rapturously['ræptʃ(ǝ)rǝslɪ] , passionately['pæʃ(ǝ)nɪtlɪ] , quinine['kwɪni:n]
you, who have for years rapturously accepted my confidences, passionately admired my inductions and inferences, placed yourself at my beck and call, become my slave, groveled at my feet, given up your practice except those few unremunerative and rapidly decreasing patients to whom, in moments of abstraction over MY problems, you have administered strychnine for quinine and arsenic for Epsom salts; you, who have sacrificed anything and everybody to me, – YOU I make my confidant!”
I arose and embraced him warmly(я вскочил и сердечно его обнял; to arise – вставать, подниматься; warmly – тепло; горячо, сердечно ) , yet he was already so engrossed in thought(однако он уже был так погружен в размышления) that at the same moment he mechanically placed his hand upon his watch chain(что в тот самый момент машинально положил руку на цепочку от часов) as if to consult the time(как будто /хотел/ свериться со временем; to consult – советоваться; справляться ) . “Sit down,” he said(сядьте, – сказал он) . “Have a cigar(есть сигара) ?”
“I have given up cigar smoking,” I said(я уже не курю сигар: «я бросил курение сигар», – сказал я).
“Why?” he asked(почему? – спросил он).
I hesitated, and perhaps colored(я замялся и, вероятно, покраснел; to hesitate – колебаться, сомневаться; стесняться; to color – красить/ся/, окрашивать/ся/; покраснеть, зардеться ) . I had really given it up because, with my diminished practice(я и вправду отказался от этого, потому что при моей сократившейся практике) , it was too expensive(это стало = сигары стали слишком дорогим /удовольствием/).
thought[θɔ:t] , mechanically[mɪ'kænɪk(ǝ)lɪ] , perhaps[pǝ'hæps; præps]
I arose and embraced him warmly, yet he was already so engrossed in thought that at the same moment he mechanically placed his hand upon his watch chain as if to consult the time. “Sit down,” he said. “Have a cigar?”
“I have given up cigar smoking,” I said.
“Why?” he asked.
I hesitated, and perhaps colored. I had really given it up because, with my diminished practice, it was too expensive.
I could afford only a pipe(я мог позволить себе только трубку) . “I prefer a pipe,” I said laughingly(я предпочитаю трубку, – сказал я со смехом) . “But tell me of this robbery(но поведайте мне о краже) . What have you lost(что у вас пропало; to lose – терять ) ?”
He arose, and planting himself before the fire with his hands under his coattails(он поднялся, встал перед камином, /заложив/ руки за фалды /сюртука/; to plant – сажать /растение/; размещать, располагать ) , looked down upon me reflectively for a moment(с минуту в задумчивости смотрел на меня /сверху/ вниз; to reflect – отражать /свет, звук/; размышлять, раздумывать /над чем-л./ ) . “Do you remember the cigar case presented to me by the Turkish Ambassador(вы помните тот портсигар, подаренный мне турецким послом) for discovering the missing favorite of the Grand Vizier(за /то, что я/ узнал пропавшую фаворитку Великого Визиря) in the fifth chorus girl at the Hilarity Theatre(в пятой /по счету/ хористке Театра «Хилэрити»; hilarity – шумное, бурное веселье ) ? It was that one(это был он) . I mean the cigar case(я имею в виду портсигар) . It was incrusted with diamonds(он был инкрустирован бриллиантами) .”
laughingly['lɑ:fɪŋlɪ] , coattail['kǝʋtteɪl] , ambassador[æm'bæsǝdǝ]
I could afford only a pipe. “I prefer a pipe,” I said laughingly. “But tell me of this robbery. What have you lost?”
He arose, and planting himself before the fire with his hands under his coattails, looked down upon me reflectively for a moment. “Do you remember the cigar case presented to me by the Turkish Ambassador for discovering the missing favorite of the Grand Vizier in the fifth chorus girl at the Hilarity Theatre? It was that one. I mean the cigar case. It was incrusted with diamonds.”
“And the largest one had been supplanted by paste,” I said(и самый крупный из них был подменен пастилой; to supplant – вытеснять; заменять, подменять; paste – тесто; пастила ).
“Ah,” he said, with a reflective smile, “you know that(а, – сказал он с задумчивой улыбкой, – /значит/, вам это известно) ?”
“You told me yourself(вы сами мне говорили) . I remember considering it a proof of your extraordinary perception(я помню, как посчитал это /еще/ одним доказательством вашей необыкновенной проницательности) . But, by Jove, you don't mean to say you have lost it(но, Боже правый, вы же не хотите сказать, что лишились его; by Jove – восклицание, выражающее удивление, досаду и т. п.; Jove – Юпитер /верховный бог в древнеримском пантеоне/ ) ?”
He was silent for a moment(он помолчал с минуту; silent – беззвучный, бесшумный; молчаливый, безмолвный ) . “No; it has been stolen, it is true, but I shall still find it(нет; он украден, это правда, но его найду) . And by myself alone(и сам, без посторонней помощи; alone – одиноко, в одиночестве; в одиночку )!
extraordinary[ɪk'strɔ:d(ǝ)n(ǝ)rɪ] , perception[pǝ'sepʃ(ǝ)n] , true[tru:]
“And the largest one had been supplanted by paste,” I said.
“Ah,” he said, with a reflective smile, “you know that?”
“You told me yourself. I remember considering it a proof of your extraordinary perception. But, by Jove, you don't mean to say you have lost it?”
He was silent for a moment. “No; it has been stolen, it is true, but I shall still find it. And by myself alone!
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