* In the event, Madame Tussaud's did not put the Constance Kent waxwork on show until after Samuel Kent's death - perhaps out of respect for his feelings. According to the museum catalogues, it was displayed from 1873 to 1877.
* Six years later, in 1887, Arthur Conan Doyle created the first of his hugely successful Sherlock Holmes mysteries. Unlike Jack Whicher, Conan Doyle's fantasy detective is an amateur and a gentleman, and he is always right - 'the most perfect reasoning and observing machine the world has seen', says his sidekick Dr Watson in 'A Scandal in Bohemia'.
* Mary Amelia had married an orchard-keeper in Sydney in 1899, and given birth to Olive, her only child, the next year. Eveline, known as Lena, married a doctor in 1888 and had a son and a daughter. Florence never married, and spent her last years living with her niece Olive.
* Henry James's novella was published in 1898, the heyday of the Sherlock Holmes series. The Turn of the Screw runs the detective story backwards, unravelling all its comforts: it refuses to dissolve the mystery of the children's silence; it implicates the detective-narrator in the nameless crime; and it ends, rather than begins, with the death of a child.
* Whicher's unfolding analysis of the murder was laid out in three reports to Sir Richard Mayne, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner: the first is missing; Whicher wrote the second on 22 July; and he started the third just over a week later. The surviving reports are in the Metropolitan Police file on the Road Hill murder at the National Archives - MEPO 3/61.
* Thirty-two years later, in the Sherlock Holmes short story 'Silver Blaze' (1892), Arthur Conan Doyle referred to 'the curious incident of the dog in the night-time', the curious incident being that the dog did not bark when he encountered an intruder, and the solution to the riddle being that the intruder was known to the dog. But the Road Hill murder, being fact rather than fiction, had messier, more ambiguous clues: the dog did bark on the night of the murder, but not a lot.
* There are many possible causes for this condition, including tumours, hernias, the use of narcotics (such as opium), metabolic imbalance and kidney disease.
* The press reported that Samuel Kent was paid PS800 a year, a figure he did not correct; but the Home Office archives show that his salary was actually only PS350 in 1860. He may also have had a small private income. In The Book of House-hold Management (1861) Mrs Beeton calculated that an income of PS500 per annum was required to fund a three-servant house-hold (the average wage for a cook, according to the same book, was PS20, for a housemaid PS12 and for a nursemaid PS10).
* In his reports to Mayne, Whicher underlined those phrases and sentences that he wished to emphasise. His underlined words are rendered here as italics.
* The abbreviation 'sleuth' was first used as a synonym for 'detective' in the 1870s.
* The biblical text runs: 'And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper? And He said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.'
* According to one implausible rumour, the Kents were illegitimate descendants of the royal family. Reporters occasionally remarked on Constance's resemblance to Queen Victoria.
* A defendant was not allowed to give evidence at his or her own trial until 1898.
* If Eugenia was lying, one wonders about the role played in her life by the family doctor, Mr Gay, to whom she was - at eleven - already betrothed. The surgeon referred to her as his 'little wife', and it was he who examined her body for signs of sexual molestation. Gay observed 'slight marks of violence', he said.
