Prodosh Aich - Truths

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Truths: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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We are what we know. We know what is handed down. Our daily life is organised by «historical narrations». Universally. To judge over the validity of «historical narrations» and of history, we must know all about those narrators of history. Today, and during the last two centuries, all narrators of history are educated in institutions created by European Christians. They narrate history incoherently though the history all over is coherent and interdependent.
The libraries are flooded by incoherent deliberations and with books that are copied and pasted from other books.
This is more so since the rise of the Ottoman Empire, since the blockade of the land route and beginning of search for a sea route to India, and all that has followed thereafter until our days. Why do they narrate incoherently though historical developments are coherent and interdependent by its nature? Why do they copy and paste and duplicate?
To judge over the validity of «historical narrations» in their books, the authors of this book search and investigate into the acquired qualifications and «careers» of all main narrators of this history. The search is based on primary documents. The result of this search is thrilling, mysterious and stunning. We are fed by books that are based on secondary sources. These books are mere propaganda, which should be stored in «bad libraries».
The result of this search has banged on the Pandora's Box and it is open now.

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To this book

We are what we know. We know what is handed down. Our daily life is organised by “historical narrations”. Universally. To judge over the validity of “historical narrations” and of history, we must know all about those narratorsof history. Today, and during the last two centuries, all narratorsof history are educated in institutions created by European Christians. They narrate history incoherently though the history all over is coherent and interdependent.

The libraries are flooded by incoherent deliberations and with books that are copied and pastedfrom other books.

This is more so since the rise of the Ottoman Empire, since the blockade of the land route and beginning of search for a sea route to India, and all that has followed thereafter until our days. Why do they narrate incoherently though historical developments are coherent and interdependent by its nature? Why do they copy and paste and duplicate?

To judge over the validity of “historical narrations” in their books, the authors of this book search and investigate into the acquired qualifications and “careers” of all main narrators of this history. The search is based on primary documents. The result of this search is thrilling, mysterious and stunning. We are fed by books that are based on secondary sources. These books are mere propaganda, which should be stored in “ bad libraries”.

The result of this search has banged on the Pandora’s Box and it is open now.

About the Authors

PRODOSH AICH(1933), born in Kolkata, studied PHILOSOPHY in India, ETHNOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY and SOCIOLOGY in Germany, taught social sciences at the universities at Cologne, (Germany), Rajasthan (Jaipur, India) and Oldenburg (Germany).

He wrote Farbige unter Weißen (Coloured amongst Whites) in 1962. Two of his books: Die Indische Universität (The Indian University) 1971 and Rathaus-Plünderer (City-hall Plunderers) 1986 were sabotaged.

Preis des aufrechten Gangs (Thorns on a Righteous Path) in 2001 includes Die indische Universität and tales all about the struggle that went on for thirty-five years. Lügen mit langen Beinen (January 2003; LIES WITH LONG LEGS (August 2004)

Besides books he has made radio features and documentary films for Television. He is an Indian though living in Germany for a longer period than most Germans.

M.V.R Nairwas born in Thiruvananthapuram in 1976. After completing his studies in Civil Engineering from University of Kerala, he started his technical career in India, At present, he is continuing his technical career abroad. He considers himself a history enthusiast with an active interest in ‘Indology’. He has been communicating with Dr. Aich after reading the book ‘Lies with long legs’ and working with him ever since in search of truths.


European Christians in History

War, Robbery, Murder, Genocide, Occupation, Exploitation


Documented by

Prodosh Aich and MVR Nair

Prodosh Aich & MVR Nair


War, Robbery, Murder, Genocide, Occupation, Exploitation

Churches, Universities,

Demigods, like Max Müller prepare the Ground

Acharyya Publishers

Science in Critical Review

Copyright @ 2014 Acharyya Publishers

Science in Critical Review

Uferstrasse 40 A,

D – 26135 Oldenburg

Cover design eBook: Daniel Penschuck, Feindesign Oldenburg, Germany



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First Printed Edition Published in India

Published in March 2015



T. Nagar, Chennai – 600 017.

Tamil Nadu, India

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Printed in India at Jayaa Prints, Chennai


ISBN 978-93-83826-21-3 HC

ISBN 978-93-83826-21-6 PB

ISBN 978-3-7450-6622-7 E-Book


Life is full of surprises. The paths to insight, knowledge and truth are also full of surprises. The authors of this book come together by remarkable circumstances. These two authors belong to two distant generations. They live also at two distant places. The younger one is born in 1976, and brought up in Kerala, India. The other is born in 1933, and brought up in Bengal, India. The connecting link is that both are on the paths to gain insights, to acquire knowledge and to get to truths. Both authors are on search. Both authors are not inclined to take it as a coincidence that they have come together. Not even as unforeseeable coincidences. Both authors have learnt to shed off beliefs and superstitions. They want to know. They try to explain whatever comes across.

There are many persons on the paths to gain insights, to acquire knowledge and to get to truths. The contemporary societies do not offer facilities to getting together of these persons. How could they get together? In this particular case, the two authors of this book, both are agonized by the distortions of the cultural heritage of Bharatavarsa, a vast land which has later been named Indiaby foreign people. These deliberate distortions of the cultural heritage of Bharatavarsa have been brought into the world by the foreign occupants and then further cultivated by their local stooges. In the beginning of their getting together the agony of the two authors is at different realms and levels.

There are many persons suffering from such agonies. But how could they get together? Both authors are also distressed becoming more and more sensitive on the continuous worsening of the Era of Vasco da Gama, which began by the declaration of a Warby the European Christians on the rest of the world in the 15th century. The Vatican sanctioned the Kings of Portugal and Spain to occupy foreign lands and to annex these lands to their kingdoms.

This World Waris being executed by European Christian Kingdoms under different masks. This World Waris based on robbery, rape, murder, genocide, recruiting mercenaries, exploitation and sustained exploitation of people all over the world. European Christians do suppress this past governing over mass media.

From the beginning of this inhuman Eratill this day, manifold efforts are undertaken to veil and cover the vicious doings of the European Christians as well. Yet it seems, despite everything, the mind of a substantial number of human beings cannot be managed to that extent that they do not register contradictions in the numerous tales told.

One such contradiction determines the younger one of the authors, born in 1976, living somewhere in the world, to the elder one, born in 1933, living somewhere in the world, to write a long e-mail on December 23, 2009:

“... Please allow me to thank you for your excellent work titled "Lies with long legs". (I got this email of yours from Shri. Sanjay Chaudhri) I read "Lies with long legs" during Aug 2009, ever since I have been not able to stop myself from reading it again and again. The book is a mine of knowledge and it essentially demolishes many long standing myths perpetrated by the colonialists. I am writing this mail for clarification of one doubt regarding Max Mueller. In your book, you have emphatically stated that Max Mueller's educational qualification (both his M.A & Ph.D) are based on "hearsay" and no documentary evidences support this claim.

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