOA
profiting from New Orleans operations
prospects under future U.S. administrations
recognized as part of Total Force
as silent partners
as term
in U.S. history
See also Blackwater Security Consulting; Security contractors
Messner, J. J.
Mexico border security
Michigan Family Forum (MFF)
Michigan Prayer Network
Miers, Harriet
Miles, Marc
Military, U.S.
anti-Blackwater positions expressed
Blackwater described as extension
convoy intervenes in standoff (May 2007)
downsizing, privatizing effects ( see Outsourcing; Privatization of military and government services)
investigates Nisour Square shooting
soldiers killed in Blackwater plane crash
unable to oversee private contractors
Military Professional Resources Inc.
Military-industrial complex
anti-immigrant in U.S.
Janjaweed, Darfur, Sudan
mercenaries as
See also Iraqi militias
Miller, Geoffrey
Miller, Harley
See also Blackwater sixty61 plane crash
Miller, T. Christian
Minuteman Project Civil Defense Corps
Mission accomplished statement
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