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Elizabeth Stewart: Harm’s Way

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Elgin Collier, AKA Gillian Shelby, is the world's most popular women's erotica author. She has wealth, success and now apparently a stalker who may already have committed murder. Sheila Forbes, Elgin 's publisher and best friend hires Campbell Harm, head of Harm's Way Security to protect her and find the stalker. It's hate at first sight for these strong-willed, independent people. He thinks she's a "pornographer" and she thinks he's a "knuckle-dragging Neanderthal." Sparks fly from their first meeting.

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“I didn’t say it was. I’d like very much for my friend Elgin to have a remembrance of me. After all, if it hadn’t been for your view, I wouldn’t have had anything to paint to begin with.”

“All right. I’d like that very much.”

“Good. Can I come by early tomorrow with it? Say about nine? I have a plane to catch at two and with all the security nowadays, I want to make sure I get there in time.”

Her smile faded. “You’re leaving?”

“‘Fraid so. You see, after I couldn’t paint at your place anymore, Marty insisted I come up here. The morning light is spectacular. He sold one of my paintings to a guy who, it turns out, owns a gallery on the coast. Wants me to come out there and discuss a possible showing, maybe in the spring.”

“That’s wonderful, Chad, really. I’m so happy for you.”

“Well, I have the niggling suspicion that Marty may have had more to do with this than just selling a painting but he insists that it’s my talent and nothing more.”

“Sounds just like Marty. He loves to do things for people, the more anonymously the better. And even if you catch him red-handed, he still won’t own up to it. But it sounds like a great opportunity and I hope it’s just the beginning for you.”

“Thanks. By the way, who’s your friend?” He nodded at the foot tall stuffed animal she held in her hands, a baby polar bear dressed in a crimson and silver clown suit, complete with jester’s cap and covered in silver sparkles.

“He doesn’t have a name yet,” she laughed, holding the bear up for him to get a better view. “Camp won him for me at the picnic this afternoon. You put a quarter on a color and then they spin a wheel and let a mouse loose on it. He runs down a hole and if you pick the color of the hole, you win. Camp told me he could just tell it was a green sort of mouse and he was right.”

“I like him,” Chad grinned, reaching out and flipping the pompom on the bear’s cap. “I…”


They looked up to find Camp standing there, a beer bottle in one hand, a dark brown hard cola bottle in the other and a combination of distrust and questioning on his face.

“Oh, Camp, you startled me.”



“I was just showing Chad the bear you won for me.”

“Very cute,” Comstock added. “I’ve never heard of betting on rats before.”

Holding the hard cola bottle out to her, he felt a twinge of something. Not quite anger but he definitely didn’t like finding Comstock sitting there, Elgin practically in his lap.

“Personally,” Harm told him coolly, “I don’t like rats. Sneaky little bastards. Always trying to slink in when you’re back’s turned and make off with your goodies. But Elgin really wanted the bear so…” he shrugged his shoulders and smiled at her. “What’s a guy gonna do?”

Elgin didn’t know whether to be appalled or amused. They were behaving like stray tomcats circling a mouse or a fresh fish. Why did men always think women found these displays of possessiveness and jealousy flattering? Especially in a situation like this where Chad knew how she felt about Harm and Harm had not expressed any serious, long-term intentions to her.

Yet there they stood, Chad deliberately baiting Harm and Harm fairly twitching for a fight. If she’d been watching two other idiots and another woman, the ludicrous scene would probably have made her laugh and ended up in one of her books. Happening to her though, reduced its comic value considerably.

“Howdy everybody.”

Jim Fisher strolled up and stood beside Harm, a bottle of beer in his hand, Tom trailing behind like a bewildered puppy, clutching a can of soda and gaping in all directions. He’d put on a clean pair of jeans and a white T-shirt with a waving flag on the front. His hair had been combed and slicked into place. The difference made him look almost handsome, she mused.

