and Constance Kent's confession, 234, 236, 241, 243-4
and Constance Kent's trial, 247-8, 252
Roman Catholic Church, 239, 266
Romney, George, 176
Roper, Sergeant, 180
Rous, Mr, 265
Rowan, Colonel Charles, 50
Royal Aquarium, 275
Royal College of Surgeons, 271
Russell, William ('Waters'), 52, 83, 96, 103, 148, 216
St Giles, 48-9, 63, 121-2
St John's Wood, 212
St Paul's Cathedral, 278, 288
Sala, George Augustus, 52
Salisbury, 247, 261
Fisherton gaol, 247, 253
Salisbury and Winchester Journal , 242, 245
Sandown Fort, 106
Sangways, Emma, 267, 276
Saturday Review , 190, 199, 223, 243
Saunders, Thomas, 193-9,
Savage, George Henry, 80
Saxony, 212-13
Sayers, Tom, 124
Schubert, Franz, 296
Scotland Yard: detective headquarters, 51, 163
boarding house, 120-1, 163
letters to, 163-8,173
under Williamson, 276-8
Scott, Miss, 78, 143
sea-horses, 274-5
'sensation' novels, 218-22, 269
servants, female, 145-6
Shakespeare, William, 176
Sheffield, 140n
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 176
Shepherd's Bush, 275
Sberborne Journal , 146
Shoreditch, 106
Sidmouth, 71-2
Silcox, Anna, 24
Slack, E.F., 182-3
Smith, Madeleine, 104-5,
Snow, John, 79
Soho Square, 79
Somerset and Wilts Journal , 106
accounts of Road Hill case 30, 34-5, 67, 81, 95, 109, 127, 189
demands detective, 38
description of Road Hill House, 100-1
and Whicher's suspicions, 124, 175, 189
and Constance Kent's examination, 148-9
and Gagg's arrest, 180
and Cough's resignation, 181
petitions Home Office, 182
and Saunders' inquiry, 195
and Constance Kent's confession, 233, 236-7, 239
Somersetshire, 59, 73, 79, 113, 144, 164, 209, 21on, 211
police, 12, 108
somnambulism, 137, 242, 269
South Pacific, 287
Southampton, 69
Southwark, 164, 262
Southwick, 13, 19, 21
Sparks, Emma, 103, 119, 129, 145
Spitalfields, 50
Spurgeon, Rev. Charles, 252
Stamford Hill, 71
Stancomb, William and John, 115
Stapleton, Joseph, 21-2, 30, 33, 240, 243n, 300
and post-mortem, 24-5, 79-80, 303
account of Road Hill case, 21, 60-1 63, 71, 73-5, 86, 92-3, 142, 157-8, 167, 203, 207-8, 303
and villagers' suspicions, 30, 60
and Constance Kent's insanity, 102
defence of Samuel Kent, 190, 208, 221
and discovery of shift, 197
and factory inspection, 200
The Great Crime of 1860 published , 220-1
and Constance Kent's confession, 234
establishes fund for Gough, 253
and syphilis, 297
steamships, 69, 235
Steeple Ashton, 237
Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames, 174, 223
Stepney, 69
Stevens, William, 240
Stoke Newington, 56, 273
Stoke-on-Trent, 88
Stokes, Ann, 36
Stokes, Charles, 35, 148, 194
Strand, 120
Such Things Are , 221
Suffolk, Earl of, 55
Surrey, 181, 212, 214, 278
Sussex, 278, 288
Sutton, 213-14
'swell mob', xx, 54, 82-4
Sydney, 289-90
letter from, 291-6, 298, 301
Sylvester, George, 27
syphilis, congenital, 296-7
Taine, Hippolyte, 109
Tanner, Detective-Sergeant Richard ('Dick'), 56, 120, 144, 235
Tasmania, 283-5, 288
Tatt, Mr, 54
Taylor, Sarah, 50
Taylor, Tom, 97
teeth, Hutchinsonian, 296-8
telegrams, 219
telegraph, electric, xx, 69, 106, 120, 180
Tellisford, 194
Thames, river, 162-3, 261
Theseus, 68, 70
Thomas, Detective-Sergeant, 234
Thomson, John, 105
Thornton, Detective-Sergeant (later Inspector) Stephen, 50-1, 55, 69-70, 122, 224
Thursday Island, 287
Tichborne, Dowager Lady, 263-4
Tichborne, Sir Roger, 263-4
