The other way was from the Medes north, near the Black Sea, to the west and further at midnight, when the Sarmatians, from the Medes descended from the Zadonsky places further to the evening countries, which should be concluded from the truth. Well, Blond writes (Decade 1, book 1.) that the Slavs, from the Bosphorus of Zimmer to Thrace, who lived in Illyrik and in Dalmatia, were resettled. Bulgarians are an ancient dwelling in Asian Sarmatia, near the Volga River, with good justification from some it is believed (Cromer, book 1, chap. 8.), then that Iornand with the Slavs and Antes, Slavic people, their combined attack on the Roman Empire describes and respects them in the northern country from the Black Sea. The name of the Bulgarians, which happened from the Volga, which after that the other peoples, the Kozar and Tatars, from the Russians were called, is consistent with the case (Nestor, in many places.).
All this proves the movement of the Slavic generations from east to west by our vast lands, in the north near the Pontic Sea. Thus, having already stretched to the noon packs, they united with their homodes, who had resettled by the southern road, and for many ages made up different Slavic generations, having canceled the dialects and customs of the communication with the alien peoples whom the persecution addressed.
What courage was the ancient ancestors of the Slavic people, you can learn about it by reading about the wars of Persian, Greek and Roman with the Medes, Sarmatians and Illyrians, which belong to other Russians with other Slavic generations. Although the narrative incredibly seems to us to be of special praise about the letter given from Aleksandr the Great to the Slavic people, I mention it here to those who don’t know that, in addition to our New Yorkers, the Czechs also praise it (Cromer book I. chapter 14).
Meanwhile, when the Slavic tribes from the Medes, near the Black Sea, to Illyrik and to other places spread, then they settled in the northern countries in great numbers. The Novogorodsky chronicler is consistent with external writers. And even though the names of Slaven and Rus and other brothers were fictitious, however, there are affairs of the Northern Slavs described in it, which are not contrary to the truth. In the Varangian Sea, which was given this name from theft in the Chudsk language, usually there were great robberies in ancient times and not only from vile people, but also from reigning rulers were not considered a vice. About Sla-venov’s son of the Magus, from whom the Volkhov bears the name, he writes that in this river he turned into a crocodile and devoured swimming. These things should be understood that the mentioned prince on Lake Ladoga and on Volkhov, or the Mutnaya river then called, robbed and was called his carnivorous beast because of his likeness. The spread of the northern Slavs to the Vym and Pechora rivers, and even to the Ob, although it should later seem to be rather than what is supposed in this chronicler, is not as late as some people think, then after seven hundred years bargaining from Russia to the West has been known for expensive sable furs from external authors, and melons in the Russian merchants had previously appealed than Yermak had opened the entrance to Siberia with a military hand.
When the Roman Empire strengthened and spread its weapons far, then the Slavic peoples who lived in Illyric, in Dalmatia and near the Danube felt its violence, for which they turned north to their homies, who had long lived in it. According to Nesterov (Sheet 4.), the Slavs in the places where Novgorod lived during the preaching of the gospel by the holy Apostle Andrew. Ptolemy (Book 3, Ch. 5, table 8.) laid the Slavs near Velikiye Luki, Pskov, Old Rus and Novgorod.”
Vladimir Chivilikhin in the book “Memory”, M., “Fiction”, 1984, writes (p. 424—425): “The outstanding linguist and historian A. A. Shakhmatov (1864—1920) created capital works on the history of medieval and modern of the Russian language, folk dialects, conducted in-depth studies of the Russian annals, discovered Ermolinskaya, Simeonovskaya and other annals for science, led the publication of the Complete Collection of Russian Annals, created the Dialectological Commission, for several decades worthily leading Russian philological science. The work ‘The Ancient Fates of the Russian Tribe’, published in Petrograd in 1919, which, unfortunately, became known to me later than the fresh books of Menges and Khaburgaev, A. A. Shakhmatov, based on Arabic and Khazar sources, as well as on the annals of that the Vyatichi came ‘from the Poles,’ he writes in the main text: ‘I will stop… on the very name of the Vyatichi: it sounds to the Arabic-Persian writer Gardisi… Vantit.’ The appearance of ‘en’, that is, natural nasal ‘e’ transmission in this name, I explain to myself by the fact that the Vyatichi, as the Lyash tribe, called himself myself We-tic, – whereas their neighboring Slavs pronounced Wje-tic: the nasal sound is perceived as ‘en’ (or ‘em>?) the Khazars, where Vantit Ceyhan and Vuntit Khazar king Joseph.’ And in the note he speaks of Artania from the Arabic sources of the 9th century, who called Artania one of the three main Russian tribes with their city of Arta, and the approximation of these names by the Czech scientist L. Niederle with ancient Antes, although the name of the Ants disappeared by the time of the Arabs’ travels and early medieval Russia from the history. “I also think that between Arta, Artania, on the one hand, Vantit, on the other, there is a connection; but this connection is completely different than the Netherlands thought: Vantit is Vyatichi, and Artania is Erdzian, whence Ryazan; Ryazan, as we have seen, became the city of Vyatichi (cf. the commentary of later chroniclers: Vyatichi, that is, Ryazanians).”
But Ryazan was founded at the end of the 11th century, and where are the Wends (Venets) here as the ancestors of the Vyatichi? Somewhat earlier, the scientist mentions them in connection with the works of the Jordan known to us: “Venets (Venetarum natio) live on the left, north-facing slope of the mountains bordering Dacia (i.e., the Carpathians), and extend to vast spaces, starting with the sources of the Vistula”. Jordan’s story about a trip to the country of Antes Vinitar is also mentioned, the name of which the famous German archaeologist I. Marquardt brought closer to the tribal name of Venets, but A. A. Shakhmatov himself in this work made the following conclusion: “Everything that we know about Ants, with perfect clarity leads us to the recognition of their Eastern Slavs, therefore, the ancestors of Russians. “However, Venets were not called ancestors of Vyatichi in their work! And this was the last published book of the great Russian scientist – a few months later he died in the hungry and cold Petrograd, which exerted forces to defend the revolution …”
At the end of the first millennium BC. As a result of the advance to the south of Pomeranian tribes and ancient Germans from Jutland, a Przeworsk culture developed on the site of the Gluzhitsky culture, the territory of which was much wider. The reasons for this movement are unclear. The settlements of Przeworsk were located in elevated places. People lived in huts, were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding. Iron sickles, axes, plowshares, and a large number of stucco ceramics are found in the cultural layers of Pshevor settlements. It is believed that it belonged equally to both the ancient Slavs and the ancient Germans. Moreover, it is impossible to territorially divide this culture into the Slavic and Germanic parts, into two regions, since at that time, at the turn of our era, both Germanic and Slavic tribes often changed their position, lived in strips, and the elements of their culture were mixed. The cultures described by us of the 1st millennium BC approximately give an idea of the territory of the formation of the ancient Slavs. However, it cannot be said which of these cultures was the oldest Slavic culture, although in the past there were quite determined attempts to connect one of them with the Slavs.
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