Janet McCoy - The Unfaithful Fiancee

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His cock would impale a hot wet cunt for the first time!

The thought of the special person she would always be for this boy, because of what she was about to do, made Sue's pussy throb. She reached for his face and pulled his mouth down to hers. Her tongue penetrated his. His tongue came out to meet hers.

"Oh Dick," she murmured, grinding her cunt up against the hard staff of his cock. "You were right. You were right to make me do this. I want you, Dick. I want to feel your cock in my pussy."

"Oh, Sue…" His voice broke.

He was a struggling youth again, not the masterful man he had been that afternoon when he had told her to be ready for the virgin filled her to overflowing. She reached for her tits and cupped them in her hands.

"Suck my titties for me, Dick! Just for a minute. It always makes me feel so good."

Eager to oblige, the boy scrambled down to a position where his mouth could easily reach the hardened nubs of Sue's nipples. He took one nipple into his mouth, the other into his hand. He sucked one, rolled the other between his fingers. She started to moan and push her tits into his face. She moaned louder.

The pleasure-jolts from her tits soared right down to her naked cunt, bringing new gushes of cunt-juice to her pussy. She could feel Dick's hardened cock grazing her thigh. She wanted that cock in her cunt!

"Feel my pussy, Dick! Pleeeezze! It needs to be touched!"

As he continued to suck on the nurturing peak of her ripe tit, the boy extended a shaking hand to Sue's cunt. The first thing he encountered was the wiry thatch of her cunt-hair. The sensation was electric.

This is it! Real live pussy!

His long studies of girlie magazines told him all he had to do was probe a little farther and his finger would be lost in a hot wet cunt. One last moment's fear held him back, then he made the plunge. His fingertip grazed the hard slick nub of Sue's clit and slid right on down to the squishy slit of her cunt.

"Ooohhh… yesss, Dick, darling! My pussy needs it so bad! Touch me!

Play with me!"

She started to grind her hips upward, nudging her clit into the palm of Dick's hand. Each time she made a contact, she moaned again. The thought of what she and the boy were working up to had her half-crazed with passion. There was nothing he could do wrong – nothing that she did not want from him!

It was all good!

Thrilling as it was to stroke a woman's cunt for the first time, Dick too was preoccupied with the thought of what was in store for him. His cock ached to make its maiden voyage up into the steamy portals of Sue Newton's hot cunt. Her tits, her pussy, her greedy mouth – they were all sensational. They were all erotic places he wanted to explore. But right now, he was a man in a hurry. His cock wanted action!

Sue sensed that Dick had made a decision, even before he started to position himself over her trembling body. "Yes, Dick… yes, I need it now, tool I want you to fuck me, darling."

Her lewd encouragement was almost enough to make the boy lose control right then. He had a hot panting beauty lying under him, begging him to fuck her. It was as if nothing that had ever happened to him in all his eighteen years meant a thing. His whole life, his whole consciousness was condensed into this one room, into his refuge of sexual delights!

He tried to sink his cock into her cunt by poking time after time at the wet slit that she had parted her legs open to him. He started to get discouraged, but Sue quickly reached down and grabbed his stiff cock, guiding it into the hot clinging cunt-hole.

"Jee-zuz… uuuhhh!"

The boy felt as if he were sinking into some incredible state of half-consciousness. Her cunt was so hot. It fitted itself so snugly around his tingling cock. He had never thought it could be so good – never. He could hear the woman moaning somewhere at a great distance, but he could not get through to her. He was in his own world.

It was only after several ecstatic moments had passed that Dick realized he had cum. At once the euphoria left him, and he was filled with a numbing sense of failure.

"Oh, Sue, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cum!"

Her voice was soothing, reassuring. "Don't worry, darling. It'll get hard again in a minute. Just lie here and feel me. You'll be surprised what will happen.

The fact that Sue didn't seem upset by what had happened calmed the boy.

Of course! How often after he had jacked off over a hot magazine had he found himself five minutes later with another hardon? He lay on her gently squirming body, caressing her smooth skin, feeling his cock being snuggled in the heated depths of her cunt. He felt her squeeze her pussy-muscles, and was shocked by the immediate effect on his limp cock.

His cock started to grow, and Dick's confidence with it. He was ready for her, this time.

His buttocks gave a jerk, and suddenly, he was in control. He pulled his cock from her cunt until only the swollen head was still embedded in clutching pussy-flesh. He quickly fucked into her again – drove his cock into her cunt and wriggled it deep inside her. Though he didn't know when or how it had happened, his fear had completely evaporated.

Suddenly, he knew exactly what to do. He was confident that he needed only to follow the urges of his aroused body and the woman would be well satisfied. Her contented moans and squirms were already telling him so.

"Oooooohhh. Dick! Oh, God darling, your cock feels so good in me! I love what you're doing! I love it!"

She knew her words of praise were the best insurance that the boy would give her the fuck of her life! Now he would be able to satisfy a woman with his body as well as with his appealing good looks! "Screw me… yesss… screw me like that!" He had such wonderful boyish energy! Even Dan at his best could not match it! Was that what she had been after all along, when she first started reacting to Dick's youthful appeal? Was she trying to grab hold of a few shreds of an innocent past that had never been hers?

Though she had started fucking when she was fifteen, Sue's boyfriends had always been several years older than she. Only now, at twenty-three, was she enjoying the special talents of boys who have just discovered the powers of their lusty young bodies – and who want only to give and give!

Dick was giving her everything he had. As she wrapped her legs around his back to leave herself wide open to his pounding cock, she noticed that his body was slippery with sweat. His breath was coming hot and heavy next to her. Sue was feeling breathless, herself. His tireless energy kept taking her higher and higher. She was flooded with pleasure.

She could feel her fluttering nerve endings steadily coming unglued, leaving her free to float in the outer reaches of pleasure.

"Ooooohhh… oh, I'm cumming! Dick, darling, I'm cummmniming!"

It was more than he had even thought of hoping for. The knowledge that her cunt was spasming around him stole some of the wind that had kept him fucking her at such a furious pace. The excitement was getting to him. He had made the beautiful Sue cum with his hard cock!

"Oh wow, Sue! I sure do like fucking you! I never knew how good it was!

I just never knew!"

She heard his sigh of surprise, and then she felt the hot fuck-cream fill her again. She clung to him fiercely, loving him for all he had done for her, for what a wonderful moment he had made for both of them.

"You're some guy, Dick! You're terrific!"

He lay heavily on top of her, winded, exhausted, but more pleased with himself than he had ever been before. He no longer cared that his brother had been the high school sports' star that he could never be.

Being a star right here in this little room with the good-looking blonde with the hot cunt was all the stardom that seemed necessary. Dick was content. He was finally in touch with himself.

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