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Introduction –
What is The Unfakeable Code®?
“What limits your freedom is what you think you know that isn’t true.” – Tony J. Selimi
Are you an Unfakeable individual? Or would you rather be a copy?
Today, many of us buy into the myth that wearing a mask is better than being authentic, that only certain people can succeed, and that to change your life, you have to develop positive psychology. This unhealthy way of thinking is encouraged even more now given how uncertain people and the world of business are. If you’re already someone who subscribes to a “biased thinking” way of thinking, then this book is going to shake things up for you.
The notion of being an authentic individual will become clearer throughout this inspired book comprising five mind-upgrading, life-enhancing, and business-transforming principles that are interrelated and interdependent. You will be taken on a self-awareness journey of the role your transient identities, the self-deceptive masked persona you show to the world, the unbiased processing of information, appropriate transparency, objectivity and concordance among behaviour, intuition and values play in how free, successful, and fulfilled you become in life.
Each of the five principles and their associated ideas, which are fully explained in every chapter of this book may just irreversibly disrupt your most deeply held beliefs about you, your work, your success, and, indeed, your life. The exercises presented will help you comprise authenticity in every critical area of life. You will develop a depth of understanding about your mind, or as psychologists like to say, context, and about how adopting the strategies shared, you can successfully upgrade your mind’s code as often as you update your apps on your smartphone.
There is some work that, being authentic you would prefer not to do but, yes, you do it because you are true to your values and live them every moment, naturally. You have to roll up your sleeves and do whatever must be done as well as you can.
You may be wondering daily who you are, what are you here to do, and why you behave the way you do. Perhaps, after you’ve taken a selfie, that you shared on your Instagram, put on that Dolce Gabbana suit, your favourite Chanel dress, or covered yourself with makeup, you might stare at yourself in the mirror, contemplating who your authentic self truly is.
You may ponder, over what is it that makes you put on a mask, be dishonest with others, and feel like you have no control over your emotional reaction to external events. You may ponder over what makes your deceptive nature so powerful that you end up being a slave to your egotistical, sceptical and selfish character.
Perhaps yes, and maybe not. I invite you to entertain the possibility that the part of you that is Unfakeable is there to daily nudge you to wake up, and to help you correct your course in life. In other words, do you think your current view of who you are is large enough to allow for subtle, intuitive, extraordinary or unusual experiences? Or does your self-deceptive persona discount them automatically?
Since I can remember, I was always curious about life. Who or what created all the animals, us, and where in the universe we come from? From a very young age, my parents taught me fair-minded values that, to date, have played a crucial role in my ever-evolving life. They also instilled in me the importance that education, integrity, and service to others play in bettering our lives, the society we live in, and the world in general.
As I started to form my own opinions about life, which sometimes contradicted those of my parents, the culture and the society I lived in, I needed to come up with a way to express myself authentically, without fear of judgement, ridicule and shame. I needed to be able to write letters containing secret messages to friends that only I and the intended recipient could understand.
So, I came up with a few secret codes to keep the information hidden so neither my parent’s nor my friend’s parents could understand. For instance, I would replace the letters of a word with numbers or symbols, following a particular set of rules. For my friend on the other end to understand the message, he or she would need to know the code and apply the same set of rules, in reverse, to figure out what I had written.
The penny about how our ability to code and decode messages is part of our makeup dropped for me in high school when, in one of my biology classes, we started to learn about our genetic code. The set of rules by which information encoded in our genetic material (DNA or RNA sequences) is translated into proteins (amino acid sequences) by living cells. I realised then how decoding messages is also an essential step in gene expression and the process in which information from a gene is used to construct a protein (or other functional products).
As it turns out, the way our brain processes information is no different, in fact, in many ways, it does the same thing. To make sense of the billions of pieces of information it receives through our five senses from our inner and outer world, it needs to filter, classify, delete, code, and decode data.
Each chapter is written in such a way for you to take a closer look at how, just like your genes, your way of expressing and processing data in your brain is unique.; and how, by using The Unfakeable Code’s five mind upgrading principles, you can transcend old models of thinking, question the gibberish rules, and rewire your models of reality so that you can consciously create the freedom and the life that you want, upgrade your psychology, re-examine your values, beliefs, actions and behaviours, and be more of the authentic, unfakeable individual you were born to be.
Why? – because the vast majority of your mind’s code is encoded with the same system as your parents and the environment in which you were born. I often refer to it as the canonical mind code, or merely the inherited general code. Forgetting that your brain can create and run many variant codes; it is why I know that the more you apply what you will be learning throughout this book, the more growth you’ll experience.