Concise Reader in Sociological Theory

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Concise Reader in Sociological Theory: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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Essential writings
 from classical and contemporary sociological theorists engagingly introduced and brought to life for students
 contains excerpts from the writings of a wide range of key theorists who represent the dynamic breadth of classical and contemporary, macro- and micro-sociological theory. The selected writings elaborate on the core concepts and arguments of sociological theory, and, along with the commentary, explore topics that resonate today such as: crisis and change, institutions and networks, power and inequality, race, gender, difference, and much more.  The text contains
editorial introductions to each section that clearly explain the intellectual context of the theorists and their arguments and reinforce their relevance to sociological analysis and society today. The excerpts include writings from the classicists Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim, W.E.B. Du Bois to the contemporary Patricia Hill Collins, Dorothy Smith, Raewyn Connell. This indispensable book: 
Offers a concise review of the diverse field of sociological theory Includes contributions from a wide range of noted classical and contemporary theorists Incorporates engaging empirical examples from contemporary society Demonstrates the relevance and significance of the ideas presented in the theorists’ writings Designed for undergraduate and graduate students in sociology and in social and political theory, 
 is an engaging and accessible guide to the most relevant sociological theorists.

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Тёмная тема




Table of Contents





5 PART I: CLASSICAL THEORISTS CHAPTER ONE: KARL MARX REFERENCES 1A Karl Marx from Wage Labour and Capital II 1B Karl Marx and Frederick Engels from Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 1C Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels from The German Ideology CHAPTER TWO: EMILE DURKHEIM REFERENCES 2A Emile Durkheim from The Rules of Sociological Method II 2B Emile Durkheim from Suicide: A Study in Sociology CHAPTER THREE: MAX WEBER 3A Max Weber from The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism 3B Max Weber from Economy and Society 3C Max Weber from Essays in Sociology

6 PART II: STRUCTURAL FUNCTIONALISM, CONFLICT, AND EXCHANGE THEORIES CHAPTER FOUR: STRUCTURAL FUNCTIONALISM REFERENCES 4A Robert K. Merton from On Social Structure and Science CHAPTER FIVE: CONFLICT AND DEPENDENCY THEORIES REFERENCES 5A Ralf Dahrendorf from Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society REFERENCES 5B Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Enzo Faletto from Dependency and Development in Latin America CHAPTER SIX: SOCIAL EXCHANGE REFERENCES 6A Peter M. Blau from Exchange and Power in Social Life 6B James S. Coleman from Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital REFERENCES 6C Paula England from Sometimes the Social Becomes Personal: Gender, Class, and Sexualities REFERENCES

7 PART III: SYMBOLIC INTERACTION, PHENOMENOLOGY, AND ETHNOMETHODOLOGY CHAPTER SEVEN: SYMBOLIC INTERACTION REFERENCES 7A George H. Mead from Mind, Self & Society 7B Erving Goffman from The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life CHAPTER EIGHT: PHENOMENOLOGY REFERENCES 8A Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann from The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge The Reality of Everyday Life Origins of Institutionalization CHAPTER NINE: ETHNOMETHODOLOGY 9A Harold Garfinkel from Studies in Ethnomethodology Practical Sociological Reasoning: Doing Accounts in “Common Sense Situations of Choice” 9B Sarah Fenstermaker and Candace West from Doing Gender, Doing Difference: Inequality, Power, and Institutional Change REFERENCES

8 PART IV: MAJOR POSTWAR EUROPEAN INFLUENCES ON SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY CHAPTER TEN: CRITICAL THEORY REFERENCES 10A Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno from Dialectic of Enlightenment 10B Jürgen Habermas from The Theory of Communicative Action: Reason and the Rationalization of Society CHAPTER ELEVEN: PIERRE BOURDIEU REFERENCE 11A Pierre Bourdieu from The Forms of Capital REFERENCE 11B Pierre Bourdieu from Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste CHAPTER TWELVE: MICHEL FOUCAULT AND QUEER THEORY REFERENCES 12A Michel Foucault from The History of Sexuality 12B Steven Seidman from Queer Theory/Sociology REFERENCES

9 PART V: STANDPOINT THEORIES AMID GLOBALIZATION CHAPTER THIRTEEN: FEMINIST THEORIES REFERENCES 13A Charlotte Perkins Gilman from The Man‐Made World or Our Androcentric Culture 13B Arlie Hochschild from Emotion Work, Feeling Rules, and Social Structure REFERENCES 13C Dorothy E. Smith from The Conceptual Practices of Power: A Feminist Sociology of Knowledge 13D Patricia Hill Collins from Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment REFERENCES 13E Patricia Hill Collins from Intersectionality’s Definitional Dilemmas REFERENCES 13F R.W. Connell and James W. Messerschmidt from Hegemonic Masculinity: Rethinking the Concept REFERENCES CHAPTER FOURTEEN: POSTCOLONIAL THEORIES REFERENCES 14A W. E. Burghardt Du Bois from The Souls of Black Folk 14B Edward W. Said from Orientalism 14C Frantz Fanon from Black Skin, White Masks 14D Stuart Hall from Cultural Identity and Diaspora 14E Raewyn Connell, Fran Collyer, João Maia, and Robert Morrell from Toward a Global Sociology of Knowledge: Post‐Colonial Realities and Intellectual Practices REFERENCES 14F Alondra Nelson from The Social Life of DNA: Racial Reconciliation and Institutional Morality after the Genome REFERENCES CHAPTER FIFTEEN: GLOBALIZATION AND THE REASSESSMENT OF MODERNITY REFERENCES 15A Zygmunt Bauman from Liquid Modernity 15B Anthony Giddens from Modernity and Self‐Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age 15C Ulrich Beck from Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity 15D Ulrich Beck and Edgar Grande from Varieties of Second Modernity: The Cosmopolitan Turn in Social and Political Theory and Research 15E Jürgen Habermas from Notes on Post‐Secular Society

10 Index

11 End User License Agreement










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