Band 400
Textanalyse und Interpretation zu
Lois Lowry
Patrick Charles
Analyse | Interpretation in englischer Sprache
Zitierte Ausgaben:Lowry, Lois: The Giver . Klett English Editions. 26. Auflage. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Sprachen, 2017.
Über den Autor dieser Erläuterung:Patrick Charles wurde 1973 in Bournemouth, Südengland, geboren und studierte englische Literatur an der Universität von Newcastle. 1993 zog er nach Berlin, wo er eine Ausbildung zum Buchhändler machte und zehn Jahre lang als Buchhändler arbeitete. Seit 2004 ist er als freiberuflicher Autor von Schulbüchern und Lernhilfen und als Übersetzer im Kulturbereich tätig. Er lebt mit seiner Familie in Berlin.
1. Auflage 2019
ISBN 978-3-8044-4136-1
© 2019 by Bange Verlag GmbH, 96142 Hollfeld
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Titelabbildung: picture alliance / Foodcollection
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1. At a glance – the most important points
2. Lois Lowry: Life & Works
2.1 Biography
2.2 Contemporary Background
The 1990s and the “end of history”
Pop culture: Hybridisation and self-awareness
“Sameness” in the book business
2.3 Notes on Other Important Works
3. Analyses and Interpretations
3.1 Origins and Sources
3.2 Summaries
3.3 Structure
3.4 Characters
The Giver
Jonas’ family
Jonas mother
Jonas father
Jonas’ friends
Other characters
People in The Giver
3.5 Themes
Totalitarian societies
Methods of control
Sameness vs. diversity
Memory, history and the past
Human connections
3.6 Style and Language
The use of language
3.7 Approaches to Interpretation
Young adult (YA) fiction
Science Fiction (SF)
Dystopian literature
Film adaptation (2014)
Other ideas about interpretations of The Giver
Escape or death?
Metaphor for adolescence
4. Critical Reception
Praise and accolades
Metaphor for adolescence
5. Materials
Lowry on Science Fiction and The Giver
The film adaptation: The Giver
George Orwell and dystopian fiction
The Giver on book lists
6. Sample Exam Questions and Answers
Task 1: **
Task 2: *
Task 3: ***
Edition used for this study guide
Further edition
Secondary literature on The Giver
Banned/Challenged: The Giver
About the film adaptation The Giver
1. |
At a glance – the most important points |
This study guide to Lois Lowry’s The Giver is designed to provide an easy-to-use overview of the structure, context, themes and characters of the novel. Here is a quick rundown of the most important points.
Part 2takes a brief look at Lois Lowry and her career.
Lowry was born in Hawaii in 1937. Her father worked for the US military, so like many other military families they moved around the world a lot from base to base.
She wrote her first novel in 1977 and The Giver in the early 1990s. Its contemporary background is interesting but actually less relevant to the book itself than is frequently the case, in particular for dystopias or SF.
Part 3provides analyses and interpretations of the novel.
The Giver – Origins and Sources:
We have in Lowry’s 1994 Newbery Medal acceptance speech an unusually detailed and open discussion of the precise influences and inspirations which combined to form The Giver.
Jonas is about to turn 12, at which point he and all other children his age will be given their Assignments, telling them what their future role in society will be. He is selected as Receiver of Memory, an unique and mysterious position. He trains with an old man called The Giver who is the only person in the community who has access to the knowledge and memories of the past. Jonas learns that his world has decided to give up on or control everything which can potentially cause conflict or limit efficiency. This includes many bad things, like war, hunger, unemployment or chaotic social systems, but also things like colours, weather, love, family and individuality. Jonas becomes increasingly sceptical about the nature of this society until he finally sees that euthanasia is used to kill all unwanted or “inadequate” citizens in the community. He takes his baby brother Gabriel and escapes from the community.
The Giver is a linear, chronological narrative told from Jonas’ perspective. The book is short and divided into 23 chapters.
There are really only two characters in the book, Jonas and The Giver. All other characters are limited by the social conditioning and the medication they take and are more like robots or pets than real individuals.
Jonas – becomes 12 years old at the start of the book. An intelligent, brave boy with a great capacity for empathy.
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