The book is ordered by the date the documents were recorded
The emotional power of documents
World map
Memory of the World Register
The Hittite cuneiform tablets from Bogazköy
Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer
Commemorative stelae of Nahr el-Kalb, Mount Lebanon
The Phoenician alphabet
Huang Di Nei Jing
(Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon)
Ancient Naxi Dongba literature manuscripts
Mashtots Matenadaran ancient manuscripts collection
Saiva manuscripts in Pondicherry
Codex Argenteus – the ‘Silver Bible’
Codex Purpureus Beratinus
Vienna Dioscurides
Earliest Islamic (Kufic) inscription
Holy Koran Mushaf of Othman
Lucca’s historical diocesan archives
The Book of Kells
Laghukālacakratantrarājatikā (Vimalaprabhā)
The collection of the Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies
Philippine Paleographs (Hanunoo, Buid, Tagbanua and Pala’wan)
Georgian Byzantine manuscripts
Deeds of sultans and princes
Illuminated manuscripts from the Ottonian period produced in the monastery of Reichenau (Lake Constance)
Enina Apostolos, Old Bulgarian Cyrillic manuscript (fragment) of the 11th century
Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute manuscripts
Codex Suprasliensis
The works of Ibn Sina in the Süleymaniye Manuscript Library
Al-Tafhim li Awa’il Sana’at al-Tanjim
Ostromir Gospel (1056–1057)
Bayeux Tapestry
Archangel Gospel of 1092
Illuminated codices from the library of the Bratislava Chapter House
Medieval manuscripts on medicine and pharmacy
The Arnamagnæan manuscript collection
Miroslav Gospel – manuscript from 1180
Tabula Peutingeriana
Song of the Nibelungs, a heroic poem from medieval Europe
Magna Carta, issued in 1215
Printing woodblocks of the Tripitaka Koreana
MS. GKS 4 2°, vol. I–III, Biblia Latina. Commonly called ‘The Hamburg Bible’
Hereford Mappa Mundi
The King Ram Khamhaeng inscription
Library Ets Haim–Livraria Montezinos
The manuscript of Ubayd Zakoni’s Kulliyat and Hafez Sherozi’s Gazalliyt
Collection of medieval manuscripts of the Czech Reformation
The Deed For Endowment: Rab’ i-Rashidi (Rab i-Rashidi Endowment)
Batu Bersurat, Terengganu (Inscribed Stone of Terengganu)
La Galigo
Persian illustrated and illuminated manuscripts
Collection of Nezami’s Panj Ganj
Baegun hwasang chorok buljo jikji simche yojeol (vol. II)
Khitrovo Gospel
The Annals of the Joseon dynasty
Kitab al-ibar, wa diwan al-mobtadae wa al-khabar
Slavonic publications in Cyrillic script of the 15th century
Treasures from National Archives and Library organizations
Corpo Cronológico (collection of manuscripts on the Portuguese discoveries)
Radziwills’ Archives and Niasvizh (Nieśwież) Library collection
Collection of Gothic architectural drawings
‘Bayasanghori Shâhnâmeh’ (Prince Bayasanghor’s ‘Book of the Kings’)
Stone stele records of royal examinations of the Le and Mac dynasties (1442–1779)
The Hunminjeongum manuscript
The Malatesta Novello Library
The 42-line Gutenberg Bible, printed on vellum
Bibliotheca Corviniana
Library of the Cistercian Abbey of Clairvaux at the time of Pierre de Virey (1472)
Mainz Psalter at the Austrian National Library
Santa Fe Capitulations
Treaty of Tordesillas
Sound Toll Registers
Letter from Pêro Vaz de Caminha
Archives Insolvente Boedelskamer Antwerpen
Universalis cosmographia secundum Ptholomaei traditionem et Americi Vespucii aliorumque Lustrationes
Tabula Hungariae
Beatus Rhenanus Library
Sixteenth to eighteenth century pictographs from ‘Maps, drawings and illustrations’ Archives of Mexico
Negros y Esclavos archives
Collection of Mexican codices
Colección de lenguas indígenas
Bašagic collection of Islamic manuscripts
Collection of the Center of Documentation and Investigation of the Ashkenazi community in Mexico
Nicolaus Copernicus’ masterpiece ‘De revolutionibus libri sex’
Codices from the Oaxaca Valley
Châtelet de Paris banner register from the reign of Francis I (National Archives Y9, France)
Collection of the manuscripts of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi
American colonial music: a sample of its documentary richness
Business archives of the Officina Plantiniana
Documentary fonds of Royal Audiencia Court of La Plata (RALP)
The Confederation of Warsaw of 28th of January 1573
Administrative documents of Astan-e Quds Razavi in the Safavid era
Ben Cao Gang Mu
(Compendium of Materia Medica)
Tolstoy’s personal library and manuscripts, photo and film collection
Jesuits of America
Codex Techaloyan de Cuajimalpaz
Documentary heritage of enslaved peoples of the Caribbean
El Primer Nueva Corónica y Buen Gobierno
Uigwe: The royal protocols of the court of Joseon dynasty
Archives of the Dutch East India Company
Donguibogam: ‘Principles and Practice of Eastern Medicine’
Sejarah Melayu (The Malay Annals)
Dutch West India Company (Westindische Compagnie) archives
The IAS Tamil medical manuscript collection
Quebec Seminary collection, 1623–1800 (17th–19th centuries)
Seungjeongwon Ilgi, the diaries of the royal secretariat
Book for the Baptism of Slaves (1636-1670)
Mining maps and plans of the Main Chamber – Count Office in Banská Štiavnica
Collection of 526 prints of university theses from 1637 to 1754
Biblioteca Palafoxiana
Hikayat Hang Tuah
Records of the Qing’s Grand Secretariat
Lu. ‘Altan Tobchi’: Golden History written in 1651
The Atlas Blaeu–Van der Hem
Golden Lists of the Qing dynasty imperial examination
Letters from and to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Archives of the Danish overseas trading companies
Hudson’s Bay Company archival records
Arquivos dos Dembos / Ndembu archives
Woodblocks of the Nguyễn dynasty
Records of the French occupation of Mauritius
Privateering and the international relations of the Regency of Tunis in the 18th and 19th centuries
Collection of 18th-century maps of the Russian empire
Newspaper collections, Russian Federation
Collection of Arabic manuscripts and books
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Geneva and Neuchâtel collections
Stockholm City Planning Committee archives
Emanuel Swedenborg collection
Archives of the Middelburgsche Commercie Compagnie
Linné collection
Mongolian Tanjur
Qing dynasty Yangshi Lei archives
The literary estate of Goethe in the Goethe and Schiller Archives
Ilseongnok: Records of Daily Reflections
The Endeavour journal of James Cook
National Education Commission archives
Documentary heritage of the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata
Colombeia: Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda’s archives
The Convict Records of Australia
Original Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789–1791)
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