Annelie regarded the actress with outward calm, but the way Carolyn's face changed when she smiled, the way her narrow lips became lush and inviting, caused her breath to catch.
"Mmm, this looks tasty. Crab is my favorite seafood."
"Then you'll love these. There's nothing like stone crabs."
Carolyn sat down and buttered her bread sparingly. "How long have you lived here?"
"Almost six years. My first year down here, I lived in a condo near Jared's. I wanted to buy a house, but it took me a while. As soon as the real-estate agent showed me this one, I knew it was my dream come true."
"So you make quick decisions once you know they're right?"
Not sure they were still talking about the house, Annelie nodded calmly. "Yes, I do. So far my instincts haven't steered me wrong."
"That's pretty obvious. You must be thrilled with your decisions about the Diana Maddox series."
"Yes, it's all turned out wonderfully. But without the authors and the books, it wouldn't happen. It's really all about teamwork." She hesitated for a second. "I'm curious. Had you read the Maddox books before you agreed to do the audio version?"
"Only the first one, Dying for Fame , since it was such an instant hit. And also, the setting tied in to my own profession. After that, I intended to read the other two as they came out, but I was in constant rehearsals and never found time."
"What did you think when we approached you about the audiobooks?"
Carolyn carefully wiped her mouth. "As you know, I've done regular audiobooks before and enjoyed it, since I really love to read when I can."
Annelie leaned back in her chair. "You've probably guessed I love books too, since I'm in the publishing business. How was it, doing the audiobooks like radio plays?"
"Both challenging and fun. I enjoyed working with Helen and Harvey. I'd met them before, of course, but had never had the chance to work with them."
Annelie cocked her head. "How did you feel about doing the love scenes with Helen, even if it was only sound-wise?"
Carolyn seemed to give it some thought. "I've never played a lesbian before, so I had no idea how it would seem. But then again, this was also my first role as a criminal investigator. When Helen and I recorded the love scenes, we actually stood very close and used the same microphone. I felt very safe and comfortable with her. We're both pros."
Annelie considered this. It was a straightforward and honest reply. "So you didn't feel awkward at all?"
Carolyn gave a smile. "Perhaps I felt a little self-conscious the first time I indicated kissing her. Harvey took care of that."
Annelie raised an eyebrow. "What did he do?"
"He snuck up behind me, and when I was supposed to have ended the first, long kiss, he grabbed my waist. On tape, my gasp of surprise sounds very passionate!"
Annelie couldn't hold back a laugh. Carolyn's low purr was done tongue in cheek and utterly irresistible.
"It certainly worked for the audience. I suppose you've seen all the fan Web sites and message boards devoted to Maddox. There must be thousands."
"I confess, I'm not into computers, and I don't use the Internet. New technology just isn't my thing. It's hard to fathom how much information the fans can get hold of this way."
"We have a pretty good overview of it all. There are Diana Maddox lists, Carolyn Black lists, and several lists about the other characters."
"Honestly, I had no idea."
Annelie paused for a moment. "The Internet is a big part of our overall marketing strategy. We've also established a new company that will be organizing Diana Maddox conventions. All in all, she's quite a franchise."
Carolyn looked cautious, as if she couldn't quite see where Annelie was headed, sharing all this business information. "I'm impressed," she said. "You'll have every angle covered once you release the movies as well."
"Precisely." The perfect opening, Annelie thought, carefully composing her next sentence. "Which brings me to something I need to discuss with you." She detected an immediate flicker of excitement in Carolyn's eyes and felt bad. What she was about to say was not what the actress was expecting to hear. "We're going to have to take the current audiobooks off the market."
"What?" Carolyn blurted out in an incredulous tone of voice.
"Whoever plays Maddox in the movie will also have to feature in the audiobooks, so we'll be dubbing her voice in." She met Carolyn's stunned gaze without blinking. "We have no choice. We have to maintain homogeneity to bring readers and audience along. It would confuse them if the voice in the audiobooks is not the same as the actress's they watch on the screen. I'm sure you understand that."
A ringing sound came from the house and Annelie rose quickly. "Sorry. I left my cordless in the kitchen. Be right back."
She ran into the house, anticipating that once Carolyn was over her shock, she would rise to the bait and make her play for the role. But by the time the discussion ended, she would accept the inevitable and take the deal Annelie planned to offer her.
Carolyn leaned back in her chair, stunned. Annelie had all but told her she was out of the running. Her eyes prickled and she turned her head, looking over the pool area to the well-kept gardens beyond. Tall palm trees were scattered at the perimeter, and tropical flowers bloomed abundantly in the flower beds. Annelie obviously employed a competent gardener.
Her thoughts whirled as a realization struck her. If Annelie intended to cease audiobook sales and allow the contracts to run out, where did that leave her? Thanks to a profit percentage deal, she received a steady income flow from them. She needed that money for Beth.
Rising from her chair, still holding a glass of mineral water, she walked to the edge of the lawn, her stomach churning. Annelie could do exactly as she pleased and there wasn't a damned thing Carolyn could do about it.
Except get the starring role in Dying for Fame .
"A penny for them?" Annelie's voice coming from behind her made Carolyn jump. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."
Carolyn took a long, steadying sip of the mineral water. "Let me understand this. You've chosen someone for the role already?"
"No. But my casting agent has worked it down to a short list." She had the grace to look embarrassed.
"Am I on that list?"
"Of course you are." The assurance sounded slightly hollow.
Carolyn couldn't imagine Annelie lying outright—she seemed too classy for that. Concluding that her name was right at the bottom, she said, "I get the feeling I'm not your first choice."
Annelie made a small, helpless gesture.
Carolyn lowered her gaze from the publisher's exquisite, calm face and refrained from yelling, What's wrong with you? I'm perfect! "Is it my age?" she asked flatly.
"No. "The denial was quick and emphatic. "You barely look thirty-five."
"Then what? Do me a favor and just tell me, okay?"
Annelie's eyes widened a fraction at the blunt request. "Okay." Her tone became very businesslike. "Your voice was always perfect for Diana. But film is a visual medium, and I'm not sure your look is quite right for her. "
Carolyn raised an eyebrow. "Clearly you wouldn't have cast Charlize Theron in Monster ."
Annelie sighed. "Carolyn, listen. I know you want the role, and I love the work you've done for Key Line. But I can't afford to allow my own personal preferences to enter into this decision. I'm risking a lot on this movie. People depend on me for their livelihoods, so I have to listen to what industry experts are telling me or I won't get a distribution deal. You know what those guys are like."
It was the first time Carolyn had heard Annelie speak with real emotion since her presentation at the Nebula Circle fundraiser. She took a moment to consider the right way to respond. Softening her tone, she said, "At least let me read for you, and keep an open mind. Will you give me that?"
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