Carolyn paid the cabbie and stepped out into the Florida humidity, tossing her bag over her shoulder. Dressed in white city shorts and a light yellow tank top, she walked up to the gate and rang the bell.
"Carolyn," Annelie's voice sounded from a nearby speaker. "The gate's open."
Annelie appeared at the front door before Carolyn reached it. She looked relaxed and casual, sporting a modest ponytail, an azure blue T-shirt, and black shorts.
"Welcome. Come on in and have something to drink before you change. It's even hotter today, isn't it?"
"It sure is. What a difference from New York this time of year!"
Carolyn followed Annelie inside, looking curiously around the hallway. A blue, white, and black Persian rug adorned the oak parquet in front of the large living room's entryway, which was flanked by four-feet-tall Chinese urns full of decorative reeds.
Annelie led Carolyn into her French country-style kitchen. Opening the refrigerator, she glanced back over her shoulder. "What can I get you, Carolyn?"
"Any mineral water is fine, thanks."
Annelie pulled out two bottles of Perrier, opened them, and poured them over tall glasses full of ice. "Here you go. This'll cool you off."
Carolyn sipped the water while peering at Annelie over the rim of the glass. The younger woman looked impeccable even dressed like this, in the privacy of her own home. Her pale skin suggested she didn't sunbathe, and her lean muscles showed she was in good shape.
"You can change in my spare bedroom. Let me show you where it is. While you're in the pool, I'll go through my e-mails and then we can have lunch. How does that sound?"
"Excellent." Carolyn followed Annelie through the kitchen and out into another, smaller, hallway.
"You can reach the patio and the pool through that door. There's a guest bathroom with extra towels if you need some. I'll be out there with my laptop."
The room was a dream in blue, white, and gold. A soft carpet covered the floor, thick enough to almost hide her toes when she took off her sneakers. Carolyn changed quickly into her black swimsuit, checked her makeup, and grabbed a towel from her bag. Twisting her shoulder-length hair up with a large hair clip, she slid the glass door open and walked outside.
The large, multileveled stone patio held several tables surrounded by chairs. Closer to the pool stood six deck chairs with thick cushions. Annelie occupied one of them, a laptop sitting on a low tray table on wheels pulled across her legs. Off-white parasols provided shade.
The pool was large and rectangular, with an octagonal Jacuzzi close to the deck chairs.
"What a beautiful patio. Your home is really lovely." "Thanks." Annelie nodded. "I enjoy decorating." "It shows. I wish I had more time for that, but I seem to always be on location or working odd hours." Carolyn glanced at the pool. "And this looks truly divine."
Annelie made a gesture of invitation. "Enjoy!" Carolyn flashed her a broad smile, fully aware of how it changed her face. Feeling Annelie's eyes on her, she removed her towel and tossed it on a chair, then strolled toward the deep end of pool. As she posed on the edge, she took her time before she dived in, giving her host a chance to see just how good her physique was. Women half her age had trouble keeping in the kind of shape Carolyn was in. Effortlessly, she swam half a length under water before surfacing and starting to crawl with long, powerful strokes.
Annelie returned her attention to her laptop, the image of Carolyn's perfect dive and fluid swimming still in her mind's eye. She knew the actress was forty-five, but her long legs and narrow hips were firm and well exercised. Though not very curvaceous, she was incredibly feminine, and she looked amazing in the black swimsuit.
Browsing through her private e-mails, Annelie smiled to herself as she saw Kitty's name in the inbox. Her Australian friend usually wrote the most outrageous e-mails, which always made her laugh out loud.
From: Kitty McNeil
Subject: One week and counting!
Hi gorgeous!
Just wanted to let you know I finally made flight reservations. I swear the online booking system will be my downfall. I do e-mails, I use word processors, but let me loose on the Internet and I'm bound to cause havoc. For some reason I don't seem to be compatible with these Web sites
that claim to be so idiot-proof. I thought booking a flight to Miami would be a piece of cake. How I first ended up with a ticket to Madrid, I'll never know! Don't worry, babe, I straightened it out.
Sam is coming with me since we thought we'd mix business with pleasure. We'll be staying in Orlando cause my babe has a soft spot for Disney World. *groan* I'm sure I'll live, as long as I don't have to shake hands with Pluto or Goofy. So, bella, see you in a little less than two weeks!
PS. Saw the TV commercial about the Diana Maddox audiobooks. God, the voice of that woman!
Annelie smiled and shook her head. Kitty McNeil, one of her authors, was also one of her best friends. She wrote feminist fantasy and science fiction that had a large following, both gay and straight. Like many Australians, she was refreshingly candid, and it didn't take Annelie long to feel as if she'd known her all her life. Kitty's partner, Sam, an artist who specialized in metal sculptures, had already sold Annelie two of her mobiles.
Annelie looked up from her computer and watched Carolyn turn elegantly at the far end of the pool and swim back. Wondering how many laps her guest usually did, she admired her graceful style and fitness. Annelie enjoyed swimming but generally stuck to the breaststroke.
After a while, Carolyn swam over to the ladder and climbed out of the pool. Clinging to her frame, the wet swimsuit showed every muscle, every curve of her body. She was boyishly built in some ways, yet so incredibly feminine. Water streamed down her slender thighs, and Annelie found it impossible to avert her eyes.
Carolyn leaned forward, arching her back as she took the clip from her hair and allowed it to flow in disheveled auburn locks before she toweled it in slow movements. Annelie swallowed hard when Carolyn's raised arms made her small, pert breasts strain against the swimsuit. The outline of her nipples was obvious as they hardened against the cooling fabric.
Draping the towel over her shoulders she sauntered toward Annelie as if she had no idea of her own appeal. "Oh, that was fantastic! Thank you again for letting me borrow the pool. I just can't get enough of this particular kind of exercise."
"As I said, you're welcome to use it while you're in Florida. Mary's around most of the time, and on her days off, either I'm home or you can use a key card. Remind me to give you one later."
Carolyn's eyes widened, and Annelie watched them turn bright blue.
"This is really kind of you, Annelie. I'll certainly take you up on it. If any time is inconvenient, you'll have to promise to let me know."
"I will. Now, how about lunch? Do you like seafood?"
Carolyn ran her fingers through her hair. "Sure, and I'm starving. I'll rinse off first and get dressed."
"You can use the bathroom in the spare bedroom. The hairdryer's in the top drawer."
"I won't be long."
Annelie walked into the kitchen and slid a tray of assorted seafood out of the refrigerator, then sliced large baguettes and arranged them on a plate. Small bowls of mayonnaise and crème fraiche completed the meal. After she set one of the tables on the patio with her blue china, she placed the meal in the middle of it.
Sipping her mineral water, she had to wait only a few minutes before Carolyn joined her. Predictably, the actress's makeup was impeccable, and the two ivory combs holding back her hair drew attention to her face.
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