Meri Nigro - Meri-Loquizing In An Illusionteque

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A series of seemingly unrelated sensations, connected by a thread fluctuating between prose and poetry. ”Meri-loquizing in a toyteque” is a collection of pictures taken with the pen: a little trip into the complexity of the simplest feelings.
In this work, the author wants to emphasize a series of sensations seemingly unrelated, connected by a thread oscillating between prose and poetry. ”Meri-loquizing in a toyteque” is a collection of pictures taken with the pen. Right from the title it is clear the presence of a number of puns attempting to explain the complexity of the simplest feelings. The Toyteque is an imaginary place where you entertain illusions with thought games. ”Poems” and ”Meriloquies” alternate in this place to breathe life into a little trip ending with a story in which is revealed (who knows? To the reader the freedom to decide) perhaps the main character of each of those pictures.

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[I suffer from an interiority whole]



[collection of entertaining illusions]

Title | Meri-loquizing in an illusionteque

Author | Meri Nigro

Cover by Meri Nigro

First edition: 2016

Author’s Copyright © 2016 All rights reserved


To Emma

Frasi Fatte

Le frasi fatte hanno tutte una caratteristica in comune: ildisfarsi con facilità.

Set phrases

All set phrases have one common thread: the easilyunsetting.


It broke.

Fix it, then!

What should I fix? How? By what means?

You need two main tools: time and patience.

Then, the glue is called Patience and the order of pieces iscalled Time?

Let's say yes.

No, it can't be done this time.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

Still with this stupid story?

If you want to fix something broken, take time and patienceand put the pieces back together, right?

No: If you are missing parts you can no longer doit.

I didn't think about it.

You don't think enough.

You think too much, however.

And there are also those who do not think at all! Youknow?

Oh, yes! - Those living certainly a thousand times better, Itell you.

They live, yes, but they never are.

Why? Or isn't living being, is it?

No, it isn't. You never know how many people live withoutbeing.

But if "they are there" how do they not "be"?

Being there is not always being. The difference is exactlyin that " there ".

And will they die like that, without having everbeen?

Yes, probably they will die as well. But if it's true thatthey've never been, actually it's more like they would not die atall, now that I think about it.

I told you: You think too much.

[If you could know the extent of the destruction before theconstruction, everything would be fairer]


Briciole di arcobaleni di carta

come fiocchi precipitano lievi

a coprir come neve asfalti nudi

Sorrisi dipinti offrono scudi

ad anime che angustiano grevi

sotto tessuti caldi di sarta

Lascia che la musica cancelli

la monotonia di un passo normale

Che le voci siano coltelli

e squarcino ogni pensiero reale

Non pensarci finché pensarci non farà piùmale

2.Mardi Gras

Crumbs of rainbows paper

like flakes fall slightly

to cover bare asphalts like snow

Painted smiles offer shields

to souls who feel the pain

under warm fabrics of seamstress

Let the music clear

the monotony of a normal pace

Let voices be knives

and tear any real thought

Don’t think about it until thinking about it will hurtno more.


Come una pietra

presa dal fango


lo sporco abbraccio

nella mano pulita

senza amore

Quanta consapevolezza

nei gesti di incoscienza

macina sottili scuse

impasta una ragione

L'ultimo fiore nel vento

non prova a far forza

guarda la speranza che muore

sotto un cielo spento


Like a stone

taken from the mud

I regret

the dirty embrace

in the clean hand

with no love

How much awareness

in the unconscious gestures

grinding out weak regrets

kneading a reason

The last flower in the wind

doesn’t try to force

it looks forward the dying hope

under a dull sky


Il mattino è una donna con la spada

il cielo e i sogni sanguinano insieme

lacrime rosse inondano gli spazi

l'orizzonte sporco come il soffitto

trafitto dal sole ingordo di impronte

La concretezza ruba una carezza

la memoria si racconta una storia

occhi taglienti sfondano altri occhi

l'essenza travolta da dolce impotenza

Il risveglio non soffoca la fiamma


The morning is a woman with a sword

the sky and dreams bleed together

red tears flood spaces

the horizon dirty as the ceiling

pierced by the sun greedy for imprints

Concreteness steals a caress

memory tells a story

sharp eyes break through other eyes

the essence overwhelmed by sweet helplessness

The awakening does not suffocate the flame

7.Il primo incontro

Il silenzio che sorseggia

gli istanti che si cullano

tra una parola e un'altra

è una giostra in mare aperto

senza cinte e protezioni

libera verità ebbre

nude bruciano nel sole

fresche bucano le onde

chiare penetrano gli occhi

non si servono di rumore

decorano l'aria di scritte blu

sperano di raggiungere

quella vetta senza fretta

7.The first meeting

The silence sipping

Instants cradling themselves

between one word and another

it’s a carousel to open sea

without belts and protections

freeing inebriated truths

burning in the sun nakedly

piercing waves freshly

penetrating eyes clearly

not needing noise

decorating air with blue writings

hoping to reach

that peak unhurriedly

8.Cupido ed i suoi giochi

L'idiozia dell'amore

è malattia banale

è dolce di sapore

nonostante sia mortale

Cupido sei uno stronzo

con le tue ali bianche

con la faccia da angelo

uccidi la dignità

E si diventa ebeti

per colpa di un sorriso

A causa di due occhi

non si sa come parlare

Il tuo veleno al miele

che spari nelle vene

annulla in un baleno

tutta la solidità

E fragili si perde

il senso del reale

masticati da sogni

condannati a non restare

Si regalano cuori

si scrivono parole

annegheranno presto

in un bicchiere di liquore

Aghi sotto le frecce

ecco quello che avevi

Armi senza legge

mentre sorridevi

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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