“Same all over. Dead and dying.”
Ava fell back into her stew.
“So I noticed your tattoo.” Dino nodded to Jane’s chest where the black figure of a caduceus was inked.
Her hand went to it. She had caught Honus staring at it but he had never asked. It had been a long time since she looked at it, really thought about it.
“Yeah, are you a doctor?”
“I’m a midwife.”
The word hung there a minute.
“I might be the last midwife on Earth.”
“Well,” Ava gulped again. “You might be, but at least you’ve got medical training. That’s a great skill.” She applied herself to licking the bowl.
“Yeah I’m trained as a nurse. Not just babies. Great because babies are about out of business.”
Ava and Dino shared another glance. Jane decided she could wait it out.
“Do either of you need medical attention?” Her cool professional eye was on them. They didn’t.
“I know a man who died of tetanus this year. We think it was tetanus. He got cut on some tiny thing, like a rusty nail. We didn’t know what to do. We could use somebody…” He looked at Ava. Ava sighed.
“We have a place,” Ava said carefully. “It’s very safe. Enclosed. Defensible. We’re not really looking to take in new people, but we never turn down women or girls. Combine that with your training, and of course we want you.”
Jane was stiff. She waited.
“We’re not going to make you. Nobody will lay a hand on you. Believe me, I know how this sounds. I got sold twice before I got out of Texas. I lost my daughter out there.” Her eyes were wet but nothing fell.
“Once for guns and once for penicillin. Both times to gangs of guys. The first gang killed my daughter, she was thirteen.”
Ava dropped her chin to her shoulder, as if she were looking behind her. She took a few breaths. No one spoke. She started again when she was steady.
“Second time, the gang of guys fell apart, starting killing each other. I end up with this asshole, Eddie. Eddie sold me for penicillin after he got pneumonia. He shot the guy he sold me to and took me back. The penicillin killed him. I took his gun and his car and ran.”
“Yeah, that’s what I think, too.” Ava’s eyes were intelligent and steely. Jane adjusted her opinion of the woman and listened closely.
“You didn’t get pregnant?”
“Good for you.”
“Good old Planned Parenthood. Saved my life.”
They shared a moment, a knowing. Dino did not intrude.
“What about you?”
Jane looked at her steadily. “I got into trouble a couple of times. Killed some men. Never got captured. Or sold.”
Fuck, am I bragging? Hope she doesn’t think I feel superior. Only luck.
“Good for you.”
“Do you want to come with us? If you don’t like it, you can take off anytime. We don’t hold people.” Dino looked hopeful. He finished his stew and kept his eyes down. He was studiedly trying not to look eager. He had learned to mask the intensity of his feelings toward women, Jane could see it. He was consciously trying not scare her, and she liked him for it.
Jane thought about it. She spooned up the last of her stew. “I’ll go with you. I want to see it, at least.”
In the morning, they walked out to the truck and packed sticks under the stuck wheels to get it out. They piled into the cab and drove.
Fifty miles away, they came to the gates of a military fort. The sign had been covered over. Jane couldn’t read what had been underneath, it just looked like bumps under the paint. The hand-painted top layer read “Fort Nowhere.”
June 16
Fort Nowhere = 124 men 17 women 6 boys 2 girls. Cohesive. Peaceful.
Only a handful of military left. One guy who was here when medevac brought people in. Slowly seeing everybody for check-ups. Place has a real infirmary, equipped for basic hospital functions. Sterile instruments. Slip right back in. Even wearing scrubs.
Two pregnant women, all but four of the others now on BC. One girl near menarche, the other has a few years yet.
One case of hepatitis. Couple of skin infections, one poorly healed knife wound. No STIs in the population = miracle. Basic care and all grateful, all relieved to see me.
Pros of staying: decent people. Met a few I can talk to, even some funny guys. Bernardo, Isaac. Couple of women I really like. Rachel. Callie. Place is clean, organized. Well stocked but they’re setting up gardens for next spring. Nobody has gotten into my space at all.
Council of five in charge, but everyone votes. The vote on punishments was unanimous. That was a shock but it’s a pro. Some large arrangements, some monogamy. Three single women not including me. Dating, fucking for sure. But no coercion. Handful of men sleeping together. Convenience. Attraction. Adjustment.
Cons of staying: no other medicos, going to get worked to death if people get sick. Can’t let them become dependent. Train my replacement. Won’t keep me, can walk right out the door anytime. Might as well stay. Free to stay = free to go.
When Jane had been at Fort Nowhere for a few months, strangers approached the gates. Two men and a handcuffed girl, a teenager. Her face was covered and the handcuffs were rusted in their joints.
The men asked about trade but found that the fort was not open to trading guns. They pulled back the girl’s hood and offered her in exchange for letting them stay. The night guard let them in.
Bernardo was one of the guards. He was tall and muscular, good with a bow. Very handsome. When he knocked at Jane’s door, she was happy to find him there. He told her why he needed her and her smile faded.
“Bring the girl to the infirmary alone. Wake the council to meet with the men.”
Jane’s living quarters were nearest to the infirmary. They had moved someone else out so that she could be there. She was in her scrubs and walking through the doors in less than five minutes.
The girl sat on the exam table listlessly. She was milk-pale, once her face was uncovered. Jane could see the blue veins in her arms from across the room. The girl’s hair was coal black and her eyes seemed the same. She stared.
Jane spoke gently. “Are you alright?”
She shook her head.
“Are you hurt? Are you pregnant?”
The girl shrugged.
“What’s your name?”
She whispered and her voice was tiny. Up close she was a big girl, maybe nineteen or twenty.
“Hi Colleen. I’m Jane. I’m here to help you, ok?”
She nodded.
“I want to check you out to make sure you’re alright. I don’t want to do anything that will hurt you or scare you, but I need to look at your body. Is that alright?”
Colleen nodded and teared up. She stood up and stripped quickly, efficiently.
Her eyes were red-rimmed and her lips pressed together. She sat back down. She was gone from her body. She looked at nothing.
Jane looked over the bruises and scrapes, the ligature marks at her wrists and knew the story. She palpated the girl’s belly and determined that she was not pregnant. Wonder of wonders.
Colleen’s inner thighs were bruised and she showed handprints and finger marks all over. When Jane probed gingerly at the girl’s vulva, she got a shock.
“Who did this to you?”
Colleen shrugged, not looking.
“It was a while ago. More than a year, right? Maybe two?”
She nodded.
“Was it the guys you’re with now?”
She shook her head.
“But these two raped you. Recently. Probably today.”
“Every day.” The same baby voice.
Jane gave her back her clothes. She wanted to hug her, to hold her hand but she thought the girl had had enough. She looked out the door to where Bernardo had posted guard for her. She told him to go get Old Maria. The old woman was always perfectly calm, and would care for anyone.
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