The Return of the
Killer Cat
Anne Fine was born and educated in the Midlands, and now lives in County Durham. She has written numerous highly acclaimed and prize-winning books for children and adults.
Her novel The Tulip Touch won the Whitbread Children’s Book of the Year Award; Goggle-Eyes won the Guardian Children’s Fiction Award and the Carnegie Medal, and was adapted for television by the BBC; Flour Babies won the Carnegie Medal and the Whitbread Children’s Book of the Year Award; Bill’s New Frock won a Smarties Prize and Madame Doubtfirehas become a major feature film.
Anne Fine was named Children’s Laureate in 2001.
Books by Anne Fine
Care of Henry
The Diary of a Killer Cat
The Haunting of Pip Parker
Jennifer’s Diary
Loudmouth Louis
Notso Hotso
Only a Show
Press Play
Roll Over Roly
The Same Old Story Every Year
Stranger Danger?
The Worst Child I Ever Had
How to Cross the Road without Turning into a Pizza
The James and Angus stories
The Return of the Killer Cat
Picture books
Poor Monty
The Return of the
Killer Cat

Illustrated by Steve Cox

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First published in hardback in Puffin Books 2003
Published in paperback in Puffin Books 2004
Text copyright © Anne Fine, 2003
Illustrations copyright © Steve Cox, 2003
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The moral right of the author and illustrator has been asserted
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-0-14-193613-0
1: How it began
2: Home not-so-sweet home
3: Mistake!
4: Stuck up the tree
5: Genius!
6: More fool me
7: Splat!!!
8: Sweet little pussy
9: Rumbled
10: How it ended
1: How it began
OKAY, OKAY! so slap my teensy little furry paws. I messed up.
Big time!
And okay! Tug my tail! It all turned into a bit of a one-cat crime wave.
So what are you going to do? Confiscate my food bowl and tell me I’m a very bad pussy?
But we cats aren’t supposed to hang about like dogs, doing exactly as we’re told, and staring devotedly into your eyes while we wonder if there is some slipper we can fetch you.
We run our own lives, we cats do. I like running mine. And if there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s wasting the days and nights when the family are on holiday.

‘Oh, Tuffy!’ fretted Ellie, giving me the Big Farewell Squeeze. (I gave her the cool blink that means: ‘Careful, Ell! Stay on the right side of cuddle here, or you’ll get the Big Scratch in return.’) ‘Oh, Tuffy! We’ll be away for a whole week!’
A whole week? Magic words! A whole week of sunning myself in the flower beds without Ellie’s mother shrieking, ‘Tuffy! Get out of there! You’re flattening whole patches!’

A whole week of lolling about on top of the telly without Ellie’s father’s endless nagging: ‘Tuffy! Shift your tail! It’s dangling over the goalmouth!’
And, best of all, a whole week of not being scooped up and shoved in next-door’s old straw baby basket and stroked and petted by Ellie and her soppy friend Melanie.
‘Ooh, you are lucky, Ellie! I wish I had a a pet like Tuffy. He’s so soft and furry.’
Of course I’m soft and furry. I’m a cat .
And I am clever, too. Clever enough to realize it wasn’t Mrs Tanner coming to house-and-cat-sit as usual…
‘… no, she suddenly had to rush off to her daughter in Dorset … so if you hear of anyone who could do it … only six days… well, if you’re sure , Vicar. Yes, well. So long as you’re comfortable with cats…’

Who cares if the vicar’s comfortable? I’m the cat.

2: Home not-so-sweet home
UH-UH! MR Houseproud!
‘Off those cushions, Tuffy. I don’t think you’re supposed to be lolling about on the sofa.’
Excuse me! Had the vicar not noticed it was me he was talking to? So what was I supposed to be doing? Mopping the floor? Tapping away on the computer? Digging the garden?
‘Tuffy! Don’t scratch the furniture.’
Hell-oooo? Whose house? His? Or mine? If I want to scratch furniture, I’ll scratch it.
Worst of all: ‘No, Tuffy! I’m not opening a fresh tin until you’ve finished this.’

I took a peek at ‘this’. It was hard. It was lumpy. It was yesterday’s grub.
And I wasn’t eating it.
I walked away. The last thing I heard was Reverend Barnham calling after me: ‘Gome back and finish your supper.’
In his dreams! I was off out. I met up with the gang – Tiger and Bella and Pusskins – and told them I hadn’t had supper. They were hungry too, so we sat on the wall and had a bit of a yowl about where to eat.
‘Fancy peeling the pepperoni off a leftover pizza?’
‘Fish without chips?’

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