I spend two or three nights there, sleeping in one bedroom or another, depending on shifting criteria, until for reasons I can’t explain, the evenings with him become less and less frequent. He no longer invites me to spend the night. He no longer comes to pick me up from school.
And yet he doesn’t break ties completely. There are silences, mutual misunderstandings, but in hindsight they look more like a foretaste of what’s to come than a permanent reality. He comes over when he chooses, spends the evening, and leaves in a hurry, briskly, as if escaping from invisible snares.
But there’s more.
A parenthesis.
At some point between ’82 and ’83, my mother, who has a crowded calendar and goes out a lot at night, becomes involved in a romantic relationship with one of her suitors, a writer by trade. At some point between ’82 and ’83, my father asks my mother to be his guarantor in the purchase of a ground-floor apartment for sale in the two-story building where the friend he met in Brazil has her apartment. My mother is prepared to give him the money, but suddenly it’s the friend he met in Brazil who doesn’t want him to have the place. My father is incensed. One Saturday he asks me to come with him to her house, and we take his things. The break deepens the depression from which he’s been suffering for years. He paints very little, his income is minimal, it distresses him to have missed the boat on the new times that are shaking up the art world, he’s probably drinking too much. At some point between ’82 and ’83, my mother gets worried, and during a conversation one night, after decreeing that his studio isn’t the best place to lead an orderly life, she invites him to come live with us. My mother is still with the writer, but he lives in France, not Madrid, and so for a while my father is once again a daily presence in my life. In the morning he gets up at the same time as I do, shares the bathroom with me, teaches me to shave. I get used to his smell, a sharp smell that I now recognize on myself. One afternoon, during an argument I have with my mother, he takes her side and hits me. At night we sleep in the same room, in separate beds.
By now it’s ’83. It’s summer. I spend July in Ibiza, the guest of a friend’s father, and August in the Basque Country with my mother and her writer boyfriend. My father is left alone in Madrid. Our stay in the Basque Country, conceived as a kind of test marriage, is a failure. I return to Madrid a few days before the end of August, and my mother arrives three days later, after ending her relationship with the writer. Over the past months I’ve fantasized about the possibility that my parents will get back together, and this might be the ideal moment if it weren’t for the fact that in our absence my father has reconciled with the friend he met in Brazil.
Still, it’s a while before matters take their course. He’s very grateful to my mother, and I suppose that a sudden exit strikes him as being in poor taste. Until October or November, the days blur. I can’t remember how quickly or slowly the parenthesis is closed. My father appears and disappears, and I’m out almost every weekend with my first girlfriend, the daughter of a friend of my mother’s. We sleep together one night when for whatever reason it’s my father who’s home. He lets me in after midnight as I fumble with my key, and though I don’t say a thing, he jokes that he hopes I haven’t made him a grandfather.
This will be the last time he spends the night. Everything changes as his visits grow further apart, and he becomes more and more reluctant to participate in family plans not dictated by him. He’s worked things out with the friend he met in Brazil. He has a foot in two worlds, and he gives most where most is demanded of him. His variability increases, as do the silences and the mutual lack of enthusiasm. The times he chooses to see me are dead moments, interruptions of daily routine. My discontent grows gradually, but busy as I am, I don’t have much time for him either. I come and go, see shows on my own, throw myself fully into my romance.
An unexpected event arrives to change everything, making what was once an occasional rumble of annoyance more cutting. Suddenly we’re broke. My mother’s radio contract expires and the program sponsors don’t renew it. She’s out of work. We have no savings, and our financial situation is worrisome. We give up the maid and get some help from my mother’s father, but it isn’t enough. My mother informs her friends of her situation, and every Sunday she goes through the help wanted sections with me and we send out CVs, but nothing happens. My father is aware of what’s going on, of course. I make sure of that, but the only result is that he makes himself scarce. There’s an element in his attitude of getting his own back, of I told you so , of shamefaced compunction at having no other solution than flight. I don’t know what kind of help I expected from him, but this is definitely not it. For the months that my mother’s troubles last, he vanishes, doesn’t even call. My rage grows. For the first time, I feel full force what it’s like to be left in the lurch. The few times that we speak, I can’t be natural. I judge his life from afar. He doesn’t have money, he claims; he can’t help us, he insists. Whereas all I can see is that he’s removed himself from the mess, and I doubt the truth of his excuses. It’s the real estate boom of the mid-eighties and with the friend he met in Brazil he buys apartments to fix up and sell. The initial capital is hers, but the work, the search for properties, the renovation decisions, and the oversight are all his. And he never sees the fruits of his labor. He’s a worker without pay. He works for her in exchange for imagining that he has something to fall back on. His excuses aren’t good enough for me, considering that my mother and I have nothing, but more than anything it’s his desertion that hurts. Even though I sense that he isn’t untouched by it, that it’s at once the result and cause of deep suffering, I feel let down.
This is how things will be from now on.
Could he really have helped us in 1984? Today, March 22, 2009, as I revise what I wrote many months ago, I have my doubts. Was he really absent as often as I remember? Should I have concerned myself so much with our financial problems? Was it my place to take him to task?
* * *
This is a story of two people, though I’m the only one telling it. My father wouldn’t tell it. My father kept almost everything to himself.
Sometimes the responsibility frightens me. I try to strip away all embellishment, set down the memories exactly as they come into my head, but obviously I can’t avoid making some decisions.
Up until now I’d never written in my own voice. I had written fictionally about reality, as one always does, but it wasn’t my reality and I wasn’t the one narrating. It’s a new and confusing feeling. With fiction, you can say anything. In your own voice, either you’re tempted to leave things out or you miss being able to make things up. I’ve passed through both states in previous pages.
Really, though, one of my fears is not having anything to add to what I’ve written in other books — books that were fiction, about other people who weren’t me, but into which I poured myself.
I don’t include my first book. In my first book, a collection of short stories, I wasn’t even conscious that I was writing about reality. I had read, or been warned by someone — an older writer, maybe my own grandfather — that it isn’t a good idea to make one’s first novel a self-portrait, that it blocks the imagination and creates vices that are hard to shake, and so convinced was I of this that in the book’s stories I shunned personal experience and borrowed only some unimportant traits of mine — poor eyesight, for example, or certain habits — to distinguish the different narrators. To none of them did I give anything that was truly mine.
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