“The End of Democracy” symposium in First Things
England, Gordon
English, Noel See also Blackwater sixty61 plane crash
Equatorial Guinea
Ereli, Adam
Escuela de Caballeria (School of Calvary), Colombia
ESS. See Eurest Support Services (ESS)
Essawi, Ahmed al-
Eurest Support Services (ESS)
Blackwater contract
subcontract under Halliburton’s LOGCAP
Evangelical Christians. See Christian conservative movement
“Evangelicals and Catholics Together” (ECT document)
Evans, Don
Evergreen International Aviation
Executive Outcomes (EO)
FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)
Face/Off movie
Fadhil, Zina
Fainaru, Steve
Fallujah, Iraq
antioccupation resistance following massacre ( see also Anti-U.S. resistance in Iraq)
assassination of Ahmed Yassin
conditions prior to ambush (March 2004)
as Gulf War (1991) massacre site
Marine takeover
See also Fallujah ambush (March 2004); Hay Nazzal Street massacre (April 2003)
Fallujah ambush (March 2004)
Blackwater’s responses, versions
Bush administration response
contracts with ESS, KBR disputed
description of
families bring wrongful death lawsuit
funerals and memorial
media reports of
as possible setup
questions asked
Fallujah siege (April 4, 2004)
collective punishment concept
humanitarian crisis of
Operation Vigilant Resolve
Fallujah sieges, post-April 2004,
Family Life Center International
Family Research Council (FRC)
Farhan, Mohammed
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
and Cofer Black’s rendition of Libi
and Nisour Square shooting
and Shaw scandal
trains at Moyock facility
Federal Protective Service
Federal Tort Claims Act exception
Feith, Douglas
Feres Doctrine
Fielding, Fred
Fijian troops
Fil, Joseph
First Marine Expeditionary Force
First Things journal and symposium
Fisk, Robert
Flatley, Seamus
Flores, Santos
Flowers, Garry
Focus on the Family
Foley, Tom
Force protection
Foreign Affairs
Foreign mercenaries
Bulgarian flight crew
Chilean commandos
Honduran commandos
recruitment of
training of
Forero, Juan Carlos
Fort Bragg
Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Fox News
Francis, David J.
Free Iraq forces
Freiheit Foundation
Friedman, Thomas
Frist, Bill
Frowick, Robert
Gallagher, Frank
Gallant, Karl
Gamanche, Robert
See also Blackwater sixty61 plane crash
GAO. See Government Accountability Office (GAO)
Garner, Jay
Gates, Robert
General Dynamics
General Services Administration (GSA) contracts
Georgia, Republic of
See also Caspian Sea region, Caspian Guard project
Gettleman, Jeffrey
Ghilan, Swadi
Ghost Wars (Coll)
G.I. Jane movie
Gingrich, Newt
Global Crossing
Global Guards
Global Risk Strategies
Global stabilization professionals
Goldstone, Richard
Gonzales, Alberto
González, Gustavo
Goss, Porter
Government Accountability Office (GAO)
Graham, Lindsey
Grand jury investigations
Grassley, Charles E.
Gray. Boyden
Greater Nile Petroleum Operating Co.
Green Berets
Green Zone (Baghdad) Blackwater security contract
murder of Iraqi bodyguard
Greenberg, Jeffrey
Greenberg Traurig
Greystone Limited
Grogan, Travis
See also Blackwater sixty61 plane crash
Grossman, David
Grupo Tactico
GSA contracts. See General Services Administration (GSA) contracts
Guantánamo Bay facility
Guevara, Gonzalo
Gulf Region Relief fundraiser
Gulf War (1991)
Haggai Institute
Haig, Alexander
Halbousi, Saad
and ESS
and KBR
New Orleans hurricane contract
and war profiteering allegations
The Halliburton Agenda (Briody)
Hamadi, Saadi
Hammer, Loren “Butch,”
Hammes, Thomas X.
Handover of Iraq sovereignty. See Sovereignty handover
Hanner, Darren
Harkin, Tom
Harris, Eric
Hart Security
Harvey, Francis
Hashem, Sabeh al-
Hassnawi, Khamis
Hastert, Dennis
Hattab, Mohammed Nouri
Hay Nazzal Street massacre (April 2003)
Hearings. See Congressional hearings/investigations
Heatly, Charles
Hejlik, Dennis
Helicopter shoot-down (April 2005)
responses to
Helicopters and airplanes
AC-130 Spectre gunships
AH-1W Cobras
Apache attack helicopters
Bell helicopters used for snipers
Black Hawks, Black Hawks in Somalia
Boeing MD-530s
CASA planes
Cessna Caravan planes
CH-47 helicopters
Gulfstream V jet
Hughes MD500s
Little Birds
Metro planes
Mi-8 helicopter
SA-330 Puma helicopter
STOL aircraft
Helms, Jesse
Helvenston, Jason
Helvenston, Scott
events leading up to ambush
in Fallujah ambush
See also Fallujah ambush (March 2004)
Helvenston-Wettengel, Katy
on Blackwater memorial
brings lawsuit
quest to understand
Hemingway, Mark
Henderson, David
Hersman, Deborah
Hight, John
Hillah, Al
Hillsdale College
Hodge, Nathan
Holder, Frank
Holland, Michigan
Homeland Security Department, U.S.
Blackwater’s New Orleans no-bid contract
Bremer’s influence
Homeland Security Research
Honduras, Honduran commandos
Hooper, Paul
Hope College
Horst, Karl
Horton, Scott
Hotel Rwanda movie
Howell, Andrew
HRW. See Human Rights Watch (HRW)
Huffstickler, Marty
Human Rights Watch (HRW)
Azerbaijan’s poor record
on Hay Nazzal Street massacre
on local governance of Fallujah
Human trafficking
Humanitarian abuses
in Azerbaijan
crisis in siege of Fallujah
in El Salvador
Humanitarian abuses (continued)
in Honduras
of Iraqi militias
killings, disappearances, poverty
during Pinochet’s regime
repression in Uzbekistan
in Sierra Leone
as consideration in IPOA code of conduct
and disaster profiteering
and Greystone image rebranding
Hundley, Curtis
Hundley, Steve
Hunter, Duncan
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Rita
Hush money paid to Iraqi victims’ families
Hussein, Ahmad
Hussein, Saddam
Ibraheem, Oday Ismail
Ibrahim, Faleh
ID Systems
IEDs (improvised explosive devices)
Image of Blackwater operatives
See also Rebranding campaigns
Immunity from prosecution and litigation
claimed by Blackwater 61 plane crash lawsuit
claimed by Blackwater at civilian, military levels
claimed by Blackwater in Fallujah ambush lawsuit
claimed by Blackwater in Nisour Square lawsuit
claimed by Blackwater in Watahba Square lawsuit
and Feres Doctrine
of private U.S. contractors in Iraq (Order 17)
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