As soon as Habib heard the bomb, he whirled and stared at the door that led into the hall. He knew what had happened, and in spite of his religious training, which had taught him to feel nothing but gladness for the death of his brother, the tears ran down his cheeks.
He stood still, and closed his eyes. ‘Call out in joy, O my mother; distribute sweets, O my father and brother. A wedding with the black-eyed virgins awaits your sons in Paradise. Go with God, Haroun,’ he said, and for a second he listened with brimming eyelashes to the pagan mutterings of the crowd, growing in strength like pigs who have found their way out of the sty.
He heard them milling from their seats, knocking over the chairs, and he felt a sudden contempt. They were a different species. They were unclean. They were dogs and the sons of dogs. They had no right to be reckoned in the same category as Haroun, the pure, the martyr, the shahid.
He opened his eyes. He looked at the sweaty old peeresses, the New Labour MPs with their cruel and unfeeling promotion of liberal values, and the perpetually compromised Tories.
How could they rival the moral depth of a man who gave his life for a cause? He felt overcome by the hot hate of righteousness, and waved his Schmidt.
‘Sit down,’ he shouted, ‘or I shoot you.’
‘Sit down, everybody, or it will be the shooting time!’ yelled Benedicte, and she invisibly painted the crowd with her bullets.
The moment of opportunity passed. There is something very particular about the sensation of watching the black O of a loaded gun barrel moving across your abdomen, and several members of the crowd felt it now. In many cases, it loosens the alimentary system, and causes the pulse to rise and a green moment to happen to the cheeks. People sat down again. Resignation descended.
‘For crying out loud,’ said the Deputy Assistant Commissioner, ‘I am going to call Downing Street. Look,’ he said, and he found himself bubbling over with a point he had been wanting to make all morning. ‘It’s our bloody country, it’s our bloody city, it’s our bloody Parliament, and I am in charge here.’
‘Stephen,’ said Bluett, champing his cigar and bugging out one bright blue eye, so as to look like Colonel Kilgore at his most demented, ‘I want you to know how much I respect your right to say those things. But it’s my fucking President whose life is at risk there, Stephen, and we have a plan.’
‘But your plan isn’t working.’
‘Well, I wanna remind you here, Stephen, that this was a plan originally proposed by one of your officers.’
‘But it still isn’t working.’
‘It’s been cleared with the Vice-President, Stephen. It’s been approved at the highest possible level in the White House.
‘But this is just bonkers. It’s only because the SAS are British. And where is this bloody man Pickel, anyway?’
‘Listen, buddy, we’ve got 800 hostages in there, including the President of the United States. You talk about your SAS, and I want you to know I have the highest respect for the SAS, but I am a keen student of military history, and whenever those guys come through the windows a whole lot of people get killed.’
He grabbed the model, and pointed at room W6, which had been constructed out of an empty PG Tips box. ‘The President is here. Anyway, he’s outta sight. I say we wait for Pickel to get a shot at this leader guy.’
Purnell looked at his counterpart, and behind the braggart mask he saw the worry and the fear in those flickering blue eyes. There were several obvious points he could have made.
‘Yeah, Pickel,’ repeated Bluett, his voice fading to bleakness. ‘He’s our only hope.’
‘My dear Dean,’ said Jones, without skipping a beat. ‘My dear, dear Dean. I am glad you decided to come back. Perhaps you will come with us now and finish the job.’
The young Wulfrunian stepped through the doorway and back into room W6.
‘What happened, man?’ asked the President. ‘What was the bang?’
‘Someone died, I expect,’ said Dean.
He stared at Jones the Bomb. Somehow he seemed bigger, older, at least to Cameron’s eyes.
‘Well,’ she said brightly. ‘Now what happens?’
‘Ask the boss,’ said Dean evenly, staring at Jones.
A kidney bowl fell with a clang to the floor of the ambulance. Then a head brace, and a defibrillator. There was definitely something moving in there.
The police and paramedics had found a periscope for use in armed sieges, and they were peering into the dimness, one of the paramedics lying flat on the cobbles beneath the running board.
‘He’s alive,’ said the scout.
‘Can you see a gun?’ said another.
‘I can’t see a gun, though it’s hard to tell with all this mess. There’s blood everywhere.’
‘Of course there’s blood everywhere,’ said one of the nurses. ‘The guy’s been bleeding to death. I think we should just take a chance and go in.’
‘The rules are the rules. We’ve got armed and dangerous here.
‘I think we’re all being pathetic,’ said the nurse.
‘You go if you want to,’ said the paramedic, ‘but we won’t be insured and it’s ten to one he’s a fruitcake who wants to take one of us with him on the way to the seventy-two virgins of Paradise.’
‘I’m going in,’ said the nurse.
‘Well, at least wait until they bring the protective gloves.’
Jones was about to tell room W6 what to do, when the television said something that made Dean jump out of his skin.
‘I want to appeal now to my son, Dean,’ said a voice he had never heard before. He looked at the screen, and saw a curious middle-aged man, with a proud nose and curly hair, sitting in a lilac tracksuit on a beige sofa.
‘Who is that?’ asked Cameron, coming up and standing next to him.
‘Bogged if I know,’ said Dean. It was Sammy Katz.
As the feature writers would discover, to their immense pleasure, the former wiper manufacturer had known about Dean all his life. Five months after the night of his conception, Katz had come across the same girl, again, in the same godforsaken spot on the Bilston Road, plying the same miserable trade.
But now she was pregnant, and she had recognized Sammy Katz as a man who might well be the father of her child. We do not need to know the details of the subsequent desultory relationship (the embarrassed letters to Dennis Faulkner, Faulkner’s attempts to shrug him off, the pathetic presents, every five years, of low-denomination bills). All we need accept is that at this critical point in his life, Dean’s biological father had sprung from nowhere, and was sitting slumped before the cameras on the oatmeal settee of his lounge, and moaning about his feelings. ‘I feel I let yow down, Dean,’ he said. He looked fittingly weepy, since he was in TV’s traditional defeated sofa-ridden posture in which parents announce some terrible fact about their children. ‘I appeal to yow, Dean,’ he said, again. He didn’t care much what he said, since his overriding feeling was pleasure, after all these years, at appearing on TV.
‘You hear that, Dean, old pal,’ said the President. ‘He’s appealing to you.’
‘He doesn’t look much like you,’ said Cameron.
But Sammy Katz could not expect to last long at the epicentre of the biggest ever global media event; and after thirty-five seconds the moaning man on the Wolverhampton settee was banished by the schedulers in favour of news — amazing news — from the TV stations across the planet. Perhaps it was the explosion, muffled but audible on screen; perhaps it was more than an hour of being exposed to Jones & Co., but the peoples of the earth were beginning to change their collective mind. It might be that the global consciousness of our species — as Blake or Rousseau understood it — was being affected by considerations of right and wrong. It might have been a statistical error. But at the bottom of the screen was a big bi-coloured bar, rather like that used in televised rugby internationals to show which side has had the higher percentage of ball possession. For the first time the right-hand, blue side of the bar was bigger than the left-hand, red side of the bar. By 51 to 49 per cent, people appeared to be voting for America — even if it meant the retention of the prisoners in Cuba.
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