"Then don't try to say them." She cuddled closer, nestling her head in the hollow of his shoulder, her fingers tangling contentedly in the crisp hair on his chest. "You certainly don't need them. You do extremely well with body language."
His chuckle reverberated beneath her ear. "I'll remember which form of communication you prefer." His lips feathered a kiss on the top of her head. "Nap a little, love, and then we'll see if we can develop a few new innovations to the state of the art."
There was the lightest brushing at the crests of her breasts, then a warm, wet teasing and probing, and then a tugging. It was all deliciously gentle and lazy and right. Sleepily Lisa opened hereyes to see Clancy's dark head nestled at her breasts, and she smiled with contentment.
His head lifted and he smiled, too. "Hi," he said softly. His hand moved to cup the swelling globe that had been receiving his attention. "Did I ever tell you that you have fantastic breasts?"
"I don't believe the subject has come up, but I'm glad one part of my anatomy meets with your approval. All I've been hearing lately is how skinny I am."
"Well, these lovely things are definitely not skinny." His tongue placed another caress on the rosy peak. His hand ran down her midriff to her belly, and he began to massage it gently. "Your hips are damned narrow, though, and you're awfully tiny here." He frowned. "You won't have trouble with the baby, will you?"
She stiffened in surprise. She had completely forgotten that this heady delight also had a purpose. She might have a child as the result of this night. A quiet glow of joy swept over her. "I didn't with Tommy. It's the pelvis measurements that count."
He was still frowning as his hand moved down to press the tight curls at the apex of her thighs. "I'm so blasted big. Our child is bound to be-"
She reached down and covered his lips with her hand. "Hush, it will be fine. Let me worry about the actual production process. You just keep your mind on your part of the project."
His lips parted and he nipped at the fingers covering them. "That won't be hard to do. I'm having trouble keeping my mind on anything else when you're around." Suddenly his cheek was on herstomach, rubbing back and forth with loving affection. She could feel the slight roughness of his beard growth against her smoothness. It brought a sudden hot tingling sensation between her thighs that sent a ripple of surprise through her. So soon? His words were slightly muffled. "You're not sorry? You haven't changed your mind?"
"It's a little late for second thoughts." Her hand tangled in the thickness of his hair. "No, I'm not sorry. It was wonderful, Clancy."
His lips caressed her. "For me, too. I think it's very convenient that baby making is so damn enjoyable. I intend to work very hard on the project, you realize." His fingers wandered between her thighs and began stroking her lazily. "Morning, noon, and night." She gasped as his fingers suddenly plunged forward. "And in between, of course."
"What about your job?" she asked faintly. He was moving lazily, rhythmically within her, and her back arched helplessly.
"I can take a little vacation. I feel it's my duty to devote all my energies to this project at the present time." Unexpectedly, he was over her, entering her with one powerful movement. "There are certain priorities I have to keep in mind." He looked down at her and the lazy humor faded. In addition to the heavy sensuality she had expected, there was a gravity that surprised her. "And you're my top priority, Lisa." He leaned down and kissed her gently. "Always."
Then he started to move and she forgot everything but the web of passion he was weaving about her.
"Where are you going?"
Lisa settled the caftan around her hips and slipped on her shoes. "I didn't mean to wake you. I just thought I'd go back to my room and shower and change before breakfast. I wasn't exactly prepared when you decided to sweep me off my feet and into bed." She winked. "At last."
"You should have been. I was aiming at being a romantic, not a complete idiot." He crossed his arms under his head and leaned lazily back on the pillow. "But now I've decided to become a satyr instead. I've discovered I'm suited for it both psychologically and physically. Come back to bed, Lisa. I need some practice in the role."
She lifted a slightly derisive brow. "After last night?" Neither of them had counted the times they'd come together in a passion that had seemed unquenchable. Even now she was tempted to do as he asked and go back into his arms. "After breakfast we'll discuss it again. I wouldn't want you to dwindle down to a mere shadow." She crossed the room and opened the door. "I'll meet you in the dining room in an hour." She started to close the door, then stopped in surprise. "What the devil is this?" She held up a small leather drawstring pouch. "I found it hanging on the doorknob."
Clancy took one look at the pouch and a smile tugged at his lips. "Marna. It's a charm of some sort. I've seen them hanging on Kira's doorknobs on occasion."
Lisa lifted the pouch to her nose and sniffed experimentally. "Well, it doesn't smell of garlic, soevidently we're not threatened by vampires. I wonder what it could be."
"There's no telling. Why don't you go ask her? I was going to call Alex before breakfast anyway."
"Do you think I should? After all, it was hanging on your doorknob. She might tell me it's none of my business."
"I doubt that. Marna has an uncanny way of knowing what's going on around her. I'm sure she knows you were occupying this room last night." His expression grew sober. "Not only last night, I hope. I know it's not considered chic for a couple to occupy the same bedroom these days, but I'd like very much to have you move in with me." Gruffly he added, "I'll try not to get in your way."
"I'd like that, too," she saidv'Tll pack and move my things from my room right after breakfast."
"You won't miss your tower, princess? I hate to be an Indian giver. You occcupied that room for less than an hour."
"Not a bit. I've decided that towers are too lonely for me, anyway." She blew him a kiss and closed the door.
Her step was as springy and light as her mood as she strolled down the corridor. Now if she could only manage to find her room in this labyrinth, it would make her day. She hadn't been paying any attention to where they were going last night when Clancy had been playing Rhett Butler. For that matter, she hadn't noticed anything but Clancy.
Lisa only lost her way once in the twisting corridors before she found the right wing. Next time she ventured in this area, she told herself, she'd have to leave a trail of bread crumbs like those childrenin the fairy tale. However, Marna would probably not appreciate bread crumbs in her immaculate halls, she thought ruefully. The gypsy housekeeper would soon be putting a pouch on her doorknob to attract vampires instead of keeping them away.
She opened the door to her room and went directly to the closet to get a robe. She stood stock still, a puzzled frown creasing her brow. The closet was almost empty. There was a terry-cloth robe, a blouse, and a pair of slacks on the padded hangers. What had happened to the rest of her clothes? She had unpacked and hung up everything last night before she'd dressed for dinner.
She slipped the robe from the hanger and crossed to the bureau. One set of underwear remained in the middle drawer. Everything else was gone. In the adjoining bathroom her makeup and toiletries remained on the vanity. Whoever had removed her belongings had been very selective. Marna? Lisa doubted if any of the maids would have dared touch her things without Mama's approval; she clearly had them all under her control. It was evident there was something to discuss with the housekeeper besides the talisman.
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