“Jim,” she smiled, glad for the interruption of the tension. “Happy Fourth.”

“Same to you Ellie. Camp. Mr. Comstock.” He turned slightly. “You remember Tom? Works for me down at the marina.”

“Of course. Glad you could make the party, Tom.”

“Thanks, Ma’am,” he answered quietly. “Mr. Marty, he invited me hisself. Came right up ta me an’ said, ‘You be sure ta have Jim…Mr. F., bring ya along ta my party. Gonna be lots a food an’ drink and afterwards we’re gonna go out on ‘The Monkey’ an’ watch the fireworks.’” He gazed at all the people and shook his head.

“Didn’t know there was this many people in the whole a Spirit Cove. Guess that’s why Mr. Marty had his shindig here at this hotel. Too big fer just a house er even ‘The Monkey.’ I think I’m gonna go over an’ look at the cowboys.”

“All right, Tom,” Jim told him gently, “but you be careful to stay out of the way and don’t get too close to the fire. And don’t go wanderin’ off.”

“Yes sir, Mr. F.,” the older man assured him like an obedient six-year old. “I won’t get inta nothin’ an’ I’ll stay close.” With that, he ambled away toward the grills.

“It was nice of Marty of invite him,” Chad commented watching the little figure disappear into the crowd.”

“Ah hell, Marty didn’t invite him,” Jim replied with a laugh. “Marty wouldn’t know Tom if he ran over him. Just one a Tom’s fanciful ideas. He’s seen Marty down at the marina and heard all the talk about the party and he sort of ‘imagined’ Marty talkin’ to him. But everybody knows Marty just throws open the doors on the Fourth so I knew he wouldn’t mind. Made sure he cleaned up enough to be presentable though. Speakin’ a which, I just wanted to say how pretty you look, Ellie. That sun dress looks real nice on you.”

“Thank you, Jim, that’s very sweet. I bought it especially for this party. I just hope it doesn’t get too cold out on the boat tonight.”

“Marty wouldn’t let that happen. You think he’s gonna let a little thing like Mother Nature screw up his big Fourth of July party? Hell no. He’s probably paid off the old gal to go to Florida or somethin’. Even the full moon doesn’t come up ‘til almost midnight. Wouldn’t dare show her face before that.”

They all laughed heartily.

“Well, I’ve got to be moving along,” Chad told them. “I promised Marty I’d check to make sure all the canvases were crated up properly. The truck will be here tomorrow to take them to the airport. You know what a stickler he is.”

“Canvases?” Harm asked.

“Uh-huh. I’m taking several of my paintings to the coast tomorrow. Meeting with a gallery owner who’s interested in perhaps giving me a show. I’m leaving and I doubt seriously I’ll be back before Labor Day.” He glanced at Elgin and smiled wistfully. “Even though I regret not getting up to the plate, I at least hoped to stick around in the on-deck circle. Just in case you had a change in the line up.”

“If I don’t see you again tonight, Chad, I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Leave enough time to have a last cup of coffee.”

“I will Ellie, I promise. Good night everyone.”

“Good night,” Jim called as he retreated. Harm didn’t say anything, just quickly moved to the glider beside Elgin.

“What was all that baseball crap?” he inquired, trying to sound casual but not succeeding.

“Nothing,” she told him softly. “Nothing at all.”

“Well, I don’t know about you two,” Fisher chuckled, draining the last of his drink, “but I’m gonna see about another beer and see when we’re gonna eat. Barbecue’s startin’ to smell real good.” He turned and moved slowly away.

“You hungry?”

“Not right this minute. Even if they are serving, the line will be a mile long and I’m sure they’re not going to run out of food. Marty’s probably got enough to feed Spirit Cove for a week. I’d just like to sit here with you for a minute and enjoy the sunset.” She looped her arm through his and laid her head on his shoulder. The glider rocked slowly and silently they watched the picture postcard scene spread out before them.

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