См.: Peel's Memorandum, 1834, 23 July. Peel Papers. British Museum Additional Manuscripts, 40404, f. 222.
См.: Hansard Parliamentary Debates. New Series. Commencing with the Accession of George IV. Vol. VIII‒XXI. L., 1820‒1829. Hansard Parliamentary Debates. Third Series, Commencing with the Accession of William IV. Vol. I‒XXVI. L., 1830‒1835.
См.: Black Book of 1833 Parliament. L., 1834.
См.: British Museum Additional Manuscripts, 40320 f. 207.
См.: Second Report of the Select Committee on Tithes in Ireland. House of Commons Parliamentary Papers. 1832. Vol. XXI. Papers Relating to the First Fruit in Ireland. House of Commons Parliamentary Papers. 1831‒1832. Vol. XXII. P. 326-334. Minutes of Evidence, Lords' Committee on Tithe in Ireland. House of Commons Parliamentary Papers. 1823. Vol. XVI. P. 99‒101.
См.: Great Britain Laws and Statutes. A Collection of the Public General Statutes. Vol. IV. L., 1825‒1829. The Statutes. Vol. I‒IV. L., 1875. Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. George IV & William IV. L., 1870; Statutes of the Realm. Printed by Command of HM king George III from Original Records & Authentic Manuscripts. Vol. I‒VII. L., 1810‒1826.
См.: English Historical Documents. Ed. by A. Aspinall & E. Smith. Vol. XI (1783‒1832). L.: Eyre & Spottiswood, 1956. English Historical Documents. Ed. by A. Aspinall & E. Smith. Vol. XII (1833‒1874). L.: Eyre & Spottiswood. 1959.
См.: Select Statutes, Cases and Documents to Illustrate English Constitutional History, 1660‒1832. L., 1919. Sources of English Constitutional History. A Selection of Documents from AD 600 to the Present. Ed. by C. Stephenson & F. G. Marcham. L.: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1937. Documents of English History, 1688‒1832. Ed. by W. A. Baker. L., 1954. Evans E. J., Pledger P. J. Contemporary Sources and Opinions in Modern British History. Vol. 1‒2. Warne, 1967. Hanham H. J. The Nineteenth Century Constitution, 1815‒1914: Documents and Commentary. L., 1969. Documents on British Political History. Ed. by J. Wroughton. Vol. 1‒2. L., 1971‒1973.
См.: An Address from the British Roman Catholics to their Protestant fellow Countrymen. L., 1826. An Address of the Catholic Association to the Protestant Dissenters of England. L., 1828. Declaration of the Catholic Bishops, the Vicars Apostolic and their Coadjutors in Great Britain. L., 1826. Petition of the Undersigned Protestant Dissenters to the Honorable the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, In Parliament Assembled. L., 1828. Petition of the Undersigned Protestant Dissenters to the Right Honorable the Lord spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, In Parliament Assembled. L., 1828.
См.: Petition of the Minister, Elders, Deacons, and People, Assembling themselves for the Worship of God, in the National Scotch Church to the Right Honorable the lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, In Parliament Assembled. L., 1829. Petition of the Minister, Elders, Deacons, and People, Assembling themselves for the Worship of God, in the National Scotch Church to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. L., 1829.
См.: The Humble Petition of the Catholics of Ireland for Repeal of the Test and Corporation // The Christian Reformer. 1828. Vol. XIV. P. 33, 274. Petition of the Elders, Deacons and Members of the Church of God Meeting in London and Known as Freethinking Christians, presented in May, 12, 1827 by Joseph Hume, Esq., to the Honorable the Commons of Great Britain and Ireland, In Parliament Assembled // The Christian Remembrancer. 1827. Vol. II. P. 750‒751.
См.: The Times. 1828, 9 August, 1830, 14 August, 1831, 1 August, 1832, 17 August, 1834, 8 December, 24 December, 1835, 13 March, 23 April, 3 September. The Morning Post. 1835. 7 September.
См.: Birmingham Argus. 1829. 12 May. Spectator. 1833, 12 January. Standard. 1834, 29 May. Albion. 1834, 22 November.
См.: Quarterly Review. 1835. Vol. LV. Quarterly Review. 1835. Vol. LIII. Quarterly Review. 1836. Vol. LX. «The Quarterly Review» издавался с 1809 по 1967 г. Журнал основывался как противовес вигскому «The Edinburgh Review». Первый редактор – Уильям Гиффорд, был назначен Дж. Каннингом. С 1826 г. – торийский журнал, его издателем до 1853 г. был Джон Гибсон Локарт. См.: Conservatism and The Quarterly Review: A Critical Analysis. Ed. by J. Cutmore. L., 2007. Cutmore J. Contributors to the Quarterly Review, 1809‒1825. A History. L., 2008.
См.: Thoughts on the Present Distress // The Quarterly Review. 1830. Vol. XLIII (May‒October). L., 1830. P. 278‒305. Sir Robert Peel's Address to the Electors of the Borough of Tamworth // Quarterly Review. 1835. Vol. XLIII (February‒April). P. 261‒287.
См.: The Country Without a Government; or Plain Questions Upon the Unhappy State of the Present Administration // The Edinburgh Review. 1830. Vol. I (April‒July). Edinburgh, 1830. P. 159‒176. «The Edinburgh Review» издавался в 1755‒1766, 1773‒1776 и 1802‒1929 гг. Возобновлен в 1984 г. Вигский журнал, связанный с поэтами-романтиками. Среди его известных учредителей был знаменитый адвокат Г. Брогэм. См.: Clive J. The Edinburgh Review // History Today. 1952. Vol. 12. № 2. P. 844‒850; Clive J. Scotch Reviewers: The Edinburgh Review, 1802‒1815. Cambridge, 1957. P. 186‒197.
См.: The Policy of Princes; an Essay, Containing, Together With Much Useful Advice to the Legitimate Monarchs, a Faithful Picture of the Present State of Europe. By a Member of Austrian Legation // The Westminster Review. 1830. Vol. XIII (April‒July). L., 1830. P. 240‒265. Reply to a Pamphlet Entitled «What has the Duke of Wellington gained by the Dissolution» // The Westminster Review. 1831. Vol. XIV (January‒April). L., 1831. P. 232‒245. The Country Without a Government; or Plain Questions Upon the Unhappy State of the Present Administration // The Edinburgh Review. 1830. Vol. I (April‒July). Edinburgh, 1830. P. 159‒1765. Character of George the Fourth // The Westminster Review. 1831. Vol. XIV (January‒April). L., 1831. P. 103‒137. Thoughts on Moderate Reform in the House of Commons // The Westminster Review. 1830. Vol. XIII (April‒July). L., 1830. P. 1‒39. Parliamentary Reform // The Westminster Review. 1831. Vol. XIV (January‒April). L., 1831. P. 440‒456. «The Westminster Review» издавался с 1824 по 1914 г., один из учредителей – Дж. Миль, основатель – И. Бентам. См.: Nesbitt G. L. Benthamite Reviewing. The First Twelve Years of the Westminster Review, 1824‒1836. N. Y., 1934.
См.: The Annual Register. 1828‒1835. Annual Register издается с 1758 г. по настоящее время и имеет подзаголовок «A View of the History, Politics and Literature of the Year». Первым издателем был Э. Берк. Архив журнала доступен на сайте издателя ProQuest. См. также: The British Critic. 1833. Vol. XIV. № 28.
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