Jeremy Scahill - Blackwater

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Meet Blackwater USA, the powerful private army that the U.S. government has quietly hired to operate in international war zones and on American soil. With its own military base, a fleet of twenty aircraft, and twenty-thousand troops at the ready, Blackwater is the elite Praetorian Guard for the “global war on terror”—yet most people have never heard of it.
It was the moment the war turned: On March 31, 2004, four Americans were ambushed and burned near their jeeps by an angry mob in the Sunni stronghold of Falluja. Their charred corpses were hung from a bridge over the Euphrates River. The ensuing slaughter by U.S. troops would fuel the fierce Iraqi resistance that haunts occupation forces to this day. But these men were neither American military nor civilians. They were highly trained private soldiers sent to Iraq by a secretive mercenary company based in the wilderness of North Carolina.
Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army • Winner of the George Polk Book Award • Alternet Best Book of the Year • Barnes & Noble one of the Best Nonfiction Books of 2007 • Amazon one of the Best Nonfiction Books of 2007

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calls for increase in active duty troops

and Caspian region project

and Cofer Black

creates Terrorist Threat Integration Center

declares mission accomplished

eases sanctions on southern Sudan

and ECT manifesto

and Fallujah ambush (2004)

and IG Joseph Schmitz

and militarization of Bureau of Diplomatic Security

and Nisour Square

and Posse Comitatus Act

and privatization of government services

repeals Davis-Bacon Act

Bush, Jeb

Bush, Laura

Byrne, Brennan

Byrnes, Edwin R.


C&M Capitol Link


Callahan, Daniel

Callahan, Robert J.

Callahan & Blaine

Callahan convoy. See Hay Nazzal Street massacre

Calvin College


Cambone, Stephen

Camden County, NC See also Moyock compound

Camp Fallujah Marine base

Camp Golf. See Najaf battle (April 2004)

Camp Ridgeway

Campbell, Todd

Canales, Benjamin

Cannistraro, Vincent

Capeheart, Kelly

Card, Andy

Carey, Lance

See also Blackwater sixty61 plane crash

Carlos the Jackal (Ilich Ramirez Sanchez)

Carlson, Tucker

Carter, Randall

Caspian Pipeline Consortium

Caspian Sea region, Caspian Guard project

BTC pipeline

significance for conflicts with Iran

Casteel, Steve

Castro, Fidel

Catholic Answers



CCR. See Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR)

Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR)

lawsuit filed for victims of Watahba Square killings

Nisour Square shooting victims’ lawsuit

Center for Security Policy

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). See CIA

Chalabi, Ahmad

Cheney, Dick

and Azerbaijan

and Halliburton

military privatization, outsourcing

on New Paradigm

and Project for a New American Century

Cherkasky, Michael


Cheyre, Luis Emilio

Childrey, Tim

Chile, Chilean commandos

training in Honduras

working for Blackwater

working for Triple Canopy

“Chilean Executions” briefing paper for Kissinger


China National Petroleum Corporation

Christian conservative movement

and Catholic conservatives

and expanding role of Blackwater

and Schmitz

and Sudan crisis

Christian Fatherhood (Wood)

Christian Freedom International (CFI)


Christmas Eve killing of Iraqi bodyguard

Chrysler, Dick

Church Committee


Blackwater Security Consulting contract

and Buzzy Krongard

in Chile

and clandestine aviation

and Cofer Black

ex-agents working for Blackwater

Phoenix assassination program (Vietnam)

rendition program

See also Counter-Terrorism Center (CTC), CIA

City of mosques. See Fallujah, Iraq

Civilian contractors

See also Contractors in Iraq; Security contractors

Civilian Reserve Corps, U.S.

Clark, Al

on founding of Blackwater

on training standards

Clark, Vern

Clark, Wesley

Clarke, Richard

Clarridge, Duane

Clinton, Bill

Caspian region oil

and CIA rendition program

privatizes government, military

restricts Lethal Findings

Clinton, Hillary

Cloonan, Jack


CNP. See Council for National Policy (CNP)

Coalition of the willing

Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA)

Fallujah ambush report

headquarters as Najaf battle site

raids Sadr’s newspaper

and Shaw scandal

Coast Guard, U.S.

Coburn, Tom


Cockburn, Patrick

Code of conduct (IPOA)

Cohen, Ariel

Cole, Bruce

Coll, Steve

Collateral Investigations Board, U.S. Army

Collective punishment concept


contracting of forces

Colson, Chuck

Columbine High School shootings

Combat Missions TV program

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, U.S. Congress

Community Impact Committees (CICs)

Compass, Eddie

Compass Group

Comstock, Barbara


Congressional hearings/investigations

on contractors in Iraq

on Fallujah ambush

on Nisour Square shooting

on outsourcing training of U.S. border agents

See also Waxman, Henry


Conservatives. See Christian conservative movement; Neoconservative movement

Contract fraud

Contract with America

Contractor brigade See also Private army

Contractors, security. See Security contractors

Contractors in Iraq

ineffectively monitored

killed, abducted, targeted

See also Security contractors

Contractors on the Battlefield conference

Contracts, security. See Security contractors

Contreris, Adres

Control Risks Group


unarmored vehicles

Conway, James T.

Corporate Warriors (Singer)

Cost plus contracts

Costs of Blackwater operatives vs. soldiers

Council for National Policy (CNP)


Negroponte’s Salvador option

Counter-Terrorism Center (CTC), CIA

Court martial system. See Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)

CPA. See Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA)

Crenshaw, William

Critical Intervention Services

Crocker, Ryan

Crossfire TV program

CTC. See Counter-Terrorism Center (CTC), CIA


Cummings, Elijah

Currituck County, NC

Custer Battles

Customs and Border Patrol (CBP)


Dalrymple, David P.

The Danger Zone radio program

Darfur Region, Sudan

Blackwater’s campaign to deploy

See also Sudan

“Darfur Solution: Send in the Mercenaries” (Boot) in Los Angeles Times

Davis, Danny K.

Death squads

activities in Iraq

Battalion 316 of Honduras


and Negroponte

De-Baathification policy


Defense Base Act (DBA)

Defense Department, U.S.

contract fraud allegations

and contractors

and investigation of Fallujah ambush

and KBR

and Perle scandal

and rendition flights

shot-down helicopter contractor

See also Total Force concept

Defense Policy Board

Degn, Matthew

DeLay, Tom

Delta Force

Delta Oil

DeMint, Jim

Democratic Party

Dempsey, Martin

Department of Homeland Security Authorization Bill

DeVos, Betsy Prince

DeVos, Richard

Dhahir, Falah Nawwar

Dhari, Harth al-

Di Rita, Lawrence

Diplomatic security contracts. See Security contractors

Dirty wars

Disaster profiteering

and Blackwater’s independent army concept

See also Natural disasters, domestic deployment

Divine, Mark

Dobson, James

Dodd, Christopher

“Doing Business in Iraq” presentation

Domestic law enforcement. See Law enforcement

Doolittle, John

Dreyfuss, Robert

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), U.S.

Drug war contracts

Druyun, Darleen

Dubai conference

Duke, Anne

Dulaimi, Ibrahim Abdullah al-

Dulaimi, Mu’taz Fahd al-

Dulaimi, Samir Ali al-

Dutch Reform Church



Easley, Mike


Edgar and Elsa Prince Foundation

Eisenhower, Dwight

El Salvador


Ellsberg, Daniel


Embassy, U.S., in Iraq

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