‘Towards those pines,’ Hirnan, who was navigating, muttered from the front of the skiff. He glanced back over his broad shoulder at the looming shadow of the island. ‘And for the love of Corannos, keep silent now!’
‘Luth,’ Blaise added softly, ‘if I hear a sound from you, any kind of sound from now until we’re back on the mainland, I will slit your throat and slide you overboard.’
Luth gulped, quite noisily. Blaise elected not to kill him for that. How such a man had ever been consecrated a warrior in the Order of Corannos he could not understand. The man could handle a bow well enough, and a sword and a horse, but surely, even here in Arbonne, they had to know that there was more to being a coran of the god than those skills. Were there no standards any more? No pride left in a corrupt and degenerate world?
He looked back over his shoulder again. They had rowed very close now. The pines were around towards the western side of the island, away from the sandy northern beaches and the glowing lights beyond that marked the three temples and the residences. Hirnan, who had been here before—he hadn’t said why and Blaise hadn’t pushed him—had said there was no chance of landing undetected on any of those northern beaches. The servants of Rian guarded their island; in the past they had had cause to fear more than a single skiff of corans searching for a poet.
They were going to have to try to get ashore in a harder place, where the forest pines gave way, not to sand, but to rocky cliffs and boulders in the sea. They had rope with them, and each of the corans, even Luth, knew how to handle himself on a rock face. Castle Baude was perched high in the wild country of the south-west. Men who served there would not be unfamiliar with cliffs or crags.
The sea was another matter. Hirnan and Blaise himself were the only ones entirely at ease on the water, and on Hirnan’s shoulders now rested the burden of getting them close enough, amid sharp and shadowed rocks, to make it possible to come ashore. Privately, Blaise had told him that if the best they could find was a sheer cliff face, they didn’t really have a chance. Not at night and with the need for absolute silence and with a poet to bring back down. In addition to which—
‘Couch oars!’ he hissed. In the same instant Maffour, beside him, snarled the same words. Eight rowers swiftly lifted their oars from the water and sat rigidly still, the skiff gliding silently towards the island. The sound came again, nearer now. Motionless, bent low for concealment, Blaise strained his eyes into the night, searching by moonlight for the boat he’d heard.
Then it was there, a single dark sail against the starry sky, skimming through the waves around the island. In the skiff eight men held their breath. They were inside the circling path of the sailboat, though, very near—dangerously near, in fact—to the rocky coast. Someone looking towards them in this faint light would almost certainly see nothing against the dark bulk of the island; and the guards, Blaise knew, would probably be looking outward in any case. He relaxed his fingers on his oar as the small boat continued past them, cutting across the wind, a beautiful thing in the moonlight.
‘The goddess be praised!’ Luth murmured with reflexive piety from up front beside Hirnan.
Cursing himself for not having sat the man next to him, Blaise flung a furious look over his shoulder in time to see Hirnan’s hand shoot out and grip his benchmate fiercely on the arm in a belated effort to silence him.
‘Ouch!’ Luth said. Not quietly. At sea. In a very calm night.
Blaise closed his eyes. There was a moment of straining silence, then:
‘Who is there! In Rian’s name, declare yourselves!’ A grim male voice rang out from the sailboat.
His brain racing furiously, Blaise looked over and saw the other boat already beginning to swing about. They had two choices now. They could retreat, rowing frantically, and hope to lose the guards in the darkness of the sea. No one knew who they were; they might not be seen or identified. But the mainland was a long way off, and eight men rowing had little chance of outracing sails if they were pursued. And this one sailboat could have others with it very soon, Blaise knew.
He hated retreating anyhow.
‘Only fisherfolk, your grace,’ he called out in a wavering, high-pitched voice. ‘Only my brothers and myself trawling for lampfish. We’re terrible sorry to have wandered out so far.’
He lowered his voice to a snarled whisper. ‘Get three of the ropes over the side, quickly! Hold them as if you were fishing. Hirnan, you and I are going into the water.’ Even as he spoke he was removing his boots and sword. Hirnan, without a question asked, began doing the same.
‘It is interdicted to come so near the goddess’s Island without leave. You are subject to Rian’s curse for what you have done.’ The deep voice across the water was hostile and assured. The boat was still turning; it would begin bearing down upon them in a moment.
‘We are not to kill,’ Maffour whispered anxiously from beside Blaise.
‘I know that,’ Blaise hissed back. ‘Do what I told you. Offer them a tithe. Hirnan, let’s go.’
With the last words he swung his feet across the low railing and slipped silently over the side of the skiff. On the other side, balancing his motion exactly, Hirnan did the same. The water was shockingly cold. It was night, and early yet in the spring.
‘Truly, your graces, as my brother says, we had no intention to transgress.’ Maffour’s apologetic voice carried across the darkness. ‘We will gladly offer a tithe of our catch for the holy servants of blessed Rian.’
There was a silence from the other boat, very much as if someone were weighing a sudden temptation. That, Blaise had not expected. To his right he spotted Hirnan’s dark head bobbing towards him. He motioned, and the two of them began swimming quietly towards the other boat.
‘Are you fools?’ The second voice from the sailboat was a woman’s, and cold as the ocean waters. ‘Do you think you can make redress for trespass in the waters of the goddess by offering a load of fish?’
Blaise grimaced. The priestesses of the goddess were always harsher than the priests; even a short time in Arbonne had taught him that much. He heard the sound of flint being struck, and a moment later, cursing silently, saw a lamp lit in the sailboat. A glow of orange light fell upon the water but offered only slight illumination. Praying that the six corans in the skiff would have the sense to keep their heads down and faces hidden, he gestured for Hirnan to move closer. Then, treading silently in the sea, he put his mouth to the other man’s ear and told him what they had to try to do.
HOLDING THE LAMP HIGH while Maritte guided their craft, Roche the priest peered ahead into the night. Even with the flame, even by the light of the waxing pale moon, it was difficult to see clearly. Certainly the skiff they were approaching was one such as the fisherfolk of the shore used, and he could make out the lines of the trawling nets over the side, but there was still something odd about this encounter. For one thing, there seemed to be too many men in the skiff. He counted at least five. Where were they going to put their catch with so many men on board? Roche had grown up by the sea; he knew more than a little about trawling for lampfish. He also loved—more than a little—the taste of the succulent, hard-to-find delicacy, which is why he’d been shamefully tempted by the offered tithe. Maritte, mountain-born, had no such weaknesses to tempt her. Sometimes he wondered if Maritte had any weaknesses at all. He would not be particularly unhappy when their shared tour of duties ended next week, though he couldn’t claim to regret the three obligatory nights in bed together. He wondered if she had conceived by him, what a child born of the two of them would be like.
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