Joe pressed his lips together in a fine line. "I'm so glad you're here, Carolyn."
"She's my baby," Carolyn said. "I'll go see if I can find some coffee, okay? I'll be right around the corner." She walked out of Beth's room and found Annelie waiting just outside the door.
"You said something about coffee?" Annelie asked, holding up a cup. "Here you go."
Her lips trembling, Carolyn forced a smile, accepting the steaming drink. "Thank you."
"About what Beth said…it was her pain and fear talking. You know that, don't you?" Annelie blew on her hot tea, carefully studying Carolyn's face over the rim of her mug.
"Yes," Carolyn answered quickly. "Of course I do."
Sipping her coffee, Carolyn leaned against the wall, drawing a trembling breath. Beth's pain was her own.
"You look 100 percent better, sweetie."
"I feel better, too." Beth managed a tired smile.
Annelie stood in the doorway, not wanting to disturb the sisters. She recognized the guarded expression in Carolyn's eyes and wondered if Beth noticed it.
"If you're up to it," Carolyn continued, "there's someone I want you to meet. Annelie?"
On cue, Annelie stepped inside the room and walked up to them.
"Beth, this is Annelie Peterson, my friend. Annelie, this is my sister Beth."
"Oh, it's great to finally meet you, Annelie," Beth gushed, color returning to her cheeks. The tormented woman Annelie had seen earlier had disappeared. Now, almost ten hours later, the danger seemed to be over, at least for now.
"I'm glad to see you're feeling better," Annelie smiled. "I've looked forward to meeting you and your family."
"Thanks for helping Carolyn get here so fast." Beth's expression turned serious. "Joe told me you drove all the way."
"I was happy to help."
Beth looked at Carolyn, her cheeks reddening. "Lyn? Won't you sit?" She gestured to the bed. "I…"
Carolyn sat down on the side of the bed, taking Beth's hand in hers. "The only thing that matters is you're feeling better. Both of you."
"No, it's not all that matters. I said horrible things to you. Lynnie, I didn't mean it." Beth clung to her sister's hand. "I was scared, and I didn't mean it the way it came out." Tears dropped from blue-gray eyes so like Carolyn's. "I'm sorry."
Annelie saw the tension lessen in Carolyn's shoulders as she leaned forward to kiss her little sister. "Hush, now. I knew you were in pain. I understand, Beth. Don't give it a second thought."
"You know everything, and more, about being a mom. You're my sister, but you're my mother too."
Feeling tears rise in her own eyes, Annelie had to swallow hard when she heard the love and sincerity obvious in Beth's voice. Carolyn's ready understanding and forgiveness also warmed her heart. Glancing at Joe, she saw him wink at her. Annelie smiled, nodding back.
"Yes, I am," Carolyn agreed. "I know it. You know it." She placed
her hand on her sister's rounded stomach. "Pamela's little brother or sister will just have to wait till it's safe to come out and join us."
"I'm sure the baby won't dare argue with Grandma ." Joe grinned, making Annelie and Beth laugh when Carolyn gave him a lethal glare. "Only kidding, Lyn."
"It's one thing being a mother, but a granny is something entirely different," Carolyn huffed, unable to suppress a smile.
"I'm staying here tonight," Joe said. "Why don't the two of you take my keys and go to the house? You must be exhausted."
"Yes, please do," Beth implored. "We just stocked up the fridge and freezer. I'm sure there's something easy you can fix. Like frozen pizza, or…what?" She looked back and forth between the two women as Carolyn rolled her eyes and Annelie snorted at her words. "What did I say?"
The artificial current in the endless pool slid along her skin like a caress as Carolyn swam forcefully toward no goal. Knowing Beth's condition was stable, she was relieved to be home in New York.
After they had disposed of the car and their luggage, Carolyn had showered and gone directly to the pool, while Annelie headed for the study to take care of business.
Carolyn felt the tension in her joints recede as she kept up an even pace. She was sure swimming would take care of the burning sensation in the muscles in the back of her neck and between her eyes.
When a pair of long legs appeared, Carolyn pressed the Stop button while treading water against the current.
"Finished your e-mails already?"
"Yes." Annelie shrugged. "There weren't that many. I meant to ask you something. Jem e-mailed, and she sounds like she's ready for a vacation after last week's craziness. I think she's pulled all-nighters more than she'll admit."
"Well, why don't we ask her to come stay with us? She'll have the apartment to herself most of the day since we'll be at work. The place is big enough."
Annelie gave a faint smile. "How can you be so perceptive? You always seem to understand."
Carolyn swam to the ladder and climbed out of the water. Reaching for a towel, she returned the smile. "You're so incredibly considerate and always want my opinion about these things. Why wouldn't I do the same? Jem's a good friend of yours, and I like her. If Jem needs a break…Also, she's not stupid. She's figured out the truth about us, hasn't she?" Carolyn walked over to Annelie, wrapping her arms around her lover.
"Yes." Annelie nuzzled Carolyn's damp hair. "Why don't you take another quick shower and dry your hair? I'll just give Jem a call."
"Go ahead. Tell her I said hi." Carolyn let go of her lover, patting her bottom as she left. Annelie raised a sardonic eyebrow at the gesture but had a humorous twinkle in her eyes.
Carolyn followed Annelie's suggestion and then climbed into bed, her body feeling heavy and lethargic. She turned on some soft music, pulled the covers up over her naked body, and settled against the pillows, letting the music surround her.
They had left D.C. after breakfast and one last visit with Beth in the hospital. Carolyn agreed to leave only when she was satisfied her sister was better. Explaining to Beth and Joe she was staying with Annelie during the filming, she'd given them the number to her own line, begging them to keep her posted.
Beth had cried when they said goodbye but lit up when Annelie promised her and Joe a tour of the studio. Carolyn smiled to herself at the look on her sister's face when Annelie had offered to be their personal guide.
"This looks cozy." The cool alto voice made Carolyn's heart jump.
"Come to bed," she suggested, flipping back the covers. "I know it's only late afternoon, but we're exhausted. You did most of the driving."
"Good idea. I'll be right back."
Annelie soon returned smelling of her special grapefruit bath gel, her long hair slightly damp.
"I'm too tired to make love," Carolyn confessed, "but I'd love for you to join me."
"Dressed like this?" Annelie interrupted, letting her short terry-cloth robe fall to the floor.
Standing there as naked as Eve before the fall, Annelie made Carolyn's throat constrict. Gently she cleared her throat. "Oh, my."
Annelie walked over to the bed, crawled under the covers, and pulled Carolyn into her arms. Soft skin against soft skin made Carolyn lose her breath. Too exhausted to think about sex, she let her hands slide slowly along Annelie's body; merely feeling her was enough.
"I know, in a relationship, you don't always have to thank each other," Carolyn murmured. "This isn't one of those times. You've done so much for me, love. And I don't take any of it for granted."
Annelie pressed a soft kiss on her forehead. "I know."
"Is Jem coming?"
"Yes. She's flying in Wednesday morning."
"Good. Will you meet her?"
"I can't. I'm in meetings all day. I'll send a car for her."
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