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I am very grateful to Bernard Taylor for directing me to his archive of papers on the Road Hill murder and for allowing me to use the images he gathered - he has been exceptionally generous. Thanks also to Stewart Evans, the custodian of the archive, for his guidance and hospitality, and to Cynthia Yates for being such a welcoming and informative hostess at Langham (formerly Road Hill) House. For help on specific queries, thanks to Joseph Wisdom at St Paul's Cathedral, Susanna Lamb at Madame Tussaud's, Eleri Lynn at the Victoria & Albert Museum, Katherine White at Trowbridge Museum and Anthony J. Harrison in Australia. Thank you to Leslie Robinson for the maps. More generally, I am indebted to the staff of the National Archives, the Family Records Centre, Battersea Library, Southwark Local History Library, Trowbridge Museum, Frome Museum, the London Library, the British Library, the London Metropolitan Archives and the Metropolitan Police Historical Collection.
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