9 Part 5: Recognizing Factors Other Than Food Chapter 21: Taking Supplements When Food May Not Be Enough Looking First at Food Investigating Supplements Establishing Your Needs Navigating the Sea of Supplements Chapter 22: Setting a Fitness Goal Establishing Realistic Expectations Setting Benchmarks beyond the Scale Getting Up and Moving Fitness for Life: It’s Never Too Late
10 Part 6: The Part of Tens Chapter 23: Ten Benefits of Low-Carb Dieting Improved Glucose Control Better Appetite Control Improved Concentration Weight Maintenance Improved Blood Pressure Improved Cholesterol Improved Sleep More Energy Better Mood More Self-Confidence Chapter 24: Ten Questions about Low-Carb Dieting Do I Count the Carbohydrate in Fruits and Vegetables? Can I Use Dried Beans and Peas as Meat Substitutes? How Do I Follow a Lower-Carbohydrate Diet If I’m a Vegetarian? What If I Just Eat Green Light Foods? Do I Need to Take a Supplement? How Much Weight Can I Expect to Lose? Is a Low-Carb Diet Safe for Kids? What Can I Keep in the House for When I’m in a Hurry? How Do I Control Cravings? What Do I Do When I Just Can’t Keep to the Five Carbohydrate Choices per Day? Chapter 25: Ten (Plus Two) Best Sources of Dietary Antioxidants Berries Broccoli Garlic Green Tea Tomatoes Corn Bell Peppers Spinach Cherries Peaches Dark Chocolate Red Grapes
11 Part 7: Appendixes Appendix A: The Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load of Foods What Is the Glycemic Index? What Is the Glycemic Load? What Alters the Glycemic Value of a Food? Why Are Glycemic Values Important? Where Can I Get More Information? Appendix B: Sample Grocery List Green Light Fruits Green Light Vegetables Green Light Proteins Dairy Foods Yellow Light Carbs Other Elements of a Low-Carb Lifestyle Appendix C: Dietary Reference Intakes Vitamins and Minerals Carbohydrate, Protein, and Fat Sugar Dietary Fiber Appendix D: Metric Conversion Guide
12 Index
13 About the Author
14 Supplemental Images
15 Connect with Dummies
16 End User License Agreement
1 Chapter 3 TABLE 3-1 Noteworthy Phytochemicals and Food Sources
2 Chapter 4 TABLE 4-1 Your Medical Risk Based on Your BMI TABLE 4-2 Blood Lipid Levels TABLE 4-3 Blood Pressure Reading TABLE 4-4 Recording What You Eat TABLE 4-5 Recording Your Refined and Processed Foods
3 Chapter 6TABLE 6-1 Portion Size of Breads to Equal One Carb ChoiceTABLE 6-2 Portion Size of Cereals, Grains, and Pastas Equal to One Carb ChoiceTABLE 6-3 Portion Size of Starchy Vegetables and Fruit to Equal to One Carb Choi...TABLE 6-4 Portion Size of Legumes to Equal to One Carb ChoiceTABLE 6-5 Portion Size of Snacks to Equal to One Carb ChoiceTABLE 6-6: Your Dietary Fiber Intake
4 Chapter 7TABLE 7-1 The Amount of Calcium and Vitamin D You NeedTABLE 7-2 Calcium-Rich Dairy FoodsTABLE 7-3 Calcium-Rich Nondairy Foods
5 Chapter 8TABLE 8-1 Fat Servings
6 Chapter 17TABLE 17-1 Differences between Thai and Vietnamese Cuisines
7 Chapter 21TABLE 21-1 Supplements: How Much Is Too Much
8 Appendix CTABLE C-1 RDAs for Men and Women Ages 19 to 50TABLE C-2 ULs for Men and Women Ages 19 to 70
9 Appendix DTABLE D-1 Common AbbreviationsTABLE D-2 VolumeTABLE D-3 WeightTABLE D-4 LengthTABLE D-5 Temperature (Degrees)
1 Chapter 3FIGURE 3-1: The Healthy Eating Plate.
2 Chapter 5FIGURE 5-1: Cleaning and trimming an artichoke. FIGURE 5-2: Add bok choy to your stir-frys and soups. FIGURE 5-3: A daikon tastes kind of like a radish, but hotter. FIGURE 5-4: Cleaning and trimming leeks. FIGURE 5-5: You can use napa cabbage raw in a salad or cooked in a stir-fry. FIGURE 5-6: Coring and seeding bell pepper.
3 Chapter 9FIGURE 9-1: The perimeter of the supermarket is your best bet for whole-food ch...FIGURE 9-2: The Nutrition Facts Label.
4 Chapter 13FIGURE 13-1: Rolling up tortillas jellyroll-style. FIGURE 13-2: Jicama.
5 Chapter 14FIGURE 14-1: Follow these steps to devein shrimp.
6 Chapter 17FIGURE 17-1: Fill three-fourths of your plate with fruits, vegetables, and lean...
1 Cover
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3 Copyright
4 Table of Contents
5 Begin Reading
6 Index
7 About the Author
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