5. Wylie C. Hembree et al., “Endocrine Treatment of Gender-Dysphoric/Gender-Incongruent Persons: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline,” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 102, no. 11 (2017): 1–35.
6. New York Daily News , December 1, 1951.
7. Jorgensen, Christine Jorgensen , 72.
8. “Surgery Makes Him a Woman,” Chicago Daily Tribune , December 1, 1952.
9. U. P., “My Dear, Did You Hear About My Operation?” Austin Statesman , December 2, 1952.
10. Jorgensen, Christine Jorgensen , 218.
11. Dr. Harry Benjamin, The Transsexual Phenomenon (New York: Julian Press, 1966).
12. Harry Benjamin, introduction to Jorgensen, Christine Jorgensen , Х.
13. См. главу 7.
14. Доктор Лори Хендерсен и доктор Джошуа Сейфер, интервью автора. См. также Margaret M. McCarthy and A. P. Arnold, “Reframing Sexual Differentiation of the Brain,” Nature Neuroscience 14, no. 6 (2011): 677–683; S. A. Berenbaum and A. M. Beltz, “Sexual Differentiation of Human Behavior: Effects of Prenatal and Pubertal Organizational Hormones,” Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 32, no. 2 (2011): 183–200; I. Savic, A. Garcia-Falgueras, and D. F. Swaab, “Sexual Differentiation of the Human Brain in Relation to Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation,” Progress in Brain Research 186 (2010): 41–62; and Elke Stefanie Smith et al., “The Transsexual Brain: A Review of Findings on the Neural Basis of Transsexualism,” Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 59 (2015): 251–266.
15. Charles Phoenix et al., “Organizing Action of Prenatally Administered Testosterone Propionate on the Tissues Mediating Mating Behavior in the Female Guinea Pig,” Endocrinology 65 (1959): 369–382, reprinted in Hormonal Behavior 55, no. 5 (2009): 566.
16. Доктор Лесли Хендерсон, интервью автора.
17. Подробный современный обзор см. в Margaret M. McCarthy, “Multifaceted Origins of Sex Differences in the Brain,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 371, no. 1688 (2016).
18. Доктор Джошуа Сейфер, интервью автора.
19. Там же. О влиянии гормонального лечения на серотониновые рецепторы, которые, возможно, влияют на депресию, см. G. S. Kranz et al., “High-Dose Testosterone Treatment Increases Serotonin Transporter Binding in Transgender People,” Biological Psychiatry 78, no. 8 (2015): 525–533. О воздействии гормональной терапии на пациентов-трансгендеров см. Cécile A. Unger, “Hormone Therapy for Transgender Patients,” Translational Andrology and Urology 5, no. 6 (2016): 877–884.
20. Hembree et al., “Endocrine Treatment of Gender-Dysphoric/Gender-Incongruent Persons.”
21. Там же; Ann P. Haas, PhD, et al., “Suicide Attempts Among Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Adults,” Williams Institute, https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/wp-content/uploads/AFSP-Williams-Suicide-Report-Final.pdf.
Глава пятнадцатая. Ненасытные: гипоталамус и ожирение
Эта глава основана на обширных интервью с Карен Снизек и интервью с доктором Рудольфом Лейбелом, профессором педиатрии и медицины в Институте человеческого питания, Колледж врачей и хирургов Колумбийского университета; доктором Джеффри Фридманом, директором Центра человеческой генетики им. Старра Рокфеллеровского университета; и сэром Стивеном О’Рейли, профессором кли нической биохимии и медицины Кембриджского университета, и его коллегой Садафом Фаруки, специалистом по обмену веществ и медицине, которые находятся на переднем крае разработки лекарств. Также я взяла интервью у доктора Джеральда Шульмана, профессора клеточной и молекулярной физиологии Йельского университета; доктора Фрэнка Гринуэя, медицинского директора амбулаторной клиники Pennington Biomedical Research в Батон-Руже, штат Луизиана; и доктора Дженнифер Миллер из Флоридского университета.
1. Ruth B. S. Harris, “Is Leptin the Parabiotic ‘Satiety’ Factor? Past and Present Interpretations,” Appetite 61, no. 1 (2013): 111–118. For further information on rats and vomiting see Charles C. Horn, “Why Can’t Rodents Vomit? A Comparative Behavioral, Anatomical, and Physiological Study,” PLOS, April 10, 2013.
2. G. R. Hervey, “The Effects of Lesions in the Hypothalamus in Parabiotic Rats,” Journal of Physiology 145, no. 2 (1959): 336–352; G. R. Hervey, “Control of Appetite: Personal and Departmental Recollections,” Appetite 61, no. 1 (2013): 100–110.
3. Ellen Rupell Shell, The Hungry Gene: The Inside Story of the Obesity Epidemic (New York: Grove Press, 2002); “Douglas Coleman: Obituary,” Daily Telegraph , April 17, 2014.
4. E. Straus and R. S. Yalow, “Cholecystokinin in the Brains of Obese and Nonobese Mice,” Science 203, no. 4375 (1979): 68–69.
5. B. S. Schneider et al., “Brain Cholecystokinin and Nutritional Status in Rats and Mice,” Journal of Clinical Investigation 64, no. 5 (1979): 1348–1356.
6. Y. Zhang et al., “Positional Cloning of the Mouse Obese Gene and its Human Homologue,” Nature 371, no. 6505 (1994): 425–432.
7. Jeffrey M. Friedman, “Editorial,” Life Sciences 140 (2015): 1–2.
8. Доктор Руди Лейбел, интервью автора.
9. Tom Wilkie, “Genes, Not Greed, Make You Fat,” Independent , December 1, 1994; Natalie Angier, “Researchers Link Obesity in Humans to Flaw in a Gene,” New York Times , December 1, 1994.
10. Доктор Джеффри Фридман, интервью автора.
11. L. G. Hersoug et al., “A Proposed Potential Role for Increasing Atmospheric CO2 as a Promoter of Weight Gain and Obesity,” Nutrition and Diabetes 2, no. 3 (2012): e31.
12. Anthony P. Coll et al., “The Hormonal Control of Food Intake,” Cell 129, no. 2 (2007): 251–262.
13. Dorien Reij nders et al., “Effects of Gut Microbiota Manipulation by Antibiotics on Host Metabolism in Obese Humans: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial,” Cell Metabolism 24, no. 1 (2016): 63–74.
14. Ilseung Cho and Martin J. Blaser, “The Human Microbiome: At the Interface of Health and Disease,” Nature Reviews Genetics 13, no. 4 (2012): 260–270; Torsten P. M. Scheithauer et al., “Causality of Small and Large Intestinal Microbiota in Weight Regulation and Insulin Resistance,” Molecular Metabolism 5, no. 9 (2016): 759–770.
15. Y. Wei et al., “Chronic Exposure to Air Pollution Particles Increases the Risk of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome: Findings from a Natural Experiment in Beij ing,” FASEB Journal 30, no. 6 (2016): 2115–2122.
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