Tichborne Claimant (Arthur Orton), 263-7
Tietjens, Therese, 212, 215
Times, The , 7, 29, 65, 104, 121-2
accounts of Road Hill case, 38, 116, 130, 148, 188-9
and detectives, 51, 53, 95
and McNaghten rule, 136
advertisements, 161n
and Youngman case, 172-3
Groser's letter, 181
and Saunders' inquiry, 198-9
and Franz case, 215
and Constance Kent's confession, 228, 233
and Whicher's retirement, 236
Stapleton's letter, 253
and Constance Kent's explanation, 259, 299
and William Kent, 274, 286
Tommas (cat), 121
Torres Strait, 287
Trafalgar Square, 51, 53
trains, see railways
trams, 275
Trollope, Anthony, 162
Trowbridge, xix, xxiii, 32, 60, 120, 125
Samuel Kent's flight, 12-13, 20-2, 34, 126-7, 184
police station, 35-6, 137, 180, 232
trade and prosperity, 43-4
Kent family's unpopularity, 61, 101, 200
Hilperton Road district, 115
police court, 183-8, 234, 237
Constance Kent returns, 231-2
Trowbridge and North Wilts Advertiser , 28, 106, 119, 125, 143
Turberwell, Sarah Ann, 210n
Turner, J.M.W., xxiii
United States of America, 112
Upper Harley Street, 133-6
Upper Seymour Street, 136
Uranus, orbit of, 142
Urch, PC Alfred, 8, 12-15, 17-18, 24, 108, 196
van Gogh, Vincent, 296
veils, 148
Victoria, Queen, 49, 82, 117n, 217, 253
Victoria (Australia), 284
Victoria station, 162, 227
Vidocq, Eugene, 125, 175
Virginia, 254
Waddington, Horatio, 33, 165-6
Wagner, Rev. Arthur Douglas, 224, 227, 229-31, 234-5, 238-42, 252-4, 262
refusal to testify, 239-42, 253
petitions for Constance Kent, 252, 280
and Constance Kent's release, 288
Wales, 211, 233, 273, 298
Walker, Superintendent, 224
Walton-in-Gordano, 73, 144
Walworth, 171-3, 181
Wandsworth, St Peter's Hospital, 288
Wandsworth gaol, 122
Wapping, 166, 264-5
Ware, James Redding, 242
Warminster, 88, 93, 137, 151, 198
Warsaw, 224-5
Waters, see Russell, William
Watts, Sergeant James, 196-7, 202, 237
Weller, Louisa, 49
Wellington College, 82
West, Edward, 18
West Indies, 74
Westbury, 115, 198
Western Australia, 284-5
Western Daily Press , 15, 32, 95, 117, 119, 146, 155, 175, 189, 191
Western Morning News , 130
Westminster, 162-3, 275, 278
Westminster Abbey, 49, 262
Westminster bridge, 162
Weston-super-Mare, 209
Whicher, Charlotte (nee Piper), 161n, 262, 267, 276
Whicher, Detective-Inspector Jonathan ('Jack'), xi-xx
reputation, xix-xxii, 56
and 'swell mob', xx, 54, 82-4
summoned to Wiltshire, xxiii, 39, 43-4, 59, 61-2
family background, 44-5
joins police, 45-8, 56, 69
first arrest, 49-50, 119
joins detective force, 50-2
methods, 53-5
promoted inspector, 55
and Bonwell case, 55, , 181
possible first marriage, 56-7, 262
and missing nightdress, 67-8, 87, 118-19, 137-42, 146, 154, 168, 173, 177, 201, 239
and Manning case, 69-70
and Kent family, 70, 75, 87, 127
suspicion of Constance Kent, 86-7, 94-5, 103-5, 125-6, 137-42, 170, 177, 201, 203, 245
sagacity, 95-6, 254
and shape-shifters, 97
arrests Constance Kent, 115-20
and Sarah Drake case, 133-5
and Wiltshire police, 142, 156, 177, 179-80, 202-3, 238
and examination of Constance Kent, 147-56
returns to London, 158-9, 161
retains evidence, 158-9, 238
residence, 161, 225, 262
and letterwriters, 165-7, 173
and Youngman case, 171-3
criticised, 173-6, 201, 223
final report to Mayne, 176-7
and arrest of Gagg, 181
and suspicion of Gough, 189-90
and Saunders' inquiry, 198-9
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