“I will not stop,” said Hanrahan(я не стану задерживаться, – сказал Ханрахан) ; “my mind would be on the roads all the time(мои помыслы будут в дороге все это время; mind – рассудок, ум; мысли, думы ) , bringing me to the woman that sent for me(унося меня к женщине, которая послала за мной) , and she lonesome and watching till I come(она томится одиночеством и ждет, когда же я приду; lonesome – одинокий, тоскующий в одиночестве; to watch – бодрствовать; поджидать ) .”
journey['dʒɜ:nɪ] , marriage['mærɪdʒ] , might[maɪt]
He drank a glass of whiskey, but he said he would not stop but would set out on his journey.
“There’s time enough, Red Hanrahan,” said the man of the house. “It will be time enough for you to give up sport when you are after your marriage, and it might be a long time before we will see you again.”
“I will not stop,” said Hanrahan; “my mind would be on the roads all the time, bringing me to the woman that sent for me, and she lonesome and watching till I come.”
Some of the others came about him(несколько других подошли к нему) , pressing him that had been such a pleasant comrade(уговаривая его, который был таким славным: «приятным» товарищем; to press – нажимать, надавливать; оказывать давление /на кого-л./ ) , so full of songs and every kind of trick and fun(полным песен, всякого рода проделок и забав; trick – хитрость, обман; шалость ) , not to leave them till the night would be over(не покидать их, покуда не закончится ночь; to be over – окончиться, завершиться ) , but he refused them all(но он отказал им всем) , and shook them off, and went to the door(отделался/освободился от них: «стряхнул их» и пошел к двери; to shake – трясти, стряхивать ) . But as he put his foot over the threshold(но только он поставил ногу на порог) , the strange old man stood up(как поднялся тот чудной старик; strange – чужой, незнакомый; странный ) and put his hand that was thin and withered like a bird’s claw on Hanrahan’s hand, and said(положил свою руку, которая была тонкой и высохшей, словно птичья лапка, на руку Ханрахана и сказал; claw – коготь; лапа с когтями /арх./ ):
pleasant['pleznt] , comrade['kɒmrɪd] , claw[klɔ:]
Some of the others came about him, pressing him that had been such a pleasant comrade, so full of songs and every kind of trick and fun, not to leave them till the night would be over, but he refused them all, and shook them off, and went to the door. But as he put his foot over the threshold, the strange old man stood up and put his hand that was thin and withered like a bird’s claw on Hanrahan’s hand, and said:
“It is not Hanrahan, the learned man and the great songmaker(не Ханрахану, ученому человеку и сочинителю песен) , that should go out from a gathering like this, on a Samhain night(следовало бы уходить от такой компании, как эта, в ночь Самайна; gathering – собирание; собрание, сборище ) . And stop here, now,” he said, “and play a hand with me(ну-ка, останься здесь, – сказал он, – и сыграй со мной партейку; hand – рука; партия, кон ) ; and here is an old pack of cards has done its work many a night before this(а вот старая колода карт, делавшая свое дело в течение многих ночей, предшествовавших нынешней; before – перед, до ) , and old as it is, there has been much of the riches of the world lost and won over it(и действительно, она так стара, что немалую часть сокровищ мира проиграли и выиграли при ее посредстве: «через нее»; as it is – фактически, в действительности; to lose; to win ) .”
One of the young men said(один из молодых парней сказал) , “It isn”t much of the riches of the world has stopped with yourself, old man(не много же сокровищ мира задержалось у тебя, старик) ,” and he looked at the old man’s bare feet(и посмотрел на босые ноги старика) , and they all laughed(и все они рассмеялись).
learn[lɜ:n] , world[wɜ:ld] , much[mʌtʃ]
”It is not Hanrahan, the learned man and the great songmaker, that should go out from a gathering like this, on a Samhain night. And stop here, now,” he said, “and play a hand with me; and here is an old pack of cards has done its work many a night before this, and old as it is, there has been much of the riches of the world lost and won over it.”
One of the young men said, “It isn”t much of the riches of the world has stopped with yourself, old man,” and he looked at the old man’s bare feet, and they all laughed.
But Hanrahan did not laugh(но Ханрахан не смеялся) , but he sat down very quietly, without a word(а сел очень тихо, без единого слова) . Then one of them said
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