Adams, John Couch, 142
Adelphi theatre, 84
Albert, Prince, 217
All the Year Round , xxii, 125, 159, 267
Alloway, John, 4, 9-10, 12, 18
Alresford, 265
Annual Register , 106
aquaria, 273-4
Arabia, 96
Arundel, Lord, 264
Ascot, 56
Asmodeus, 158
Australia, 53, 263, 265, 291
William Kent in, 283-9
Constance Kent in, 288-90
Avon, river, 44
Axbridge, 164
Baily, Mr and Mrs, 151-2
Balaklava, 73
Baldwin, Mary, 122
ballads, broadside, 69, 251-2
banknotes, 69
baobab trees, 286
Barnes, Constance Amelia, 288
Barry, Sir Charles, 162
Bath, 137, 164, 167, 182, 198, 203, 207
Constance and William Kent's flight, 91-3, 95, 107, 143, 300-1
Greyhound Hotel, 91-2
police, 207-8
Bath Chronicle , 110
accounts of Road Hill case, 27-8, 34, 37, 60-1, 95, 97, 102, 111-12, 127, 130, 143, 159
and suspicion of Samuel Kent, 169-70
criticisms of Whicher, 174, 179
Bath Express , 93, 110, 116, 149, 169, 182
Battersea, 275
Baudelaire, Charles, 296
Baxter, Richard, 294
Baynton House, 73-4, 290, 293
Beckington, 4-5, 9, 19, 77-9, 137, 182, 236
Manor House school, 78, 143
Methodist chapel, 210
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 296
Beeton, Mrs Isabella, 74n, 296
Belgravia, 120
Benger, Thomas, 15-17, 22, 24, 29, 128, 237
Bennett, John, 52
Bennett, Thomas, 279
Bentham, Jeremy, 216
Berkshire, 82, 190
Bermondsey, 69, 105
Bethlehem asylum, 80
Bird, J.J., 137
Biss, river, 44
Blackall, Dr, 72
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine , 123
Blandford, 166
Bloemfontein, Bishop of, 280
Bloomsbury, 48-9
Bonwell, Rev. James, 55, 133, 181
Booth, John Wilkes, 253-4
Bow Street magistrates' court, 227-8, 234, 241, 254
Bowyer, Sir George, 173-4
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth, Lady Audley's Secret , 217-18, 222, 225, 238, 243
Aurora Floyd, 222
Bradford-upon-Avon, 193, 198
Brighton, 227, 229, 241, 254, 258, 288
St Mary's Home (Hospital), 224, 227, 229, 241, 298
Aquarium, 273-4
Brisbane, 284, 289
Bristol, 91-2, 123, 125, 201
Clifton, 148
Bristol Daily Post , 27, 95, 112, 119, 143, 183, 185, 193-4, 198
Bristol Mercury , 195
British Museum, 48, 271, 273
Bronte, Charlotte, 82, 96
Jane Eyre, 72, 102
Brown, Hannah, 69
Brunei, Isambard Kingdom, xix
Buckingham Palace, 49
Buckinghamshire, 180
Bucknill, Charles, 244-5, 252, 256, 258
Burlington House, 286
Burne-Jones, Edward, 229
Burns, Robert, 176
Butcher, Chief Superintendent, 278
Buxted, 288
Cain and Abel, 112
Calne, 191
Camberwell, 44-5, 69, 171, 267, 278
Cambridge Zoological Museum, 271
cameras, see photography
Canada, 288
Carlyle, Thomas, 105
Cams, Dr, 38
Cavanagh, Timothy, 121, 163, 211
Cenci, Beatrice, 176
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal , 51-2
Chandler, Raymond, 304
Charbury, 123
Charlie, Bonnie Prince, 293
Cheshire, 164
Chesterton, G.K., 272
children: criminal, 121-3
illegitimate, 136
and murder, 233, 244
Chile, 263
Chippenham, xix, xxiii, 180, 188, 232
Church of England, 181, 224, 229, 239, 241-2
Civil Service Gazette , 29
Clapton, 71
Clark, Henry, 137, 148-51, 153, 158, 220, 234
Cockburn, John, 262
Coleridge, John Duke, 248-50, 253, 266
Collins, Wilkie, 125, 190, 270
The Moonstone , xi, 75, 77-8, 87, 138, 168, 267-9, 301
The Woman in White , xxii, 41, 68, 81, 102, 105, 138, 159, 182
'The Diary of Anne Rodway', 70
'Mad Monkton', 80
No Name , 225
Armadale , 263
Colne, river, 252n
Conan Doyle, Arthur, 66n, 269, 276n, 30n
constables, 12
Convent de la Sagesse, 211
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