6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Hydrophilic, hydrophobic, and ultra-hydrophobic surfaces [2, 7].Figure 6.2 SEM images of lotus leaves [5, 9].Figure 6.3 Schematic of the connection between roughening and self-cleaning [12]...Figure 6.4 Surface tensions of solid/liquid/vapor phases in Young’s model [11].Figure 6.5 Wenzel model for static contact angle [21].Figure 6.6 The relationship between the contact angle and roughness factor [21].Figure 6.7 Wenzel model for static contact angle [5].Figure 6.8 Schematic of the spray-coating of the solution [28].Figure 6.9 Schematic of advancing and receding angles [32].Figure 6.10 Schematic representation of the goniometer [32].Figure 6.11 SEM images of hydrophobic cotton fabric [33].Figure 6.12 Schematic of cotton modification with TDI [34].Figure 6.13 SEM images of (a) cotton fiber, (b) treated with nano-silica [10].Figure 6.14 Chemical structure of hexamethyldisiloxane [29].Figure 6.15 Production of hydrophobic fabrics using middle frequency (MF) plasma...Figure 6.16 The effects of BTCA concentration on the carboxyl content [35].Figure 6.17 The effects of reaction time on the contact angle in BTCA–TBT–OA-tre...Figure 6.18 The effects of OA curing time and temperature on water contact angle...Figure 6.19 Schematic of the preparation of hydrophobic fabrics [24].Figure 6.20 The SEM images of (a) cotton fabric, (b) Fe(III)/TA-treated fabric, ...Figure 6.21 The effects of laundry cycles on contact angle [27].Figure 6.22 The effects of the citric acid concentration on contact angle [33].
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 UV-transmittance behavior of a textile material.Figure 7.2 UPF for fabrics with different density [32].Figure 7.3 Chemical arrangements of UV shields for textile supports.Figure 7.4 Synthesis of nanoparticles for UV shielded textiles.
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 How clothing blocks UV radiation [20].Figure 8.2 Radiation in contact with a textile surface reprinted from [3] under ...Figure 8.3 Interaction of radiation with fabrics of varying cover factors reprin...Figure 8.4 Typical spectrum of transmission for a titanium dioxide nanoparticle ...Figure 8.5 An ultraviolet-absorbent finish effects on absorption at different wa...Figure 8.6 TiO2 nanoparticles’ photocatalytic mechanism under the radiation of U...
9 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Flowsheet diagram for the classification of surfactants.Figure 10.2 Applications of surfactants in different industries.Figure 10.3 Pictorial representation of removal of dyes by adsorptive micellar f...
10 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Degradation of a dye by ozonation.
11 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 ROS formation during energy and electron reactions [25].Figure 12.2 Time scale of basic processes taking place in a cold atmospheric pla...Figure 12.3 Profoks/CAP remote discharge reactor.Figure 12.4 Pilot scale Profoks/CAP treatment system.Figure 12.5 Membrane [45].Figure 12.6 Appearances of raw and treated process water.
1 Chapter 2 Table 2.1. Dyeing conditions and fastness properties of wool, cotton and silk fa...
2 Chapter 4Table 4.1. Industrial applications of hydrolase enzymes [8].Table 4.2. Biotransformation reactions and application of α-amylase [3].Table 4.3. Application of cellulases in textile finishing [31].Table 4.4. Bleaching process conditions [40].
3 Chapter 5Table 5.1. Sericin content of amino acids [109, 112].
4 Chapter 6Table 6.1. Hydrophobicity of treated fabrics with plasma [30].
5 Chapter 7Table 7.1. Protection series of some polymeric supports according to ASTMD6603 a...Table 7.2. UpdatedTable with the most applied textile UV textile finishing.
6 Chapter 8Table 8.1. Range and effects of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) [8].Table 8.2. Common UPF ratings [21].Table 8.3. Clothing factors impact on UPF of textiles [36].Table 8.4. Porosity and maximum theoretical UPF [35].Table 8.5. Different dyes and different substrates impact on UPF [36].Table 8.6. UPF values of cotton fabric dyed with natural colorants [21].Table 8.7. UV protection factors (UPF) of undyed fabrics [21].Table 8.8. Measurements of UPF for a T-shirt made of cotton (437W) and mercerize...Table 8.9. Measurements of UPF for a T-shirt made of cotton (437W) and mercerize...Table 8.10. Measurements of UPF for a T-shirt made of cotton (437W) and merceriz...
7 Chapter 12Table 12.1. Wastewater characterization of textile wastewater before and after t...Table 12.2. Profox/CAP wastewater treatment and water recovery plant design inle...Table 12.3. Profoks/CAP wastewater treatment and water recovery facility investm...
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