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Sustainable Practices in the Textile Industry
Edited by
Luqman Jameel Rather
State Key Laboratory of Silkworm Genome Biology, Southwest University, Chongqing, P.R. China
Mohd Shabbir
School of Chemical Engineering and Pharmacy, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, P.R. China
Aminoddin Haji
Textile Engineering Department, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
This edition first published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA and Scrivener Publishing LLC, 100 Cummings Center, Suite 541J, Beverly, MA 01915, USA
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
ISBN 978-1-119-81888-5
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In recent years, the textile industry has been the focus of rising interest in global markets due to varied and changing world market conditions. Increasing environmental and health concerns owing to the use of large quantities of water and hazardous chemicals in conventional textile finishing processes, has led to the design and development of new dyeing strategies and technologies. Effluents produced from the textile wet processing industry are very diverse in chemical composition, ranging from inorganic finishing agents, surfactants, chlorine compounds, salts and total phosphate to polymers and organic products. This has forced Western countries to exploit their high technical skills for the advancement of textile materials with high quality technical performances, and the development of cleaner production technologies for cost-effective and value-added textile materials. Sustainable Practices in the Textile Industry is a collection of the current sophisticated ways used to minimize the use of bioresource products to improve dye extraction and dyeing properties. Highlighted in this book are the innovative ways in which wet chemical processing methods are used to alleviate the environmental impacts arising from this sector. The major challenge in the textiles and fashion sector is that it requires massive sustainable innovation in terms of material and end-use products to mitigate the huge environmental impacts arising from chemical processing. Therefore, this book also contains innovations in eco-friendly methods for textile wet processes and applications of enzymes in textiles in addition to advancements in the use of nanotechnology for wastewater remediation.
The book is compiled of 13 chapters from various research areas dealing with the application of different sustainable technologies for enhancing the dyeing and comfort properties of textile materials with substantial reduction in wastewater problems. Chapter 1deals with the sustainable extraction of natural dyes from plant sources and their subsequent applications in the textile industry. Chapter 2deals with the advancements in non-aqueous dyeing systems. Chapter 3gives a brief account of structural coloration of different textiles achieved as a result of scientific observations of nature. Chapter 4deals with the use of enzymes for enhancing dyeing properties of different textiles. Chapter 5deals with the use of sustainable processes for textile coating. Chapters 6through 8give a detailed account of the functional finishing properties achieved on different textiles using different dyeing methods with natural and synthetic functional finishing agents. Chapter 9provides up-to-date information regarding sustainable development for brands and manufacturers in the textile industry. Finally, the remaining Chapters 10through 13deal with the advanced techniques used for wastewater remediation.
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