How could she do anything else? Lisa thought. The girl had a zestful, exuberant charm that was completely irresistible. Kira Rubinoff couldn't havebeen more than twenty-two, but she had a poise and presence far beyond her years. She was only a little over five feet, and every one of those inches was curvaceous and alluring. Even in faded jeans and a white T-shirt she exuded a potent sex appeal-a good deal of which was probably generated by a head of flaming auburn hair that tumbled to her shoulders in a riot of curls. The face framed by that shining mass was more intriguing than pretty. High cheekbones, beautifully curved lips that held a hint of sensitivity, and deep sapphire eyes that were slightly tilted.
"I'm very glad to meet you, Princess Rubinoff." Lisa took her hand. "And I'm not good enough for Clancy. But then I don't think anyone would be. I do try, however."
"Kira. I've been Princess Rubinoff for the last three months and it's practically driven me bananas. Please don't remind me."
"That's Clancy's helicopter, isn't it? Why didn't he come with you?"
"Something hot is breaking in Marasef with the terrorist situation, and he had to stay longer. He said to tell you he'd be in late tonight or early tomorrow morning."
Lisa felt a chill run through her. "Terrorists?"
"He's not in any danger," Kira said quickly. "They've just heard some of the group have crossed the border from Said Ababa, and they're trying to round up informers to find out where they're hiding." She smiled and suddenly her face was vividly alive. "We'll have a chance to get to know each other. You're an American, aren't you? I went to school in the U.S. Yale. Stefan wanted me to gothe Sorbonne, but I convinced him that I was very impressed by the Communist activities there, so he changed his mind."
Lisa raised a brow. "And were you interested in the Communists?"
"Of course not. I have no idea whether there are any Communists at the Sorbonne. But that was the only way I could get him to send me to America." Her eyes twinkled. "He wasn't about to risk nurturing a Communist sympathizer who might overthrow the monarchy. He may be a bit thick, but he has heard about the Russian Revolution."
"I can see how he might object," Lisa said, smiling.
Kira shrugged. "Oh, Stefan objects to everything about me. He believes that I was born solely to initiate havoc and disturb the peace."
"And have you been doing that?"
It was Mama's deep voice behind them, and Kira whirled with a little cry. Then the girl flew across the courtyard and into her arms. "Oh, Marna, I missed you so." The poise and sophistication were suddenly gone, and she looked like a little girl as she was enfolded in the large woman's embrace. "I tried so hard to be good, but he kept bringing out these horribly depressing types with sweaty palms and brains the size of peas."
"You shouldn't have gone back. I told you it would do no good." Marna stroked Kira's fiery hair with amazing tenderness. "What happened this time?"
"I was too impatient. It had been three months and my being good hadn't seemed to make any difference. We were at the country estate and Stefan was showing everyone through the stables. He'd just bought that prize jumper from the Calumet stables and Don Esteban-"
"Don Esteban is one of these sweaty palm types?" Marna interrupted.
Kira nodded. "The very clammiest, and he kept putting them on me. I couldn't stand him. He was always bragging about his prowess in the bullring. It appears the big wine tycoon is an amateur bullfighter. You know how I hate bullfights. Those poor bulls…"
"I know," Marna said quietly.
"Well, we were passing by this empty stall and his hand just happened to fall on my derriere." She shrugged. "So I tripped him and he fell into the stall."
"Is that all?"
"That was enough. The stableboys hadn't cleaned it out yet, and that wasn't all he fell into." Kira made a face. "Stefan was watching and he was absolutely furious." She nestled closer, "So I hopped a plane and flew back to Marasef. I thought I'd give him time to cool off before I went back."
"You're not going back," Marna said harshly. "It is useless. Why should you let that chitka make you unhappy?"
"You know why. I'm not going-" Suddenly she broke off and turned to face Lisa. "Lord, I'm sorry. We're being terribly rude. You must be awfully bewildered by all of this."
"It's none of my business," Lisa said. "If you'd rather be alone…"
Kira shook her head. "Clancy cares aboutand he helped us when we needed it." She shrugged. "Heaven knows it's no big secret. The entire family know why we're in Sedikhan." She glanced at Lisa's protruding stomach, and a flicker of mischief lit her eyes. "Clancy's obviously been too busy to fill you in-at least, as far as information goes."
"It's a possibility," Lisa said, a tiny smile tugging at her lips.
"Well anyway, the first thing you should know is that Stefan is a pompous ass and something of a…"
"Chitka?" Lisa suggested.
"Definitely. Tamrovia isn't one of the richest countries in Europe, and he has these antiquated ideas about arranged marriages to benefit the monarchy. He's been trying to palm me off on every eligible royal head of state or billionaire in the world since I was sixteen. He doesn't care which as long as the power is there. Naturally I wasn't about to be manipulated, so I fought back."
"By pushing wealthy bullfighters into piles of manure?" Lisa asked with a grin.
"That was totally uninspired. Marna and I managed much more creative ways to discourage the others. Then Stefan had a brainstorm and decided that since he couldn't punish me for these little pranks, he'd go after Marna."
"The Greek shipowner developed a terrible rash," Marna said with a shrug. "Kira told him to leave her alone. I don't know what all the fuss was about. I made sure that it would go away in a day or two."
Kira's lips tightened. "Stefan put Marna in prison. He thought he could use her to pressure me."
"But you broke her out and with Clancy's help whisked her here to Sedikhan," Lisa said. Good heavens, it was like something out of a soap opera. No wonder Clancy had said that Kira and Marna were an explosive combination.
Kira nodded. "Right. That was-"
"Kira, she shouldn't be out here in this sun listening to you chatter," Marna interrupted. "I will go prepare your room, and you take her inside and get her a cool drink. Make sure she takes her iron pill with it." She turned away and walked briskly across the courtyard.
"I'm sorry." Kira looked stricken. "I didn't know you were that fragile."
"I'm not," Lisa said with a sigh. "She acts as if I'm made of glass. I had a little difficulty with the baby during my second month and she's been wrapping me in cotton wool ever since."
Kira nodded, her affectionate gaze following Marna. "She has a very loving heart, and she likes you. I can tell. She's very protective of the people she cares about."
"And I believe you are, too," Lisa said, her eyes on the girl's face.
"I love her," Kira said simply. "She raised me. My parents and Stefan never had any time for me, and Lance couldn't stand Tamrovia and was always in Sedikhan. She's been my mother, teacher, and friend." She shrugged. "Everything. That's why I can't let her be exiled like this. Marna is a gy and they have very close tribal ties. She hataway from her people. I thought maybe she'd adjust to Sedikhan, but she's been miserably unhappy here."
"And that's why you went back to Tamrovia?"
"What else could I do? I thought if I put up with all that courtship bull for a while, I could talk Stefan into a pardon for Marna." She grimaced. "I blew it. Maybe if I'd stuck it out just a little longer…"
"You're going back?"
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