“Sure,” said Olena.
Nick looked at her suspiciously. “He was in there, working late. He lost a leg and an eye in the explosion. I got the federal pen in Winford. Attempted murder.”
The thick coffee coated his lips. He had been looking steadily at her, but now he looked away.
“Would you like a bun?” asked Olena. “I’m going to go get a bun.” She stood, but he turned and gazed up at her with such disbelief that she sat back down again, sloppily, sidesaddle. She twisted forward, leaned into the table. “I’m sorry. Is that all true, what you just said? Did that really happen to you?”
“What?” His mouth fell open. “You think I’d make that up?”
“It’s just that, well, I work around a lot of literature,” she said.
“ ‘Literature,’ ” he repeated.
She touched his hand. She didn’t know what else to do. “Can I cook dinner for you some night? Tonight?”
There was a blaze in his eye, a concentrated seeing. He seemed for a moment able to look right into her, know her in a way that was uncluttered by actually knowing her. He seemed to have no information or misinformation, only a kind of photography, factless but true.
“Yes,” he said, “you can.”
Which was how he came to spend the evening beneath the cheap stained-glass lamp of her dining room, its barroom red, its Schlitz-Tiffany light, and then to spend the night, and not leave.
Olena had never lived with a man before. “Except my father,” she said, and Nick studied her eyes, the streak of blankness in them, when she said it. Though she had dated two different boys in college, they were the kind who liked to leave early, to eat breakfast without her at smoky greasy spoons, to sit at the counter with the large men in the blue windbreakers, read the paper, get their cups refilled.
She had never been with anyone who stayed. Anyone who’d moved in his box of tapes, his Ethan Allen chair.
Anyone who’d had lease problems at his old place.
“I’m trying to bring this thing together,” he said, holding her in the middle of the afternoon. “My life, the campaign, my thing with you: I’m trying to get all my birds to land in the same yard.” Out the window, there was an afternoon moon, like a golf ball, pocked and stuck. She looked at the calcified egg of it, its coin face, its blue neighborhood of nothing. Then she looked at him. There was the pond life again in his eyes, and in the rest of his face a hesitant, warm stillness.
“Do you like making love to me?” she asked, at night, during a thunderstorm.
“Of course. Why do you ask?”
“Are you satisfied with me?”
He turned toward her, kissed her. “Yes,” he said. “I don’t need a show.”
She was quiet for a long time. “People are giving shows?”
The rain and wind rushed down the gutters, snapped the branches of the weak trees in the side yard.
He had her inexperience and self-esteem in mind. At the movies, at the beginning, he whispered, “Twentieth Century — Fox. Baby, that’s you.” During a slapstick part, in a library where card catalogs were upended and scattered wildly through the air, she broke into a pale, cold sweat, and he moved toward her, hid her head in his chest, saying, “Don’t look, don’t look.” At the end, they would sit through the long credits — gaffer, best boy, key grip. “That’s what we need to get,” he said. “A grip.”
“Yes,” she said. “Also a negative cutter .”
Other times, he encouraged her to walk around the house naked. “If you got it, do it.” He smiled, paused, feigned confusion. “If you do it, have it. If you flaunt it, do it.”
“If you have it, got it,” she added.
“If you say it, mean it.” And he pulled her toward him like a dancing partner with soft shoes and the smiling mouth of love.
But too often she lay awake, wondering. There was something missing. Something wasn’t happening to her, or was it to him? All through the summer, the thunderstorms set the sky on fire while she lay there, listening for the train sound of a tornado, which never came — though the lightning ripped open the night and lit the trees like things too suddenly remembered, then left them indecipherable again in the dark.
“You’re not feeling anything, are you?” he finally said. “What is wrong?”
“I’m not sure,” she said cryptically. “The rainstorms are so loud in this part of the world.” The wind from a storm blew through the screens and sometimes caused the door to the bedroom to slam shut. “I don’t like a door to slam,” she whispered. “It makes me think someone is mad.”
At the library, there were Romanian books coming in — Olena was to skim them, read them just enough to proffer a brief description for the catalog listing. It dismayed her that her Romanian was so weak, that it had seemed almost to vanish, a mere handkerchief in a stairwell, and that now, daily, another book arrived to reprimand her.
She missed her mother the most.
On her lunch break, she went to Nick’s stand for a frozen yogurt. He looked tired, bedraggled, his hair like sprockets. “You want the Sperry Cherry or the Lemon Bomber?” he asked. These were his joke names, the ones he threatened really to use someday.
“How about apple?” she said.
He cut up an apple and arranged it in a paper dish. He squeezed yogurt from a chrome machine. “There’s a fund-raiser tonight for the Teetlebaum campaign.”
“Oh,” she said. She had been to these fund-raisers before. At first she had liked them, glimpsing corners of the city she would never have seen otherwise, Nick leading her out into them, Nick knowing everyone, so that it seemed her life filled with possibility, with homefulness. But finally, she felt, such events were too full of dreary, glad-handing people speaking incessantly of their camping trips out west. They never really spoke to you. They spoke toward you. They spoke at you. They spoke near you, on you. They believed themselves crucial to the welfare of the community. But they seldom went to libraries. They didn’t read books. “At least they’re contributers to the community ,” said Nick. “At least they’re not sucking the blood of it.”
“Lapping,” she said.
“Gnashing and lapping. Not sucking.”
He looked at her in a doubtful, worried way. “I looked it up once,” she said.
“Whatever.” He scowled. “At least they care. At least they’re trying to give something back.”
“I’d rather live in Russia,” she said.
“I’ll be back around ten or so,” he said.
“You don’t want me to come?” Truth was she disliked Ken Teetlebaum. Perhaps Nick had figured this out. Though he had the support of the local leftover Left, there was something fatuous and vain about Ken. He tended to do little isometric leg exercises while you were talking to him. Often he took out a Woolworth photo of himself and showed it to people. “Look at this,” he’d say. “This was back when I had long hair, can you believe it?” And people would look and see a handsome teenaged boy who bore only a slight resemblance to the puffy Ken Teetlebaum of today. “Don’t I look like Eric Clapton?”
“Eric Clapton would never have sat in a Woolworth photo booth like some high school girl,” Olena had said once, in the caustic blurt that sometimes afflicts the shy. Ken had looked at her in a laughing, hurt sort of way, and after that he stopped showing the photo around when she was present.
“You can come, if you want to.” Nick reached up, smoothed his hair, and looked handsome again. “Meet me there.”
The fund-raiser was in the upstairs room of a local restaurant called Dutch’s. She paid ten dollars, went in, and ate a lot of raw cauliflower and hummus before she saw Nick back in a far corner, talking to a woman in jeans and a brown blazer. She was the sort of woman that Nick might twist around to look at in restaurants: fiery auburn hair cut bluntly in a pageboy. She had a pretty face, but the hair was too severe, too separate and tended to. Olena herself had long, disorganized hair, and she wore it pulled back messily in a clip. When she reached up to wave to Nick, and he looked away without acknowledging her, back toward the auburn pageboy, Olena kept her hand up and moved it back, to fuss with the clip. She would never fit in here, she thought. Not among these jolly, activist-clerk types. She preferred the quiet poet-clerks of the library. They were delicate and territorial, intellectual, and physically unwell. They sat around at work, thinking up Tom Swifties: I have to go to the hardware store, he said wrenchingly .
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