Textanalyse und Interpretation zu
Sindiwe Magona
Patrick Charles
Analyse | Interpretation in englischer Sprache
Zitierte Ausgaben:Magona, Sindiwe: Mother to Mother. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Sprachen, 2016.
Über den Autor dieser Erläuterung:Patrick Charles wurde 1973 in Bournemouth, Südengland, geboren und studierte englische Literatur an der Universität von Newcastle. 1993 zog er nach Berlin, wo er eine Ausbildung zum Buchhändler machte und zehn Jahre lang als Buchhändler arbeitete. Seit 2004 ist er als freiberuflicher Autor von Schulüchern und Lernhilfen und als Übersetzer im Kulturbereich tätig. Er lebt mit seiner Familie in Berlin.
1. Auflage 2018
ISBN 978-3-8044-4132-3
© 2017 by C. Bange Verlag, 96142 Hollfeld
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Titelabbildung: © svetazi/Fotolia
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1. At a glance – the most important points
2. Sindiwe Magona: Life & Works
2.1 Biography
2.2 Contemporary Background
Apartheid in South Africa
The Xhosa
2.3 Notes on Other Important Works
3. Analyses and Interpretations
3.1 Origins and Sources
The murder of Amy Biehl
The author’s life and experiences
3.2 Summaries
1 - Mandisa’s Lament (p. 1)
2 - Mowbray – Wednesday 25 August 1993 (p. 5)
3 - 5.15 pm – Wednesday 25 August 1993 (p. 20)
4 - 7.30 pm (p. 40)
5 (p. 48)
6 - 4 am – Thursday 28 August 1993 (p. 79)
7 (p. 88)
8 (p. 115)
9 - 6 am Thursday 26 August (p. 164)
10 (p. 173)
11 (p. 198)
12 (p. 203)
3.3 Structure
The narrative perspective – mother to mother
Layers of memories
Thoughts and memories – an introspective narrative
3.4 Characters
Mandisa’s extended family
China’s family
Friends and neighbours
The other mother
The dead white girl
Other secondary characters
3.5 Themes
3.6 Style and Language
A subjective and emotional narrative voice
Use of Xhosa
Archaic and unusual diction
3.7 Approaches to Interpretation
4. Critical Reception
5. Materials
A brief overview of the history of South Africa
Amy Biehl
Some useful terms
6. Sample Exam Questions and Answers
Task 1: **
Task 2: **
Task 3: ***
Edition used for this study guide
About the author
Secondary literature on Mother to Mother
About South Africa
About Amy Biehl
1. |
Das Wichtigste auf einen Blick – Schnellübersicht |
This study guide to Sindiwe Magona’s novel Mother to Mother is designed to provide an easy-to-use overview of the structure, context, themes and characters of the novel. Here is a quick rundown of the most important points.
Part 2 takes a brief look at Sindiwe Magona and her career.
Magona was born in 1943 in the village of Gungululu in South Africa. She has written a multi-volume autobiography, novels, short stories, poetry and biographies.
Mother to Mother is a semi-autobiographical fictionalised account of the murder of a white american girl (Amy Biehl) and describes the era and aftermath of apartheid in South Africa.
Part 3 offers analyses and interpretations of the novel.
Mother to Mother – Origins and sources:
The novel is set in places where Magona lived and during a time when she was also living there. It draws heavily on her own life and experience, and looks at the lives of Xhosa people in the townships of South Africa.
The narrator is a mother of three called Mandisa. Her eldest son Mxolisi has been involved with a group of student protesters in the township of Guguletu, near Cape Town. In August 1993 he gets caught up in a mob which assaults and kills a white girl in a car.
The novel is in the form of Mandisa’s address directly to the dead girl’s mother. She tells the story of her life and how she had Mxolisi when she was just 15. Her story covers her childhood in the slums of Blouvlei, the government-ordered forced resettlement of the people from there to the township of Guguletu near Cape Town, where families and communities were torn apart, and her struggles to raise her children. Throughout her life she and her children have been witness to and victims of racist oppression and brutality from the police. She moves back and forth in time as she tells her story, explaining how things happened the way they did.
The novel is about the origins of events and their consequences, so it moves back and forth in time to illustrate how Mxolisi came to be the troubled, disobedient and violent young man he is in 1993. It also includes descriptions of specific episodes in South African history, as well as stories from Xhosa history and the origins of the hatred and racism in the country.
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