Petar Cholakov - Ethnic Entrepreneurs Unmasked

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Ethnic Entrepreneurs Unmasked: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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Based on an institutional approach to ethnic conflict, Petar Cholakov highlights the idiosyncrasies of, and the challenges to, inter-ethnic relations in Bulgaria. He traces the emergence of the currently implemented Bulgarian ethnic model in its interconnection with the party system, and especially examines the ideology, political support, and mobilization tools employed by the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF) party as well as the populist radical right. Cholakov presents findings from case studies on Bulgaria’s Roma, crime, and politics. He analyzes Bulgarian integration policies and assesses the role of Bulgaria’s judiciary as well as contemporary antidiscrimination legislation, in particular, of the 2004 Protection against Discrimination Act. The monograph peruses decisions of, among others, the European Court of Human Rights and uncovers patterns of discrimination against Roma. By reverse engineering the Bulgarian ethnic model, Cholakov reveals how the institutions operate and comes to the conclusion that inter-ethnic peace has been entrusted to a defective mechanism which institutionalizes ethnic cleavage and politicizes identity. On the basis of his in-depth analysis, the author makes a prognosis for the future of ethnic relations in Bulgaria and provides recommendations for reforms.

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ibidem Press, Stuttgart


List of Figures and Tables List of Figures and Tables Figures 1. Discrimination against Roma here 2. The scope of state functions here 3. Strength of state institutions and scope of state functions here 4. Comparison between six states in 2013, based on WGI (Graph View) here 5. Votes for the MRF in the elections for BNA, 1991–2014 here 6. Fears of the MRF voters here 7. Votes for the main PRR parties here 8. Votes for Ataka, NFSB, and MRF in the parliamentary elections (2005, 2009, 2013, 2014) here 9. Social distances (2016) here 10. Social distances (2008 and 2016) here 11. Criminal activities among the main ethnic groups—thefts here 12. Criminal activities among the main ethnic groups —robberies here 13. Criminal activities among the main ethnic groups—premeditated murders here 14. Criminal activities among the main ethnic groups— batteries here 15. Criminal activities among the main ethnic groups—rapes here 16. Social distances. “Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?” here



1. An Institutional Approach to Ethnic Conflicts

1.1 The debate—institutionalists and their opponents

1.2 A historical “autopsy”—explaining the demise of SFRY

1.3 The Bulgarian ethnic models

1.4 Contemporary challenges to ethnic relations

1.5 Strength of state institutions and ethnic conflicts

2. The Role of Political Parties

2.1 The contemporary party systems in Bulgaria

2.1.1 Bipolarity (1990–2001)

2.1.2 Polycentrism, populism, and nativism (2001 until present)

2.2 MRF—electoral support and ideology

2.3 The Bulgarian PRR

2.3.1 Representatives

2.3.2 Origins, ideology, development

2.3.3 The PRR and the Bulgarian ethnic model

2.3.4 A glimpse into the future of the PRR

2.4 Roma, crime and politics

3. Channeling Ethnic Conflicts

3.1 The integration policies of Bulgarian governments after 1989

3.2 The legislation and the judicial system

3.2.1 General framework for analysis

3.2.2 The PADA Purpose and concept Scope Genuine and determining occupational requirements Positive action Minimum requirements and protection of rights Burden of proof and victimization Dissemination of information and social dialogue Equality body Compliance and sanctions

3.3 Discrimination against Roma ethnic group: case studies

3.3.1 Segregation

3.3.2 Use of excessive force by the police and lack of effective investigation

3.3.3 Hate crimes

Conclusion: A Story about Garbage Trucks


Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society


To my daughter Elena

List of Figures and Tables


1. Discrimination against Roma here

2. The scope of state functions here

3. Strength of state institutions and scope of state functions here

4. Comparison between six states in 2013, based on WGI (Graph View) here

5. Votes for the MRF in the elections for BNA, 1991–2014 here

6. Fears of the MRF voters here

7. Votes for the main PRR parties here

8. Votes for Ataka, NFSB, and MRF in the parliamentary

elections (2005, 2009, 2013, 2014) here

9. Social distances (2016) here

10. Social distances (2008 and 2016) here

11. Criminal activities among the main ethnic groups—thefts here

12. Criminal activities among the main ethnic groups

—robberies here

13. Criminal activities among the main ethnic groups—premeditated murders here

14. Criminal activities among the main ethnic groups—

batteries here

15. Criminal activities among the main ethnic groups—rapes here

16. Social distances. “Do you agree or disagree with each of

the following statements?” here


1. Main ethnic groups in Bulgaria since 1878 here

2. Main sources of income for Roma households here

3. Comparison between six states in 2013, based on WGI here

4. Control of corruption in six states in 1996, 2003, 2008, 2013 here

5. Ethnic profile of the political parties in the Bulgarian

National Assembly in 2009 here

6. Crimes and Roma suspects here

7. Number of complaints lodged with the Commission for Protection Against Discrimination per year here

8. Use of force by the Bulgarian police by years here


Abbreviations of political parties and organizations
Abbreviation in English Full name of the organization in English Abbreviation in Bulgarian Full name of the organization in Bulgarian
ABR Alternative for Bulgarian Revival АБВ Алтернатива за българско възраждане
ASP Alternative Socialist Party АСП Алтернативна социалистическа партия
BAPU Bulgarian Agrarian People’s Union БЗНС Български земеделски народен съюз
BAPU “Nikola Petkov” Bulgarian Agrarian People’s Union “Nikola Petkov” БЗНС “Никола Петков” Български земеделски народен съюз “Никола Петков”
BAPU “United” Bulgarian Agrarian People’s Union “United” БЗНС “Обединен” Български земеделски народен съюз “Обединен”
BDF Bulgarian Democratic Forum БДФ Български демократичен форум
BEL Bulgarian European Left БЕЛ Българска евролевица
BNRP Bulgarian National Radical Party БНРП Българска национално-радикална партия
BNU Bulgarian National Union БНС Български народен съюз
BSDP Bulgarian Social Democratic Party БСДП Българска социалдемократическа партия
BSP Bulgarian Socialist Party БСП Българска социалистическа партия
DLP Democratic Labor Party ДПП Демократична партия на труда
DOST Democrats for Responsibility Solidarity and Tolerance ДОСТ Демократи за отговорност свобода и толерантност
DROM Movement for an Equal Public Model ДРОМ Движение за равноправен обществен модел
FF Fatherland Front ОФ Отечествен фронт
IMRO–BNM IMRO–Bulgarian National Movement ВМРО–БНД ВМРО–Българско Национално Движение
MBC Movement “Bulgaria of the Citizens” ДБГ Движение “България на гражданите”
MRF Movement for Rights and Freedoms ДПС Движение за права и свободи
NCPPI National Committee for Protection of Peoples’ Interests ОКЗНИ Общонароден комитет за защита на националните интереси
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