Olivia Marsh - Expert Tongue Trippers

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Olivia Marsh Expert Tongue Trippers Introduction At the time I didnt - фото 1

Olivia Marsh

Expert Tongue Trippers


"At the time I didn't understand it, for I had no idea coming would be like this. My hips bucked into the air. I desperately ground my cunt into his face and clamped my thighs against his neck. And I yelled. God, did I yell! I just went out of control and flopped around like somebody gone mad. I couldn't believe it.

"The way it felt was beyond words. Nothing in the world was like this first time,.this first total release of my body, unless it was the other beautiful times with Joey. I loved it, though, loved the feeling of giving way completely.

"It was a long time before I quieted down. I shook and quaked and sighed. Again and again the sensations came over me like waves… sometimes I thought it was over just as a little twitch would start me trembling again. Little by little, though, the pulsations diminished and my heart stopped thumping loudly.

"I looked at Joey and saw his face was wet from my juices. His beard seemed frosted. A smile broke on his face, a smile of tenderness I'll never forget. He'd loved making it happen for me. I could tell from the way he looked at me just then. And I told him it had never happened before, that he was the first one ever to make me come. Maybe I shouldn't have told him.

"He didn't seem surprised, though. What he did next and what he had me do was something I'd always thought of with fear and dread. I'd heard there were girls who did it, took guys' cocks in their mouths and sucked until they came. I didn't think I was capable of such a thing until that moment when Joey brought his cock closer and closer to my face.

"I knew he wanted it. I owed it to him, of course, but that's not what made me do it. Suddenly, I wanted to; I wanted to bring him the kind of pleasure he'd brought me, knowing full well that I'd enjoy it, too.

"I touched his rigid tool hesitantly at first, taking it between my thumb and forefinger and moving the loose skin up and down. I watched him smile contentedly and get down on his knees in front of me. I used just my hands for a few moments before finally bending forward and taking the head of it gently into my mouth.

"I explored the surface with my tongue before trying to take it in further. I wasn't very sure of myself, but I sensed that if you do something slowly and gently, the other person will enjoy it more. After all, this was what Joey had done to me.

"As I held it in my mouth, I realized I was doing this not just for Joey's pleasure, but for my own. It gave me a greater feeling of intimacy with him and this, too, was something I craved. I withdrew the firm hold of my lips, then simply kissed it here and there, searching for its most sensitive spot until Joey's moans let me know that I'd found it.

"Again I took it into my mouth, this time more deeply. I couldn't get it all in; there was too much of it for that. I shoved it back toward my throat, though, until my breath was almost cut off. Then I bobbed my head up and down, sucking ever so gently in a rhythm I was sure he'd like. And as I sucked, I swirled my tongue around the tender ridge.

"We stopped once, so Joey could get up on the couch and lie back passively with me mounted over him. This enabled me to take even more of his cock in, sucking with swifter more furious strokes. I must have done what he wanted. He didn't tell me what to do or what he liked, he just purred and groaned happily.

"I sucked and sucked, taking it in more deeply each time. I was in a kind of trance as I kept up the steady, sensuous rhythm. When I opened my eyes briefly, everything in my range of vision was slightly blurred and indefinite. I felt dizzy, but I continued tirelessly, up and down, giving Joey the thrills he wanted.

"I wondered if the end would be as violent for him as it had been for me. Surely this was different from other kinds of sex. Incredibly better. I scarcely knew the end was coming.

"Joey's cock suddenly got bigger and harder. I don't know if that happens in fucking or not. If it does, a girl can't feel it. But now I could feel it. I could scarcely keep his prick in my mouth.

"Then there was a jolt of his hips, plunging his cock way back into my mouth for an instant, nearly chocking me. I hung on, and a minute later I got my reward. I could feel the surging of his cock as he pumped out his stuff-all warm and salty-into my mouth.

"This was the moment I'd been scared of. Would I be able to swallow it? I didn't right away, because I couldn't swallow with his cock in my mouth. I kept on sucking until I was sure I had every bit of it. Joey collapsed on top of me, totally spent. Then I withdrew my mouth and let the strange tasting liquid go down my throat.

"We clung to each other happily for a long time, all sticky and smelly and feeling so close to each other. Maybe we could have aroused each other again, I don't know. But we were both exhausted because it had been so tremendous. I wondered if it was really unique for Joey, too. He never said so, one way or the other.

"It was only then, after we'd done it, that I decided I loved Joey. I know you don't have to love somebody to feel strong sexual desires. It happens all the time. But Joey was somebody special for the short time he was a part of my life.

"Why did I make such a big deal out of it? Maybe I'm just overemotional. God knows, I'm not deprived of love or material things or other things people want. But you can lead what seems like a normal middle class life and still get screwed up somehow. Or fall apart when something happens. I knew all along that there was a chance Joey'd leave me. Girls get ditched by guys all the time. I'd have a few little heartbreaks myself, though I never cared for anybody the way I cared for Joey.

"Anyway, I wasn't prepared for what happened. How could I have been?

"Once we knew we were sexually compatible, we took time to get to know each other. Maybe that's the reverse of the way things used to be, but what's the use of getting involved with someone if you can't really make it together. Before Joey, I didn't know how important that was. I thought it was just something that matters a lot to guys, not to girls. I had no idea how fantastic sex could be.

"For Joey and me, though, sex wasn't the usual kind. Not that we didn't try it that way. Once we managed to go camping together for a whole weekend, having told our parents that a whole crowd was going with chaperons and all. Joey had a tent and a double sleeping bag, but it was on one of our hikes deep into the woods that we stopped to make love.

"We were far from where there could have been any other campers. There wasn't the slightest chance of discovery, so we took off our clothes and romped in the moss under the tall trees. Naturally we ended up in each other's arms, and eventually, in a sixty-nine position.

"As he lapped at my wide-open cunt, I drove my mouth up and down over his cock. I'd learned to do it well by now, using my hand to take care of what I couldn't get into my mouth. This time, like many times before, we went about it leisurely. Either of us could have come in a few seconds, but we drew it out to last and last for an ecstatically long time. I pumped his cock with slow, deliberate strokes, and each time I heard his breath begin to quicken, I eased the pace. He did the same with me-that, is, when he'd given my clitoris so much attention I was on the very brink of exploding into spasms, he'd not only slow down but move his tongue somewhere else. What divine torture!

"We went on this way under the trees. At last, Joey looked up at me and said, 'I'd like to put it in. Know what I mean?'

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