Christine Brooke-Rose
The Brooke-Rose Omnibus

A FLY straddles another fly on the faded denim stretched over the knee. Sooner or later, the knee will have to make a move, but now it is immobilised by the two flies, the lower of which is so still that it seems dead. The fly on top is on the contrary quite agitated, jerking tremulously, then convulsively, putting out its left foreleg to whip, or maybe to stroke some sort of reaction out of the fly beneath, which, however, remains so still that it seems dead. A microscope might perhaps reveal animal ecstasy in its innumerable eyes, but only to the human mind behind the microscope, and besides, the fetching and rigging up of a microscope, if one were available, would interrupt the flies. Sooner or later some such interruption will be inevitable; there will be an itch to scratch or a nervous movement to make or even a bladder to go and empty. But now there is only immobility. The fly on top is now perfectly still also. Sooner or later some interruption will be necessary, a bowl of gruel to be eaten, for instance, or a conversation to undergo. Sooner or later a bowl of gruel will be brought, unless perhaps it has already been brought, and the time has come to go and get rid of it, in which case –
— Would you rather have your gruel now or when I come back from Mrs. Mgulu?
The question is inevitable, but will not necessarily occur in that precise form.
— Two flies are making love on my knee.
— Flies don’t make love. They have sexual intercourse.
— On the contrary.
— You mean they make love but don’t have sexual intercourse?
— I mean it’s human beings who have sexual intercourse but don’t make love.
— Very witty. But you are talking to yourself. This dialogue will not necessarily occur.
The straddled fly stretches out its forelegs and rubs them together, but the fly on top is perfectly still. Soon the itch will have to be scratched.
— Hello, is there anyone there? It’s Mrs. Tom.
— Who is it? Oh, hello, Mrs. Tom, did you get my message?
— Yes, that’s why I came, and how are you?
— I was delayed this morning by Mrs. Ned’s tub, it was broken you see, so I was too late to catch Mrs. Jim. But Mr. Marburg the butler kindly offered to get in touch with you.
The itch is scratched very gently, so as not to disturb the flies. The fly on top trembles, quivers and sags, then stretches out its left foreleg to flicker some reaction out of the straddled fly, which, however, is now quite still. Sooner or later the knee’s immobility will undergo a mutation, a muscle will twitch and the flies will be disturbed. But for the moment they are dead to the world, even to the commotion made at the door by the coming interruption, the question which sooner or later must occur, in some form or other.
— That was Mrs. Tom.
— I know, I heard her.
— She got my message in spite of everything. You see I was late at Mrs. Mgulu’s this morning, on account of Mrs. Ned’s tub.
— Look, two flies are making love on my knee.
The squint seems bluer today, and wider. The pale eye that doesn’t move is fixed on the two flies, but the mobile eye wriggles away from them, its blue mobility calling out the blueness of the temple veins and a hint of blue in the white skin around. Then this eye too remains fixed, reproachful perhaps.
— Mrs. Mgulu looks quite ill you know, at least, as far as one can tell, with that wonderfully black skin. Yesterday apparently the doctor changed all her medicines, so she said I could have her old ones. This is for the thyroid. And this one’s for the duodenum, look.
— Don’t come too near, you’ll frighten them.
The pale fixed eye stands guard over the flies. The other moves along the print.
— Duodenica is an oral antacid buffer specially prepared for easy absorption by the sick the aged and the very young its gentle action provides continuous antacid action without alkalisation or fluctuations reducing gastric acidity to an equable level of p H 4 which is sufficient to relieve pain and discomfort with practically no interference with the secretory balance of the stomach or other normal digestive mechanisms. Duodenica is particularly recommended in cases of over-alcoholisation supersatiation ulceration hyperacidity dyspepsia Duodenica is NOT a drug one capsule twice a day during or after meals NOT to be taken without a doctor’s prescription.
In the sudden silence the fly on top is very still, so still that it seems dead under that pale policing eye.
— Would you rather have your gruel now or in a little while? It makes no difference to me, I have things to do.
— Sooner or later I shall have to disturb them.
The mobile eye shifts towards the knee and back, but the two flies lie quite still, as if dead to that extra light of awareness briefly upon them.
— Where’s your fly-swatter? Ah, here.
— Don’t! … frighten them.
— There’s hundreds of eggs in that fly. Think of the summer. It’s the winter flies you have to kill. Well I’ll leave the thyroid thing with you, and the Duodenica. There are some suppositories too, let’s see, anti-infectious therapeutic and tonifying by means of bacteriostatic properties of four sulphonamides selected among the most active and least toxic, together with — ah no, that’s for dogs, how silly of me.
The winter flies lie quite still, dead to the removal of that pale light of awareness briefly upon them. Sooner or later there will be a movement to make, a bladder to go and empty and a bowl of gruel to go and eat. The fly-swatter is made of bright red plastic. Through it, the high small window looks trellised in red, a darker red against the light, almost a wine-red. Through the trellis the winter sky is blue and pale, paler than the summer sky. But it is difficult to re-visualise the exact degree of blueness in the summer sky without interposing picture postcards as sold in the city streets. No sky is as blue as that, not even here in the South. It is difficult to re-imagine the exact degree of heat, and picture postcards are cold. The winter flies lie quite still, dead to their present framing in a circle of dark red plastic, dead to the removal of the red plastic frame around the light of awareness on them. Sooner or later they must be interrupted, but now there is only immobility.
The knee lowers itself gently, an earth transferred, a mountain moved by faith. The leg stretches slowly to a horizontal position. The elbows on which the recumbent body rests have to straighten out so that the body can rise from the mattress on the floor, using the hands to lean on. In the process the knees bend up again slightly. The winter flies take off, locked in a lurching flight, at eye-level, then, together still, they sway up towards the high small window a long way from the floor, and land their conjugal bodies on the transverse bar, where they lie very quiet, so quiet they might be dead.
Even at eye-level the flies lie quiet on the transverse bar, so quiet they might be dead.
The kitchen door is framed by the bedroom door. At the end of the short dark passage, almost cubic in its brevity, the kitchen through the open door seems luminous, apparently framed in red. The doors however are of rough dark wood. The walls of the passage are at right angles when curving is desired.
The circle of steaming gruel in the bowl is greyish white and pimply.
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