"Carolyn…oh, yes…" Annelie was completely caught up in the sound of her lover's voice and what she was saying. The scene she painted was exciting, and she knew it wouldn't be long until it pushed her over the precipice. Take me. "And what happens then?"
"I enter you, with my fingers, with my tongue…" Carolyn moved her lips close to Annelie's ear. "I dream of doing this, of taking you completely."
Trembling all over, her breath ragged and her legs becoming increasingly weaker, Annelie was stunned by Carolyn's candor and trust. Not about to disappoint her lover, she gently took a handful of auburn hair, turning Carolyn's face up for another deep kiss.
"It's true, you know," she breathed. "There's nothing you can't do to me, because we love each other. I'll fulfill all your fantasies, one by one, to the best of my ability…I want to, very much." Anything…she wanted to do everything with this woman.
Annelie felt tears well up as Carolyn pressed her drenched sex against her thigh. "Annie, I can't believe how you make me feel… just talking about it, confessing how you invade my thoughts at any given time, makes me feel more than…oh…I've never…I can't believe this…"
Annelie felt her lover push against her, whimpers muted by Carolyn's mouth placing open-mouth kisses along her collarbones. She cupped Carolyn's bottom, helping her ride the thigh lodged between hers. "And how does your fantasy end?"
"Usually, it ends with…uh…me penetrating you with as many fingers as you'll let me…" Carolyn murmured something inaudible.
"Tell me. You can tell me anything."
Carolyn sighed, her hips jerking, her fingers pressing into Annelie becoming frantic. "You allow me, in my mind, to stimulate you everywhere I want. You let me…Oh, Annie! Oh!"
Carolyn came, and the feeling of her arching against her made Annelie's body convulse along with her. Slowly, her knees gave in as her inner muscles clenched Carolyn's fingers over and over. Lances of pleasure streaked through her body, and she whimpered aloud, clinging to Carolyn. Sliding along the wall toward the floor, she finally sat with her lover straddling her lap, hugging her close while she tried to catch her breath.
"My love…Annie, I love you." Carolyn's voice broke, and muted sobs wracked her. "My precious girl…"
"Shh…I love you too. You're my heart, Carolyn. Only you." Annelie kissed her. "I'd gladly let you do everything in your fantasy. Nothing you want to try could make me uncomfortable, since it's you. I adore you. I have fantasies too. I have so many things I want to do with you…for you."
"Nothing…nobody…has ever affected me this way. It simply has to be you. I can't imagine feeling…this, with anyone else."
Annelie felt her throat constrict at the naked emotions in Carolyn's voice. She refused to cry, but held on even tighter to the woman in her arms. Not doubting Carolyn's truthfulness, Annelie knew she felt the same way.
They sat on the floor until the air-conditioning made them shiver. Annelie helped her exhausted lover to her feet and guided her into the bathroom, where a hot shower warmed them up. After quickly brushing their teeth, they crawled into bed, Annelie cradling Carolyn from behind.
She ravaged me. She pressed me against the wall, insatiable, and turned on beyond anything I've experienced with her…or anyone. Almost asleep, Annelie thought about how Carolyn had made love to her. She dominated me, but she didn't try to control me. How does she do it? She's had no experience loving women before me. She claimed me tonight. There's no other word for it.
Carolyn had a habit of calling Annelie hers, but in a way that made Annelie feel loved and protected, not possessed. Perhaps it was because they took turns being the strong one. Cuddling Carolyn, she felt her lover's naked bottom against her sex and suddenly remembered the other woman's fantasy about taking her in every way possible. Not at all shocked by how Carolyn's mind worked, Annelie vowed to turn that fantasy into reality. Soon.
"Can you believe someone will travel great distances for the opportunity to ask one single question—and they want to know if my belly button is an innie or an outie?" Carolyn's incredulous tone made the other passengers double over as the chartered jet leveled out at thirty thousand feet. It was just before midnight.
"I'm even more awed at how you found your bearings and kept from laughing when you replied," Harvey's wife, Francine, offered, wiping tears from her cheeks. "In fact, there were some outrageous questions directed at all of you."
"I still can't get over the question about my boots," Helen added. "Did you hear that girl call them fuck-me boots ?" She grinned. "I was shocked and appalled. Now I can't wear them without wondering what signals I'm sending."
"Liar," Annelie snorted. "You were flattered!"
Helen playfully swatted Annelie's arm. "Well, can you blame me? The kid was half my age."
"And so infatuated with you, she was ready to climb up on the stage." Annelie laughed.
"Who can blame her ? She confessed Erica Becker is her favorite character, and there Erica was, in the flesh, and—in very special boots." Harvey winked.
"Yeah, very useful boots," Annelie teased.
Helen rolled her eyes at her before sending Harvey a broad smile.
"I'll say." Harvey stroked his mustache, trying to keep a straight face. "But I don't think the girl would've reacted the same way if I'd worn those boots."
"Don't sell yourself short," Carolyn said. "Who knows?"
"Hardly! However, I'm glad we're not doing any more conventions for a while. My hand needs to recover first." Harvey wiggled the fingers on his right hand in the air.
"Your hand? What happened to it?" Carolyn frowned.
"I must have signed more than a thousand autographs. I'm an old man, remember? I can't imagine how many you two beauties signed."
"At least twice that, old man ," his wife teased. "I think even Annelie signed more autographs than you."
Carolyn smiled as she glanced at her lover, sitting next to her. "You got a lot of attention, didn't you?"
"More than I was comfortable with initially, but, once I got over my first panic, I was fine. People were really kind."
Carolyn hadn't realized until after the performances how people had surrounded Annelie, eager to show their support and wanting autographs. She could well imagine Annelie's first reaction.
"Annelie? I've got faxes coming in for you," Gregory said from behind them. "Want me to bring them to you?"
"No, I'll come back there." Annelie disappeared to the desk area.
"Monday is business as usual, then," Helen mused. "I'm actually excited about continuing the readings. Was it Friday we're starting the first studio rehearsals?"
"Yes, I believe so." Carolyn nodded. "As far as I know, they've completed Erica Becker's apartment. By then, they should've come close to finishing Maddox's place and the interior of the police station."
They continued to talk shop for a moment until Annelie returned with an odd expression on her face.
"What's up?" Carolyn felt her heart flutter.
"The security company faxed a copy of the police report from Friday afternoon. Trevor White is in custody, as we knew, and they expect the ADA to go after him with a list of charges." Annelie sat down next to Carolyn again. "I'm just relieved he didn't turn out to be my father."
Carolyn reached around her, squeezing Annelie's shoulders. "I know, love. So are we."
"Also, Regina left a message. She wants everyone to take tomorrow off and work on your scenes at home. Apparently she has to take care of some problems that have cropped up, but she'll be ready for Tuesday's readings."
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