Books by Anne Fine
The Diary of a Killer Cat
The Return of the Killer Cat
The Killer Cat Strikes Back
The Killer Cat’s Birthday Bash
Jennifer’s Diary
Loudmouth Louis
Notso Hotso
Only a Show
The Same Old Story Every Year
Stranger Danger?
The Worst Child I Ever Had
For older readers
A Pack of Liars
Crummy Mummy and Me
Flour Babies
Madame Doubtfire
Step by Wicked Step
The Tulip Touch
The Killer Cat’s
Birthday Bash
Illustrated by Steve Cox

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First published 2008
Text copyright © Anne Fine, 2008
Illustrations copyright © Steve Cox, 2008
The moral right of the author and illustrator has been asserted
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1: Not my fault
2: ‘You talkin’ ’bout me?’
3: No dogs
4: Ghosts in the closet
5: When poodles fly
6: Not long now
7: Spooking the horses
8: Here comes Ugly Club
9: Terrifying Beast
10: The very best of shows
1: Not my fault
OKAY, OKAY. SO spank my furry little bum. I held a party.
And, go ahead. Stuff me with sorry pills. It all ended up a bit of a mess.
Well, more than a mess. A disaster.
Well, more than a disaster. A real riot.
But it was not my fault . If Ellie hadn’t got so bored she rooted through the cupboard and found that old photograph album, I would never have known the date of my birthday. None of it would have happened.
So you blame Ellie. Don’t blame me.

2: ‘You talkin’ ’bout me?’
IT WAS A horrible day. Horrible. The rain was splattering against the window panes. The wind was howling. So Ellie lay face down on the rug and flicked over the pages of the album.
‘Oooh, Dad! Here’s one of you the day you tumbled in that muddy ditch.’
(Best place for the man, if you want my opinion.)
‘Oooh, Mum! Come and look at this photo. Your hair looks lovely .’
(On Planet No-Style, maybe. But not here.)
On and on Ellie went, squealing away like that baby mouse Tiger and I gave such a good fright behind the wheelie bin. In the end I decided I couldn’t stand it any more, and made for the door.

Just then she squealed again. ‘Oh, here’s one of Tuffy! Doesn’t he look sweeeeeeeet ?’
I turned to give her one of my ‘you talkin’ ’bout me?’ looks. She didn’t even notice. She was too busy oohing and aahing and fussing and cooing. ‘Oh,

come and look at this, Mum. Tuffy looks so cute !’
I’m not going to hang my head in shame and make excuses for myself. Back then I was a ball of fluff. I was a kitten . Baby kittens are sweet.
Ellie picked out another photo. ‘Oh, look! Tuffy is gorgeous !’
I couldn’t help it; I was curious. So I strolled back to take a look. And sure enough, there was this photo of me, all huge and trusting eyes, and fur around me like a fluffy cloud. I looked like something off one of those soppy birthday cards your great-aunt sends to your mother.
I nearly threw up. But Ellie was pointing to the writing underneath the photo as she read it aloud.
‘ Our enchanting new kitten. Born on 31st October .’

She looked at her mother. ‘It’s October now,’ she said. ‘That means it’s nearly Tuffy’s birthday.’
‘That’s nice,’ said Ellie’s mother.
I thought so too. But Ellie’s father had to introduce a sour note into this warm family moment.
‘31st October?’ he said. ‘Isn’t that Halloween? The time when everything evil and ugly and dangerous crawls out to stalk the land.’ He snorted. ‘A very suitable day indeed for Tuffy’s birthday!’
Rude man. But did I bother to give him the blink? No. I was too busy thinking.
31st October. My birthday, eh?
Then why not hold a party?
Well, why not?
3: No dogs
‘RIGHT,’ BELLA SAID. ‘First we must decide on where we’re holding this birthday bash of yours.’
‘My house, of course,’ I told them.
‘It’s my birthday and my party, so we’ll have it at my house.’
Bella sighed. ‘Have you forgotten what day it’s going to be?’
‘No,’ I said, and couldn’t help turning sarcastic. ‘Unless I just happened to step out tonight without my brain , it’s on 31st October.’
‘That’s right,’ said Bella. ‘And that’s the night your family plans to hold a big Halloween party for everyone on the street.’

‘Really?’ I was astonished. ‘News to me.’ I turned to Tiger. ‘Did you know that?’
‘Sure I knew,’ Tiger told me. ‘This morning I was just sitting minding my own business on the front door mat when the invitation came through the letter box and fell on my head.’ He ran a paw over his fur. ‘I can still feel the lump.’

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